

单词 军团
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anzac〕A soldier from New Zealand or Australia.澳新军团士兵:新西兰或澳大利亚士兵美国传统〔SHOW〕The fact that there are no black officers in the entire regiment reveals that the army is not serious about its anti-discrimination policies. 整个军团里没有一个黑人军官,这个事实揭示出军中的反歧视政策并不是认真的。朗文写作活用〔Scout〕Get your kids involved in your local Scout group.让你的孩子加入当地童子军团队吧。外研社新世纪〔Swiss Guard〕A member of a corps of soldiers of Swiss birth employed at the Vatican as bodyguards to the pope.瑞士侍卫兵:瑞士裔军团中一名士兵,在梵蒂冈被雇佣做教皇侍卫美国传统〔TAKE〕Bud's truck had been commandeered by the regiment. 巴德的卡车被军团征用了。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕The regiment had finally learned to march in step. 这个军团终于学会了齐步行进。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕The Roman legions left, opening the way for the conquest of the British Isles by the Germanic tribes. 罗马军团撤退,给日耳曼部族开辟了征服不列颠群岛的道路。朗文写作活用〔army〕Scotland's 1 - 0 victory over France gave the Tartan Army something to celebrate.苏格兰一比零赢了法国队,“格子军团”有理由欢庆一场。剑桥高阶〔brownie〕The girls wanted to join a Brownie pack (= group).女孩们想参加幼女童子军军团剑桥高阶〔brownie〕The girls wanted to join a Brownie troop (= group).女孩们想参加幼女童子军军团剑桥高阶〔centesimate〕The ancient Roman army was centesimated on account of mutiny tendencies.该古罗马军团每百名士兵被抽出一名受罚以镇压其叛乱的趋势。21世纪英汉〔centurion〕The commander of a century in the Roman army.百夫长:古罗马军团的百人队指挥官美国传统〔chevalier〕A member of certain male orders of knighthood or merit, such as the Legion of Honor in France.士:被授予男性的爵位或者勋位的一成员,如法国的荣誉军团美国传统〔circumvent〕General William Emory, leading the Nineteenth Corps, directed his men to circumvent the wagons.率领着第19军团的威廉·埃默里将军指挥士兵们包围了马车。外研社新世纪〔contingent〕The strong British contingent suffered mixed fortunes.实力雄厚的英国军团喜忧参半。柯林斯高阶〔convention〕The 58th annual convention of the Pennsylvania section of the American Legion was held in Philadelphia.第58届美国军团宾夕法尼亚州分部年会在费城举行。外研社新世纪〔deserter〕The jury then heard he was a deserter from the Foreign Legion.那时陪审团听说他是外国军团的逃兵。外研社新世纪〔direction〕The boys were erecting a tent under the direction of their scoutmaster.男孩们正在童子军团长的指导下搭建一顶帐篷。外研社新世纪〔evzone〕An infantryman of a special corps of the Greek army.希腊精锐步兵团:希腊陆军所属的一个特殊军团中的步兵美国传统〔guardsman〕Chiefly British A soldier in a regiment of household guards.【多用于英国】 禁卫军士兵:皇家禁卫军团中的士兵美国传统〔justice〕It is impossible here to do justice to the complex history of the Legion.在这里不可能完整地论述古罗马军团复杂的历史。柯林斯高阶〔lancer〕A member of a regiment originally armed with lances.长矛轻骑兵:最初以长矛为武器的军团中的成员美国传统〔legionary〕Of, relating to, or constituting a legion.军团的,部队的:军团的,和部队有关的,或组成军团美国传统〔legionnaire〕A member of a legion.军队战士:军团的成员美国传统〔legion〕Caesar's legions 凯撒军团牛津高阶〔legion〕Caesar's legions marched through France and crossed into Britain.恺撒的军团穿过法国进入英国。剑桥高阶〔legion〕The last of the Roman legions left Britain in AD 410.最后一个罗马军团于公元410年撤离不列颠。外研社新世纪〔legion〕The last of the Roman legions left Britain in AD 410.罗马军团最后一支部队于公元410年离开英国。柯林斯高阶〔memorial〕Today, those taking part in the Anzac Day parade will gather around the two memorials.今天, 那些参加澳新军团节大游行的人将聚集到那两座纪念碑周围。外研社新世纪〔name〕Early in 1941 he was named commander of the Afrika Korps.他早在1941年就被任命为非洲军团的指挥官。柯林斯高阶〔parade〕The entire regiment was on parade.整个军团在接受检阅。剑桥高阶〔romanticism〕His incurable romanticism had led him to join the Foreign Legion.他不可救药的浪漫情结使他加入了外籍军团麦克米伦高阶〔service〕The regiment was recruited from the Highlands specifically for service in India.该军团是专门为在印度作战而从苏格兰高地征募来的。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕There they made their tragic and heroic last stand against the Roman legions.他们在那里对罗马军团进行了最后的抵抗,场面英勇而悲壮。柯林斯高阶〔terror〕The Red Army Faction tried to undermine the state by terror tactics .红色军团试图通过恐怖手段动摇国家的统治。朗文当代Caesar's legions marched through France and into Britain.凯撒的军团穿过法国进入英国。剑桥国际Each legion contained between 3000 and 6000 soldiers. 每个古罗马军团有三千至六千名步兵。译典通Four people have died following an outbreak of Legionnaire's disease in a hotel.在某旅馆爆发的军团病中有四个人已经死亡。剑桥国际He's got Legionnaire's Disease.他得了军团病。剑桥国际The girls wanted to join a Brownie pack (= group).女孩们想参加幼年女童子军团剑桥国际




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