

单词 出售公司
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HAPPEN〕The initial plan to sell off part of the company met with intense criticism. 最初出售公司一部分的计划遭到了强烈的批评。朗文写作活用〔approval〕A company cannot be sold without the approval of the shareholders.没有股东的同意公司不能出售公司朗文当代〔dark〕Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company.工人全然不知出售公司的计划。牛津高阶〔do nicely〕They did very nicely from the sale of their company.他们靠出售公司大赚了一笔。剑桥高阶〔loop〕He claims that he was kept out of the loop when the decision to sell the company was being made.他称自己对出售公司的决定毫不知情。韦氏高阶〔move〕The company was put up for sale yesterday in an unexpected move by management.资方作出令人震惊之举,竟在昨天宣布要出售公司牛津搭配〔reposition〕The sell-off is aimed at repositioning the company as a publisher principally of business information.出售公司部分业务的目的是将公司重新定位为以商业信息类出版物为主的出版商。柯林斯高阶〔say〕We had no say in the decision to sell the company.在决定出售公司的问题上,我们没有发言权。牛津高阶〔serious〕The sale of the company will have serious implications for people's jobs.出售公司会对职员的工作产生严重的影响。麦克米伦高阶〔squillion〕He made squillions from selling his business.他出售公司赚了一大笔钱。剑桥高阶I planned to sell the company and cash out after two years.我打算两年后出售公司获利。牛津商务No tax liability arose from the sale of the company.出售公司不会产生纳税义务。牛津商务Selling the company was primarily a personal decision and secondarily a business decision.出售公司首先是个人决定,其次才是商业决策。牛津商务The firm has threatened to go hostile if the board refuses the takeover offer.如果董事会拒绝收购提议,公司扬言要强行出售公司牛津商务The sale of the company was an admission of failure.出售公司就是承认失败。牛津商务They sold the company purely for short-term gain.他们出售公司纯粹是为了短期的好处。牛津商务We have no plans to sell the company at this stage.在这个阶段我们没有出售公司的计划。牛津商务Who stands to gain most from the sale of the company? 谁会从出售公司中获得最大好处呢?牛津商务




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