

单词 凯尔特
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BCE〕Celtic remains were found dating from as early as 1200 BCE.发现的凯尔特人遗址历史可追溯到公元前1200年。剑桥高阶〔BETTER〕For the third time this season, Celtic outclassed their local rivals, Rangers, last night. 凯尔特人队昨晚击败了本市对手流浪者队,这已是本季第三次了。朗文写作活用〔Beltane〕An ancient Celtic feast marked by the lighting of bonfires and the performance of various rites of purification.五朔节:一种古老的凯尔特人节日,以篝火的燃点和各种斋戒礼仪的表演为标志美国传统〔British〕The Celtic language of the ancient Britons.古不列颠语:古不列颠人的凯尔特美国传统〔Briton〕One of a Celtic people inhabiting ancient Britain at the time of the Roman invasion.布立吞人:古罗马人入侵时居住在古不列颠岛的凯尔特人之一美国传统〔Brittonic〕The branch of the Celtic languages that includes Welsh, Breton, and Cornish.布立吞语:包括威尔士、布列塔尼、康沃尔语在内的凯尔特语的分支美国传统〔Brython〕An ancient Celtic Briton of Cornwall, Wales, or Cumbria.布立吞人:包括康沃尔、威尔士、坎布里亚在内的古凯尔特美国传统〔Celtiberian〕Of or relating to the Celtiberians or to their language or culture.凯尔伊比利亚的:属于、关于凯尔特提伯利亚人及其语言或文化的美国传统〔Celtiberian〕One of an ancient Celtic people of northern Spain.凯尔伊比利亚人:西班牙北部古代凯尔特人的一支美国传统〔Celtic cross〕A Latin cross with a circle superimposed on its center.凯尔特式十字架:一种中心处覆有一圆环的拉丁十字架美国传统〔Celticism〕A Celtic custom.凯尔特习俗美国传统〔Celticism〕A Celtic idiom.凯尔特人的惯用语美国传统〔Celticism〕A fondness for Celtic culture.对凯尔特文化的偏爱美国传统〔Celticist〕A specialist in Celtic culture or Celtic languages.凯尔特专家:凯尔特文化或凯尔特语言的专家美国传统〔Celtic〕A subfamily of the Indo-European language family comprising the Brittonic and the Goidelic branches.凯尔特语:属印欧语系,由布立吞语及戈伊德尔语两大语系组成美国传统〔Celtic〕Celtic art 凯尔特艺术剑桥高阶〔Celtic〕Celtic art 凯尔特艺术麦克米伦高阶〔Celtic〕Celtic languages 凯尔特语族韦氏高阶〔Celtic〕Celtic music/history 凯尔特音乐/历史韦氏高阶〔Celtic〕Of or relating to the Celtic people and languages.凯尔特人(语)的:属于或关于凯尔特民族及其语言的美国传统〔Celt〕A speaker of a modern Celtic language or a descendant of such a speaker, especially a modern Gael, Welshman, Cornishman, or Breton.讲现代凯尔特语的人:讲现代凯尔特语的人及其后代,尤指现代盖尔人、威尔士人、康沃尔人或不列塔尼人美国传统〔Celt〕The Celts defended their lands against the Romans.凯尔特人抗击罗马人入侵,捍卫家园。韦氏高阶〔Continental Celtic〕A branch of the Celtic languages comprising Gaulish and Celtiberian, both formerly spoken in continental Europe and known mostly from scattered inscriptions.大陆凯尔特凯尔特语言的一个分支,包含高卢语和凯尔伊比利亚语,两者皆曾用于欧洲大陆,而且可从散落的碑文上了解大部分内容美国传统〔Cymry〕The Brythonic Celts of Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany.布立吞人:包括威尔士人、康沃尔人和布列塔尼人的布里索尼的凯尔特美国传统〔DIFFERENT〕The name Lloyd and its variant Floyd are Celtic in origin. 人名劳埃德〔Lloyd〕及其变体弗洛伊德〔Floyd〕都源自凯尔特语。朗文写作活用〔Gael〕A Gaelic-speaking Celt of Scotland, Ireland, or the Isle of Man.盖尔人:苏格兰、爱尔兰或马恩岛的说盖尔语的凯尔特美国传统〔Goidelic〕A branch of the Celtic languages that includes Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, and Manx.盖尔语:凯尔特语族的一支,包括爱尔兰盖尔语,苏格兰盖尔语和曼岛语美国传统〔Helvetii〕A Celtic people inhabiting western Switzerland during the time of Julius Caesar.赫尔维西人:尤里乌斯·恺撒时代居住在瑞士西部地区的凯尔特美国传统〔Herculean〕In Celtic legend, Arthur was a Herculean hero who killed the Demon Cat of Losanne.在凯尔特传说中, 亚瑟王是一位杀死了洛桑猫精的赫剌克勒斯式英雄。外研社新世纪〔Insular Celtic〕A branch of the Celtic languages comprising those spoken or having originated in the British Isles and divided into the Goidelic and Brittonic groups.凯尔特岛民:由英伦群岛的语言所发展或源自于英伦群岛所组成凯尔特语的一个分支,区分为盖尔及布立吞族群美国传统〔Iona〕An island of western Scotland in the southern Inner Hebrides. An early center of Celtic Christianity, the island is a popular tourist site.爱奥那:苏格兰西部位于内赫布里底群岛的一个岛。凯尔特基督教文明的一个早期中心,现在是一个游人甚多的景点美国传统〔Irishry〕The Irish people, especially those of Celtic descent.爱尔兰人:爱尔兰人,特别是那些有凯尔特血统的爱尔兰人美国传统〔Lug〕The ancient Celtic god of artisanship and warriors. He was said to be the father of Cuchulain.拉格:古凯尔特的工匠和战士之神。据说他是库丘林的父亲美国传统〔MUSIC〕Charles likes to play Celtic music on his flute. 查尔斯喜欢用长笛吹奏凯尔特音乐。朗文写作活用〔PLAY A GAME OR SPORT〕Today's games include the Chicago Bulls vs. the Boston Celtics. 今天的赛事包括芝加哥公牛队对波士顿凯尔特人队的比赛。朗文写作活用〔bag〕Larsson bagged his thirtieth goal of the season in Celtic's win.拉尔森在凯尔特人队赢的这场比赛中射入他在本赛季的第 30 个球。朗文当代〔bard〕One of an ancient Celtic order of minstrel poets who composed and recited verses celebrating the legendary exploits of chieftains and heroes.吟游诗人:古代凯尔特族的吟游诗人,自编自唱,吟唱酋长和英雄的传奇业绩美国传统〔bard〕The bards saw themselves as one of the founts of wisdom in the Celtic world.在凯尔特人的世界中, 吟游诗人把自己看作智慧的源泉。外研社新世纪〔celtic〕Celtic history 凯尔特人的历史牛津高阶〔consecutive〕Last night's win was Celtic's eighth consecutive victory.昨晚是凯尔特人队取得的八连胜。外研社新世纪〔contribute〕Enya's success has contributed substantially to the current interest in Celtic music.恩雅的成功极大地引发了时下人们对凯尔特音乐的兴趣。朗文当代〔crannog〕An ancient Irish dwelling or fort built on an artificial island in a lake or marsh.(古凯尔特人的)湖上住所:建在湖里或沼泽地中的人造岛上的古代爱尔兰住宅或堡垒美国传统〔deserved〕Larsson's goal gave Celtic a deserved victory.拉尔森的进球使凯尔特人队赢了这场应得的胜利。朗文当代〔distinct〕The Celts emerged as a distinct people.凯尔特人曾以一个独立的民族出现。英汉大词典〔enchanted〕Celtic stories of cauldrons and enchanted vessels.有关大锅和施了魔法的船的凯尔特传说柯林斯高阶〔face〕Rangers face Celtic on Saturday.流浪者队将在星期六对阵凯尔特人队。外研社新世纪〔hold〕Celtic held the lead in the first half.在上半场比赛中,凯尔特人队领先。朗文当代〔home〕Celtic are at home this weekend.本周末凯尔特人队在主场比赛。外研社新世纪〔home〕It was a home win for Celtic.对于凯尔特人队来说, 这是一次主场胜利。外研社新世纪〔legend〕There have always been stories of human giants in Celtic legend and mythology.凯尔特神话传说中一直都有巨人的故事。牛津搭配〔leg〕Celtic won the first leg 2-0.凯尔特队以2比0打赢第一场。外研社新世纪〔lore〕Celtic lore 凯尔特人的传说牛津高阶〔motif〕The theme of creation is a recurrent motif in Celtic mythology.天地万物的创造是凯尔特神话中反复出现的主题。朗文当代〔nut〕Celtic have lost only once this season and will be a tough nut to crack.凯尔特人队本赛季只输过一场,不好对付。朗文当代〔opener〕Celtic were visibly lifted by their opener late in the first half.上半场临结束前的首粒进球明显提振了凯尔特队的士气。外研社新世纪〔over〕The Celtic Church maintained the Greek calendar over against that of Rome.凯尔特教会保留了古希腊历法,而不用古罗马历法。朗文当代〔potent〕The harp is a potent symbol in Celtic culture.竖琴是凯尔特文化的重要象征。外研社新世纪〔related〕Sanskrit is related very closely to Latin, Greek, and the Germanic and Celtic languages.梵语和拉丁语、希腊语、日耳曼和凯尔特语是联系密切的同源语言。柯林斯高阶〔romp〕The Dutch team romped to a 5–1 victory over Celtic.荷兰队以 5:1 轻松战胜了凯尔特队。牛津高阶〔season〕They played against the Celtics in the season opener.他们在本赛季的首场比赛中遭遇了凯尔特人队。牛津搭配〔set piece〕The first three Celtic goals came from set pieces.凯尔特人队最初三个进球全是按套路踢进的。外研社新世纪〔storyteller〕He was the one who first set down the stories of the Celtic storytellers.他是首位将凯尔特说书人讲的故事记载下来的人。柯林斯高阶〔streak〕Celtic are on a six-game winning streak.凯尔特人队六连胜。朗文当代〔synthesis〕Their art was a synthesis of Celtic and Mediterranean traditions.他们的艺术是凯尔特传统和地中海传统的综合体。麦克米伦高阶〔thrash〕Second-placed Celtic thrashed St Johnstone 5-nil.排名第二的凯尔特人队以五比零大胜圣约翰斯通队。外研社新世纪〔trade〕The Celtics star demanded a trade after talks with management broke down.和管理层的谈判失败后,这位凯尔特人队球星要求转会。朗文当代〔uilleann pipe〕A Celtic bagpipe whose air supply is produced by a bellows held under the arm and operated by the elbow. Often used in the plural.爱尔兰风笛:凯尔特族风笛,由置于臂下以手肘操纵的风箱产生空气。常用复数美国传统〔win〕Celtic must win by three goals to reach the semifinals.凯尔特人队必须赢3球才能进入半决赛。麦克米伦高阶Celtic art 凯尔特艺术剑桥国际The Cornish language is a form of Celtic.康沃尔语是凯尔特语言的一种。剑桥国际




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