

单词 到处都是
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Americanize〕Many European cities have been Americanized with burger bars and diners.许多欧洲城市已经美国化了,大街上到处都是汉堡快餐店和美式快餐馆。剑桥高阶〔ENERGETIC〕The City is full of hyperactive executives who never stop rushing around. 这个城市里到处都是精力过人的行政人员,他们一刻也闲不下来。朗文写作活用〔EVERYWHERE〕Katie's toys were spread out all over the floor. 凯蒂的玩具摊得地板上到处都是朗文写作活用〔EVERYWHERE〕You see bank machines everywhere nowadays. 如今银行的自动提款机到处都是朗文写作活用〔FLOW〕Yoghurt had leaked out of the pot all over my lunchbox. 酸奶从罐里漏出来,流得我的午餐盒内到处都是朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕Her office is a terrible mess - there are piles of papers all over the floor. 她的办公室乱极了——地上到处都是一堆堆的文件。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕Barcelona was full of visitors, and preparations for the Olympic Games were in full swing. 巴塞罗那到处都是游客,奥运会的准备工作正进行得如火如荼。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕The airport was full of the usual emotional scenes, and people saying ‘goodbye’. 机场里全是寻常见惯的动人场面,到处都是在互相道别的人。朗文写作活用〔LIFT〕There are papers all over the floor - could you pick them up and put them away? 地上到处都是报纸—你能把它们捡起来放好吗?朗文写作活用〔OBVIOUS〕The two bank robbers got in line at a nearby fast-food restaurant, hoping to be inconspicuous as police flooded the area. 那两名银行劫匪站进附近一家快餐店的队伍里,希望在这个地区到处都是警察的时候不引起注意。朗文写作活用〔POUR〕Someone had spilled red wine all over the carpet. 有人把红酒倒得地毯上到处都是朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕I have notes to myself all over the house. 我屋子里到处都是给自己的记事便条。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕Glover's yard was strewn with garbage and builders’ debris. 格洛弗的院子里到处都是垃圾和建筑瓦砾。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕The hotel was full of rich people strutting around in fur coats and Rolex watches. 酒店里到处都是有钱人,他们穿着毛皮大衣、戴着劳力士手表,神气活现地走来走去。朗文写作活用〔WET〕He knocked over her cup and splashed coffee all over her new dress. 他碰翻了她的杯子,溅得她的新裙子上到处都是咖啡。朗文写作活用〔abound〕Bindegolly national park abounds in wildlife and scenic beauty.宾德高利国家公园到处都是野生动物和美丽的景色。外研社新世纪〔abuzz〕Washington has been abuzz with stories about disarray inside the White House.华盛顿到处都是关于白宫内一片混乱的流言。外研社新世纪〔all over the place〕The kids left their toys all over the place.孩子们把玩具扔得到处都是韦氏高阶〔antique〕The palace is full of priceless antiques.宫殿里到处都是无价的古董。朗文当代〔bear〕The room bore all the signs of a violent struggle.屋子里到处都是激烈打斗的迹象。外研社新世纪〔bedroom〕There were dirty clothes strewn around the bedroom.卧室里脏衣服扔得到处都是牛津搭配〔bit〕There were bits of paper all over the floor.地板上到处都是碎纸片。剑桥高阶〔bit〕There were broken bits of glass all over the floor.地板上到处都是玻璃碎片。韦氏高阶〔blob〕There were blobs of paint all over the floor.地板上到处都是点点滴滴的油漆。外研社新世纪〔bungalow〕There were small, white bungalows dotted over the hillside.小山边到处都是白色的小平房。剑桥高阶〔burn〕There were cigarette burns all over the carpet.地毯上到处都是香烟的烧痕。麦克米伦高阶〔bursting〕The place appears to be bursting with women directors.这里似乎到处都是女性主管。柯林斯高阶〔butt〕Cigarette butts and beer cans were strewn everywhere.到处都是烟头和啤酒罐。外研社新世纪〔clutter〕Newspapers and magazines cluttered the bedroom.卧室里到处都是报纸和杂志。21世纪英汉〔creation〕The fashion magazines were full of the latest Paris creations (= fashionable new clothes).时尚杂志里到处都是巴黎最新时装的照片。剑桥高阶〔critter〕The woods are filled with skunks, raccoons, and other critters.树林里到处都是臭鼬、浣熊和其他小动物。韦氏高阶〔derelict〕It was a run-down neighborhood filled with drugs addicts and derelicts.这是一个破败的街区,到处都是瘾君子和流浪汉。韦氏高阶〔desk〕Papers littered the desk and the floor.书桌和地板上丢得到处都是文件。牛津搭配〔disorderly〕It's a disorderly sort of a house with books and papers lying around everywhere.那座房子里乱糟糟的,到处都是书籍和报纸。剑桥高阶〔dope〕You get dope dealers on every corner.到处都是毒品贩子。柯林斯高阶〔drunken〕The streets were filled with drunken revelers on New Year's Eve.除夕夜,大街上到处都是喝醉酒的狂欢者。韦氏高阶〔dusting〕The rooms were empty of furniture and dust lay everywhere.房间里没有家具,到处都是灰尘。柯林斯高阶〔everywhere〕Dust is everywhere.到处都是灰尘。柯林斯高阶〔fill〕The air was filled with the hum of insects.空中到处都是昆虫的嗡嗡声。外研社新世纪〔filthy〕The house was filthy, with clothes and newspapers strewn everywhere.屋子里很脏,衣服和报纸扔得到处都是朗文当代〔hair〕The cat has left white hairs all over the sofa.猫把白毛弄得沙发上到处都是朗文当代〔heap〕Snow heaped (up) everywhere.到处都是积雪。英汉大词典〔incredible〕There was blood everywhere and the pain was incredible.到处都是血,疼得难以忍受。朗文当代〔leaf through sth〕The waiting room was full of people leafing through magazines.等候室里到处都是人,都在翻看杂志。剑桥高阶〔litter〕Dirty clothes littered the floor of her bedroom.她的卧室地板上到处都是脏衣服。剑桥高阶〔litter〕The park was littered with bottles and cans after the concert.音乐会结束后,公园里到处都是被人丢弃的瓶瓶罐罐。剑桥高阶〔lousy〕The internet is lousy with this kind of stuff.互联网上到处都是这样的东西。剑桥高阶〔mad〕There were people everywhere – it was all a bit mad! 到处都是人,有点乱糟糟的。麦克米伦高阶〔mess〕Finally, making a dreadful mess, they devour the fruit.最后,他们狼吞虎咽地吃起了水果,果汁滴得到处都是柯林斯高阶〔mistake〕Her essay is full of spelling mistakes.她的文章到处都是拼写错误。牛津高阶〔nitwit〕Hollywood was full of 'nitwits'.好莱坞到处都是“蠢人”。柯林斯高阶〔noisy〕The playground was filled with noisy children.操场到处都是吵闹的孩子。韦氏高阶〔nugget〕The book is chock-a-block with fascinating nuggets of information.这部书里到处都是非常有趣的信息。外研社新世纪〔overwhelm〕In June the town is overwhelmed by tourists.6月里该城到处都是游客。麦克米伦高阶〔pen-pusher〕As a result, industry was overmanned and pen-pushers were everywhere.结果, 企业界人浮于事, 到处都是耍笔杆子的人。外研社新世纪〔picnicker〕The park was full of picnickers.公园里到处都是野餐者。韦氏高阶〔place〕Our fingerprints are probably all over the place.我们的指纹可能到处都是外研社新世纪〔place〕The children's toys were all over the place.孩子们的玩具扔得到处都是外研社新世纪〔primordial〕Twenty million years ago, Idaho was populated by dense primordial forest.2,000万年前,爱达荷州到处都是茂密的原始森林。柯林斯高阶〔puke〕He puked all over the carpet.他吐得地毯上到处都是朗文当代〔rasure〕The pupil's exercise was full of rasures.那个小学生的练习到处都是擦抹痕迹。英汉大词典〔scattered〕He picked up the scattered toys.他捡起扔得到处都是的玩具。外研社新世纪〔scattered〕Toys and books were scattered about/around the room.房间里到处都是玩具和书籍。剑桥高阶〔seabird〕The island is covered with seabirds.岛上到处都是海鸟。柯林斯高阶〔set sth out〕The farmers' market was full of brightly coloured vegetables set out on stalls.农夫市场上到处都是色泽鲜亮的蔬菜,整整齐齐地摆在摊子上。剑桥高阶〔shell〕The beach was littered with broken crab shells.海滩上到处都是碎螃蟹壳。外研社新世纪〔slop〕Careful, you've just slopped coffee all over the carpet! 小心,你刚才把咖啡溅得地毯上到处都是剑桥高阶〔spark〕Sparks were flying out of the bonfire and blowing everywhere.篝火中飞溅出很多火星,迸得到处都是剑桥高阶〔spillage〕Put the bottle in a plastic bag in case of spillage.把瓶子装在塑料袋里,以免洒得到处都是牛津高阶〔spill〕The papers spilt all over the floor.文件散落在地上,到处都是21世纪英汉〔splash〕They ran about with hoses, splashing water everywhere.他们拿着软管跑来跑去, 把水泼洒得到处都是外研社新世纪〔splash〕Water/Mud splashed everywhere.水/泥浆溅得到处都是韦氏高阶〔split〕The cushion split open and sent feathers everywhere.垫子撕破了,羽毛掉得到处都是牛津高阶〔stench〕The stench of treachery hung in the air.到处都是可耻的叛变的气息。牛津高阶〔strewn〕The streets are strewn with litter.街上到处都是垃圾。外研社新世纪〔strew〕Her clothes lay strewn on the floor.她的衣服散落在地板上,到处都是剑桥高阶〔strew〕Wine bottles and dirty dishes were strewn across the lawn.草坪上到处都是葡萄酒瓶子和脏盘子。剑桥高阶〔swarm〕The room was hot and stuffy, and swarming with flies.房间里又闷又热,到处都是苍蝇。麦克米伦高阶〔tip〕The mug tipped over, spilling hot coffee everywhere.杯子倒了,热咖啡溅得到处都是牛津高阶〔track〕Which of you boys tracked mud all over the kitchen floor? 你们这些男孩,哪个把厨房地上踩得到处都是泥巴的?朗文当代〔trail〕The dogs came in, trailing mud everywhere.那几条狗跑了进来,弄得到处都是泥。麦克米伦高阶〔tussock〕There were grassy tussocks throughout the marsh.沼泽中到处都是高而密的草丛。韦氏高阶〔urban jungle〕Traffic noise, pollution, huge concrete buildings - how can people survive in the urban jungle? 到处都是交通噪声、污染和庞大的混凝土建筑——人们怎能在这样的都市丛林中生存呢?剑桥高阶〔wall-to-wall〕I went away to college thinking it would be wall-to-wall parties and all the freedom I wanted.我离家去上大学,以为那里到处都是聚会,有我想要的无处不在的自由。剑桥高阶〔wash〕The flooding washed sand and silt all over the area.洪水把泥沙冲得到处都是韦氏高阶〔will〕He will leave his socks lying all over the place and it drives me mad.他非要把袜子扔得到处都是, 这简直要把我逼疯了。外研社新世纪〔with〕The room was littered with toys.房间里玩具扔得到处都是剑桥高阶〔young〕This area teems with the young, especially art students.这个地方到处都是年轻人, 特别是学艺术的学生。外研社新世纪Everywhere looked so grey and dreary in the rain.在雨中,到处都是灰色的,沉闷的。剑桥国际It is an area of marshy depressions and meandering rivers.这里到处都是沼泽低地和蜿蜒曲折的河流。剑桥国际It was disgusting, there was excrement all over the floor.真恶心,地上到处都是排泄物。剑桥国际Oh no, the washing machine is overflowing (= water is coming out of it) all over the kitchen floor.哦,糟了,洗衣机里的水流得厨房地上到处都是剑桥国际Some idiot left the tap running in the bathroom and there's water everywhere.某个糊涂虫忘了关浴室的龙头,水淌得到处都是剑桥国际That child is a menace! He's just spilled paint all over the carpet! 那孩子真讨厌,他刚刚把颜料弄得地毯上到处都是剑桥国际The child snowed crumbs of bread broadcast. 那孩子把面包屑撒得到处都是译典通The cities are full of migrants looking for work.这个城市到处都是寻找工作的流动工人。剑桥国际There was a leak in one of the pipes and water was squirting out all over the kitchen floor.这些管子中有一根漏了,水喷得厨房地板上到处都是剑桥国际There were bits of glass / paper all over the floor.地上到处都是碎玻璃 / 碎纸片。剑桥国际There were pages of computer print-out all over the desk.书桌上到处都是一页页计算机打印出的数据。剑桥国际They must have had a party--there were bottles and glasses and stuff all over the shop.他们肯定开过聚会,瓶子、玻璃杯和杂物到处都是剑桥国际




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