

单词 冷场
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔accumulate〕He paused and let the silence accumulate for a while.他顿了一顿,让冷场维持了好一会。英汉大词典〔bridge〕He bridged the awkward silence with a funny remark.他说了句笑话,打破了尴尬的冷场英汉大词典〔drag〕The talk soon began to drag, and then died.不一会儿谈话开始变得单调乏味,接着就完全冷场了。英汉大词典〔falter〕The dinner party conversation faltered for a moment.晚宴上的谈话出现了一会儿冷场剑桥高阶〔gap〕I was wondering how to fill those awkward gaps in the conversation.我在想如何打破谈话中尴尬的冷场牛津搭配〔lag〕Conversation lagged and the silences got longer.谈兴渐衰,冷场越来越长。英汉大词典〔lapse〕After a few polite words the conversation lapsed.几句寒暄之后,谈话冷场了。韦氏高阶〔lapse〕Conversation lapsed for lack of anything to say.由于没有什么话可说,谈话冷场了。英汉大词典〔lilt〕She lilted a tune to supply the lack of conversation.她以一支轻快的曲子填补谈话的冷场英汉大词典〔silence〕Her question was met with an uneasy silence.她的提问遭遇了一阵令人局促不安的冷场牛津搭配〔thaw〕After this feeble thaw the silence set in as severely as before.略微活跃的场面过去后先前那样的严峻冷场重又出现。英汉大词典The dinner party conversation faltered for a moment.晚宴的谈话出现了一会儿冷场剑桥国际Their conversation was punctuated by uncomfortable silences.他们的会谈中有着不少令人难堪的冷场剑桥国际




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