

单词 冰山
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREAK〕Icebergs break off from the ice sheets and float southwards. 冰山脱离冰盖后向南漂移。朗文写作活用〔Gargantua〕Beneath this glacial Gargantua may lie vast deposits of oil.在这巨大的冰山下面可能蕴藏着大量石油。英汉大词典〔SEPARATE〕In spring the icebergs begin to break up. 到了春天,冰山就开始崩裂。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕Our rafts floated downstream towards the icebergs, which jutted 30 feet out of the water. 我们的橡皮筏顺流而下,漂向浮在水面30英尺的冰山朗文写作活用〔berg〕A mass of floating or stationary ice; an iceberg.冰山:大块漂浮或固定的冰;冰山美国传统〔calf〕A large floating chunk of ice split off from a glacier, an iceberg, or a floe.冰山上崩落漂流的冰块:一个大的冰块,从冰川、冰山或浮冰块上脱落美国传统〔calve〕The glacier calved a large iceberg.冰川崩解而产生一个大冰山21世纪英汉〔calve〕The iceberg calved a floe.冰山上崩裂下一大块浮冰。英汉大词典〔calve〕To break at an edge, so that a portion separates. Used of a glacier or an iceberg.崩解:在边缘崩裂以致一部分分离开去。用于冰川或冰山美国传统〔calve〕To set loose (a mass of ice). Used of a glacier or an iceberg.裂开:裂开(一块冰)。用于冰川或冰山美国传统〔capsize〕The ship hit an iceberg and capsized.船撞上冰山而倾覆。英汉大词典〔circle〕The ship circled the iceberg.船绕过冰山英汉大词典〔circle〕Their ship circled the iceberg.他们的船绕过了冰山21世纪英汉〔collision〕A giant iceberg was on a collision course with the ship.巨大的冰山朝着可能与船发生相撞的方向漂移。牛津高阶〔collision〕An iceberg was on a collision course with the ship.冰山正朝着可能撞上船的方向漂移。牛津搭配〔drift〕Geology Rock debris transported and deposited by or from ice, especially by or from a glacier.【地质学】 冰碛:由或从冰,尤其是冰山,移动和沉积的碎屑美国传统〔gash〕The iceberg made a gash in the hull of the ship.冰山把船体划了一道又深又长的口子。韦氏高阶〔go down〕The ship went down after hitting an iceberg.轮船撞到冰山后沉没了。韦氏高阶〔go under〕The ship hit an iceberg and went under.这条船撞上冰山后沉没了。21世纪英汉〔growler〕A small iceberg.残碎冰山:一种小冰山美国传统〔hit〕The ship hit an iceberg.船撞上了冰山韦氏高阶〔hummock〕A ridge or hill of ice in an ice field.冰丘:冰原上的冰脊或冰山美国传统〔iceberg〕Recent seizures of illicit plutonium and uranium are only the tip of the iceberg.最近几次起获的违禁钚和铀仅仅是冰山的一角。外研社新世纪〔iceberg〕The news is shocking, but we may find out that the stories we've heard so far are just the tip of the iceberg.这则新闻令人震惊,但我们会发现目前所听到的报道只是冰山一角。韦氏高阶〔loom〕As you get closer they loom above you like icebergs.当你靠近时, 它们像冰山一样在你上方高高耸立。外研社新世纪〔navigate〕Every day the ship carefully navigated through the channels of blue icebergs.这艘船每天小心翼翼地穿行于蓝色冰山之间的水道。牛津搭配〔reeve〕The atomic icebreaker reeved the icebergs.原子破冰船穿过冰山之间向前航行。21世纪英汉〔run upon〕The ship ran upon the iceberg.轮船撞到冰山上。21世纪英汉〔sink like a stone〕The ship hit an iceberg and sank like a stone.那艘船撞到冰山后迅速下沉。韦氏高阶〔split〕A large chunk of ice split off/away from the iceberg and crashed into the water.一大块冰从冰山上裂开,轰隆一声落入了水中。韦氏高阶〔strike〕The ship struck an iceberg.那艘船撞上了冰山韦氏高阶〔suspect〕The above complaints are, I suspect, just the tip of the iceberg.我想,以上的抱怨只是冰山一角。柯林斯高阶〔suspect〕The above complaints are, I suspect, just the tip of the iceberg.我认为以上的抱怨只是冰山一角。外研社新世纪〔tip of the iceberg〕These small local protests are just the tip of the iceberg.这些小规模的地方性抗议只是冰山的一角。剑桥高阶〔tip〕The recent riots are just the tip of the iceberg.最近发生的暴乱只是冰山一角而已。麦克米伦高阶〔tip〕The reported cases of food poisoning are only the tip of the iceberg.那些被报道出来的食物中毒事件只是冰山一角。朗文当代〔tip〕These complaints are just the tip of the iceberg.这些投诉不过是冰山一角。外研社新世纪〔tower above〕The icebergs towered above them.冰山高耸于他们上方。外研社新世纪〔tower〕The icebergs towered above them.冰山高耸于他们上方。柯林斯高阶〔trend〕The increase in crime in the capital was just part of a wider trend.首都犯罪率的升高仅仅是冰山一角。牛津搭配A massive iceberg is floating off the coast of Argentina.一座巨大的冰山正漂离阿根廷的海岸。剑桥国际Due to the melting of the glaciers, the biosphere for polar bears underwent a great change. 由于冰山的融解,北极熊的生物圈也遭到摧毁。译典通The fraud cases that are discovered are only the tip of the iceberg.被发现的诈骗案件只是冰山一角。牛津商务The leading yacht was forced to abandon the race after it struck an iceberg.原本领先的快艇因与冰山相撞而被迫放弃比赛。剑桥国际The mighty iceberg came into view. 巨大的冰山出现在眼前。译典通The ship struck an iceberg. 那艘船撞上了冰山译典通These small local protests are just the tip of the iceberg (= the small part that can be seen of something which is really much larger than it seems).这些小规模的地方性反抗只是冰山的一角。剑桥国际You can only see the tips of icebergs jutting out of/from the water.你只能看见伸出海面的冰山顶。剑桥国际




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