单词 | 冲击 |
例句 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-waving〕The shock waves of the earthquake were felt in Teheran.地震带来的冲击波在德黑兰也能感觉到。柯林斯高阶〔EXPLODE〕Every window in the building had been shattered by the force of the blast. 大楼里的每一扇窗户都被爆炸的冲击震碎了。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕As the recession hit, many traders were forced out of business. 由于遭受经济衰退的冲击,许多商人都破产了。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕The car industry, like most other industries, is feeling the effects of the recession. 汽车工业跟其他多数工业一样,也感受到了经济衰退的冲击。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Staff saw costs escalating and sales slumping as the effect of the recession hit the company. 经济衰退的影响对这家公司造成冲击,于是员工看到成本上涨,而销售量下跌。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕There was a great wave of immigrants to the U.S. at the beginning of the 20th century. 20世纪初有一阵很大的移民浪潮冲击美国。朗文写作活用〔absorb〕Buffers absorb the shock of impact.缓冲器能减少冲击的震动。牛津同义词〔absorb〕Jump with your knees bent, so they absorb less impact.双膝弯曲着跳,这样会缓解冲击力。麦克米伦高阶〔absorb〕The barrier absorbed the main impact of the crash.碰撞产生的大部分冲击力被防撞墙吸收了。剑桥高阶〔absorb〕The bumper absorbs the shock of impact.保险杠减少冲击时的震动。英汉大词典〔accumulation〕Accumulations of sand can be formed by the action of waves on coastal beaches.由于海浪的冲击作用,海滩上会堆积沙子。剑桥高阶〔armour〕The latest model will be armoured to withstand explosions.最新型号将以装甲来抵御爆炸冲击。外研社新世纪〔astrobleme〕A scar on the earth's surface left from the impact of a meteorite.陨星坑:陨石对地表冲击所造成的痕迹美国传统〔attempt〕Everything is almost ready for me to make another attempt on the record.一切几乎都已准备就绪,就等我向纪录发起再一次冲击了。柯林斯高阶〔backwash〕The group has been caught in the backwash of the accounting problems which have hit the outsourcing company.该集团因这家外包公司受到会计问题冲击而遭受影响。外研社新世纪〔bear〕Huge seas bore down on the freighter.巨大的海浪冲击货轮。英汉大词典〔breach〕The breaking of waves or surf.冲击:海浪或激浪的拍击美国传统〔breakwater〕A barrier that protects a harbor or shore from the full impact of waves.防波堤,防浪墙:保护一个港口或海岸以防波浪冲击的障碍物美国传统〔broadside〕The wave caught the canoe broadside and sank it.波浪从一侧冲击独木舟并将之撞沉美国传统〔brunt〕Cities on the coast felt/bore the brunt of the storm.沿岸城市感受到/经受了风暴的冲击。韦氏高阶〔brunt〕Young people are bearing the brunt of unemployment.失业对年轻人的冲击最大。外研社新世纪〔buffer〕Something that lessens or absorbs the shock of an impact.缓冲器:可以减轻或吸收冲击的震动的东西美国传统〔bumper〕A protective device for absorbing shocks or impeding contact.减震器,缓冲器:用来减少冲击或阻碍性联系的保护设施美国传统〔chase〕Rossi will be chasing a fifth successive title in the top class of grand prix racing.罗西将向国际汽车大奖赛的五连冠头衔发起冲击。外研社新世纪〔clobber〕Businesses are being/getting clobbered by the bad economy.企业正纷纷经受经济不景气的冲击。韦氏高阶〔come〕The impact blew out some of the windows and the sea came rushing in.巨大的冲击力使一些窗户崩碎,海水涌了进来。柯林斯高阶〔come〕To rush at; attack.对…冲击;攻击美国传统〔confidence〕Clearly the war has had an impact on consumer confidence and corporate earnings.显然战争对消费者信心和企业盈利产生了冲击。外研社新世纪〔consistently〕European policymakers have consistently failed to respond to economic shocks.欧洲决策者没有一次能够应对经济冲击。外研社新世纪〔culture shock〕Callum, recently arrived in Glasgow, is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.卡勒姆最近刚到格拉斯哥, 没有工作, 无家可归, 没有朋友, 而且还饱受文化冲击之苦。外研社新世纪〔culture shock〕Moving to the city was a huge culture shock for him.搬到这座城市使他感受到巨大的文化冲击。韦氏高阶〔cushion〕The engine is made to concertina in a head-on collision, cushioning the impact on the passenger cabin.发动机会在迎面碰撞中折叠成褶皱状, 来减缓乘客受到的冲击。外研社新世纪〔dash upon〕The waves dash upon the rocks.波浪冲击着岩石。21世纪英汉〔dent〕Cheap goods from overseas could severely dent the company's sales.海外来的廉价商品可能会给这家公司的销售带来严重冲击。牛津搭配〔direction〕The impact sent glass flying in all directions.冲击力使玻璃四处飞散。外研社新世纪〔dumdum〕A hollow-point small-arms bullet designed to expand upon impact, inflicting a gaping wound.达姆弹:一种弹头内凹的小型武器的子弹,设计为遇冲击时会扩开,增大伤口大小美国传统〔failure〕Three attempts on the British 200-metre record also ended in failure.对英国 200 米纪录发起的3 次冲击也均以失败而告终。柯林斯高阶〔fallout〕Whatever the political fallout, the economic impact is clear.不管其政治影响如何, 对经济的冲击是显而易见的。外研社新世纪〔fall〕The helmets are designed to withstand impacts equivalent to a fall from a bicycle.头盔设计的承受力相当于从自行车上摔下的冲击力。柯林斯高阶〔force〕The force of the explosion shattered the windows.爆炸的冲击力震碎了窗玻璃。外研社新世纪〔government〕The hospital has been hit by government cuts.医院受到政府削减开支的冲击。牛津搭配〔groggy〕The world was still groggy from the impact.世界还未从冲击中清醒过来。英汉大词典〔gully〕A deep ditch or channel cut in the earth by running water after a prolonged downpour.隘谷,冲沟:长期的倾盆大雨冲击地面之后形成深的沟壑或沟渠美国传统〔hammering〕Foreign companies are taking a hammering from the strong dollar.外国公司正遭受到坚挺的美元的冲击。麦克米伦高阶〔hammering〕The company has been hammered by the downturn in the construction and motor industries.公司因建筑和汽车行业的衰退而受到了冲击。柯林斯高阶〔hammer〕The company has been hammered by the downturn in the construction and motor industries.该公司因建筑业和汽车业的下滑而受到了冲击。外研社新世纪〔home ground〕Although he was on home ground, his campaign had been rocked by adultery allegations.虽然是在自己家乡,他的竞选活动还是因私通指控受到了冲击。柯林斯高阶〔impact〕Businesses are beginning to feel the full impact of the recession.工商企业开始感受到了经济衰退的全面冲击。牛津高阶〔impact〕Imports of stainless products continued to impact profits.进口的不锈钢产品继续冲击利润。英汉大词典〔impact〕Internet shopping has begun to have a serious impact on the traditional bookshops.网上购物已开始对传统书店造成严重冲击。麦克米伦高阶〔impact〕The impact knocked him off balance.冲击力使他失去了平衡。牛津搭配〔impact〕The impact of the crash reduced the car to a third of its original length.撞车时的冲击力使车身变形,仅剩原长的三分之一。剑桥高阶〔impinge〕A tinkling and banging began to impinge on his ear.一阵丁丁当当和乒乒乓乓之声开始冲击他的耳膜。英汉大词典〔impulsive〕Physics Acting within brief time intervals. Used especially of a force.【物理学】 冲击的:短期内做出的行为。特别是在一种力量的驱使下美国传统〔jar〕The impact jarred his arm.冲击力震得他手臂直晃。外研社新世纪〔jar〕The impact of the collision jarred me.碰撞的冲击震伤了我。牛津同义词〔list〕The show always featured an impressive list of guest stars.这个节目总是列出一份颇具冲击力的特约明星的名单。牛津搭配〔outstroke〕An outward stroke, especially the stroke of an engine piston moving toward the crankshaft.向外冲程,向外冲击:向外冲程,尤指发动机中话塞向曲轴推动的冲程美国传统〔overpressure〕A transient air pressure, such as the shock wave from an explosion, that is greater than the surrounding atmospheric pressure.超压力:高于周围的大气压的瞬时气压,如爆炸产生的冲击波美国传统〔pack〕W. Somerset Maugham's novel still packs an emotional punch.威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆的小说仍具有强烈的情感冲击力。柯林斯高阶〔physical〕The shock of the darkness was almost physical.黑暗的冲击几乎如同一种有形的存在。牛津搭配〔poop〕The huge seas are beginning to poop the frigate badly.巨浪开始猛烈地冲击护卫舰的尾部。英汉大词典〔remember〕They bend on impact instead of breaking but the material remembers its original shape and goes back to it.这些物件受到冲击会翘曲变形而不折断,但是这种材料会凭记忆恢复原来形状。英汉大词典〔reverberation〕His ouster sent reverberations throughout the country.他的被迫下台在全国引起阵阵冲击波。英汉大词典〔rupture〕The impact ruptured his liver.冲击力使他的肝脏受损。韦氏高阶〔see〕He saw first-hand the impact of colonialism.他亲眼见证了殖民主义带来的冲击。牛津搭配〔shock wave〕A large-amplitude compression wave, as that produced by an explosion or by supersonic motion of a body in a medium.冲击波:一种大振幅的压缩波,由爆炸或一个物体在一个媒介中的超音速运动产生美国传统〔shock wave〕The shock wave from the blast blew out 22 windows in the courthouse.爆炸的冲击波震碎了法院大楼里 22 扇窗户。朗文当代〔shock wave〕The shock waves yesterday were felt from Las Vegas to San Diego.昨天从拉斯维加斯到圣迭戈都感觉到了这几股冲击波。柯林斯高阶〔shocked〕Steel barriers can bend and absorb the shock.钢制栅栏可以弯曲并能吸收冲击力。柯林斯高阶〔shock〕It was a bit of a culture shock when I first came to this country.刚到这个国家时,我感受到了一些文化冲击。牛津搭配〔shock〕Steel barriers can bend and absorb the shock.钢制栅栏可以弯曲并能吸收冲击力。外研社新世纪〔shock〕The news sent shock waves through the financial markets. () 这条新闻对整个金融市场造成强烈冲击。牛津搭配〔shock〕This is the latest in a series of shocks to the Scandinavian banking system.这是北欧诸国银行系统所遭受一系列冲击中最近的一次。外研社新世纪〔sight〕They have set their sights on the world record.他们的目标是冲击世界纪录。柯林斯高阶〔soften〕The bank may try to soften the blow somewhat with a cut in interest rates.该银行可能会通过降低利率来缓解冲击。牛津搭配〔splinter〕The impact of the crash splintered the glass.碰撞时的冲击力使玻璃裂成了碎片。韦氏高阶〔squash〕To become crushed, flattened, or pulpy, as by pressure or impact.被压碎、压扁或挤烂,如在压力或冲击下美国传统〔stir〕A clash with America over farm subsidies had left the Europeans and their common agricultural policy shaken but not stirred.在农场补贴问题上和美国之间的冲突使得欧洲人以及其共同的农业政策略受冲击。柯林斯高阶〔storm〕Newspapers have weathered the storm of online information by providing news online themselves.报社通过提供网络新闻经受住了网络信息冲击带来的考验。韦氏高阶〔swamp〕Their boat swamped in the storm.他们的船在风浪的冲击下沉没了。21世纪英汉〔swash〕To strike, move, or wash with a splashing sound.溅,泼:带着拍击声冲击、流动或冲刷美国传统〔take〕The glass can take an impact blow of 1 mkg.这种玻璃能承受1米-千克的冲击力。英汉大词典〔tilt〕He was determined to use his remaining year with Manchester United for one last tilt at the League title.他决心利用他效力曼彻斯特联队的剩余一年时间最后一次冲击联赛冠军。柯林斯高阶〔violent〕A violent impact hurtled her forward.一股强大的冲击波将她向前抛去。外研社新世纪〔volatile〕It's thought that the blast occurred when volatile chemicals exploded.人们认为,易挥发的化学物质爆炸时产生了冲击波。柯林斯高阶〔wave〕The waves hit the rocks with huge energy.波浪以巨大的能量冲击岩石。牛津搭配〔weather window〕British adventurer Neil McGrigor is waiting for a weather window to attempt the Round Britain Powerboat world record.英国冒险家尼尔·麦格里戈在等待天气适宜时段的到来, 以冲击环英国摩托艇驾驶世界纪录。外研社新世纪〔windblast〕The damaging effect of air friction on a pilot ejected from a high-speed aircraft.气浪冲击:飞行员从高速飞机中受到的空气摩擦力的破坏性影响美国传统〔withstand〕We have to make the walls strong enough to withstand high winds.我们必须把这几堵墙砌得坚固,使之能够承受得住大风的冲击。英汉大词典Accumulations of sand can be formed by the action of waves on coastal beaches.海浪对海滨的冲击作用可以形成一堆堆泥沙。剑桥国际Aircraft flying at supersonic speeds produce shock waves in the air around the aircraft.以超音速速度飞行的飞机会在周围的空气中产生冲击波。剑桥国际Because of the impact of Islamic terrorism, the candidate Donald Trump is proposing to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. Many people think he is putting the cart before the horse. 因为回教恐怖主义的冲击,候选人川普主张禁止回教徒进入美国。许多人认为他这是本末倒置。译典通It was a real culture shock to find herself in London after living on a small island (=She felt alone and was confused by the completely different way of life there).在一个小岛上生活过后,她发现在伦敦感受到一种文化冲击。剑桥国际Our house takes quite a lashing from the sea and wind.我们的房子常受海水和海风的冲击。剑桥国际The economy has taken a big hit from high energy costs.经济因高昂的能源成本而遭受巨大冲击。牛津商务The impact of the crash had reduced the car to a third of its original length.撞车时的冲击使汽车缩为原长度的1/3。剑桥国际The novel is about a European military autocracy threatened by a popular uprising.这部小说叙述了一个欧洲军事独裁国家因人民起义而受到冲击的故事。剑桥国际The police's method of crowd control involved charging on horseback and spraying the demonstrators with tear gas.警察控制人群的方法包括用马队冲击和向示威者喷洒催泪瓦斯。剑桥国际Unless some action is taken now, the Government could be in for a nasty shock/surprise.除非现在采取某种行动,政府势必受到可怕的冲击/变异。剑桥国际 |
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