

单词 出发点
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aulis〕An ancient port of east-central Greece in Boeotia. According to tradition, it was the embarkation point for the Greek fleet during the Trojan War.奥立斯:希腊中东部维奥蒂亚洲的一个古老港口,据传说,在特洛伊战争期间它是古希腊船队的出发点美国传统〔base〕Games A starting point, safety area, or goal.【游戏】 起点,目标:出发点,安全场地或终点美国传统〔come from〕I see where you're coming from. You think charity should be a private matter.我明白你的出发点。你认为行善但求己知。21世纪英汉〔cruising radius〕The maximum distance that a ship or aircraft can travel away from and back to its point of origin without refueling.巡航半径:船只或飞机无需加油就能够离开并返回原出发点的最大距离美国传统〔departure〕The author takes Freud's dream theories as the point of departure for his essay.作者以弗洛伊德的释梦理论作为他论文的出发点牛津搭配〔egocentric〕Taking one's own self as the starting point in a philosophical system.自我主义的,自我中心的:在哲学体系中以自我为出发点美国传统〔foot〕An initial point of or opportunity for entry.开端,渗入:出发点或进入的机会美国传统〔futurology〕The study or forecasting of potential developments, as in science, technology, and society, using current conditions and trends as a point of departure.未来学:一门以当前状况和趋势为出发点,对如科学、技术和社会潜在的发展作出预测或研究的学科美国传统〔jumping-off place〕A beginning point for a journey or venture.起点:指旅行或冒险的出发点美国传统〔mercenary〕His motives in choosing a career were purely mercenary.他选择职业的出发点就是为了赚钱。韦氏高阶〔operative〕As long as the operative word is 'greed', you can't count on people keeping the costs down.只要“贪婪”仍是一切的出发点,就别指望人们会降低成本。柯林斯高阶〔op〕Many network TV reporters began using photo-ops as a jumping-off point to examine issues more in depth.许多电视网记者开始将拍照时间作为更深层次地审视问题的出发点柯林斯高阶〔point of no return〕The point in the flight of an aircraft beyond which there is insufficient fuel for return to the starting point.不可返回点;无还点:一架飞机飞行中,飞机没有足够的油料返回出发点的那一点美国传统〔point〕Cairo is a convenient departure point for tours.开罗是外出旅游便捷的出发点朗文当代〔point〕He takes the idea of personal freedom as his point of departure.他将人身自由这一观点作为他的出发点朗文当代〔post〕Her name is posted on the blacklist at all departure points for Ireland, both sea and air.她的名字被公布在前往爱尔兰的所有出发点的黑名单上, 包括水运和航运。外研社新世纪〔springboard〕You can call a happy home a springboard for success.你可以把一个幸福家庭称作取得成功的出发点英汉大词典〔starting point〕The newly built airport acts as a starting point for safaris into the game parks and reserves of northern Tanzania.新建的机场是去坦桑尼亚北部野生动物园和保护区观看野生动物的出发点柯林斯高阶〔starting point〕The starting point for the guided tour of the town is in the market square.导游带领的城市观光游的出发点在集市广场上。剑桥高阶〔starting point〕These proposals represent a realistic starting point for negotiation.这些建议是谈判的现实出发点柯林斯高阶〔starting point〕These proposals represent a realistic starting point for negotiation.这些提议是谈判的现实出发点外研社新世纪〔startingpoint〕They reached the same conclusion from different starting points.他们的出发点不同,但得出了相同的结论。牛津搭配〔startingpoint〕Your paper provides a useful starting point for the discussion.你的论文为讨论提供了很好的出发点牛津搭配〔start〕They selected the old mill as the start of the hike.他们以那座旧磨坊为徒步旅行的出发点英汉大词典〔takeoff〕The point or place from which one takes off.出发点:离开的那个地点或地方美国传统〔unsound〕The thinking is good-hearted, but muddled and fundamentally unsound.这个想法的出发点是好的, 但是条理混乱, 而且本质上是错误的。外研社新世纪〔unsound〕The thinking is good-hearted, but muddled and fundamentally unsound.这个想法的出发点是好的,但是条理混乱,而且本质上是错误的。柯林斯高阶〔well intentioned〕Well-intentioned development projects can have unintended negative effects on population control.出发点很好的开发项目可能会给人口控制带来意想不到的负面影响。剑桥高阶The project was started in an effort to hold local school districts more accountable for what their students learn.该项目的出发点是为了使当地的学区对其学生所学的内容更加负责。剑桥国际The starting point for the guided tour of the town is in the market square.有导游的城市观光的出发点在市场广场。剑桥国际




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