

单词 写的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABC〕ABC's The rudiments of reading and writing. ABC's 读写的基础知识美国传统〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕The book has an action-packed plot dealing with life during the Civil War. 这本书情节复杂,写的是内战时期的生活。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCE〕His new book is a collection of essays and fiction by writers who lived through the Great Depression. 他的新书是一本文集,汇编了经历过大萧条的一些作家所写的散文和小说。朗文写作活用〔High German〕German as indigenously spoken and written in central and southern Germany.高地德语,标准德语:德国中南部人说、写的德语美国传统〔POLITE〕When I re-read my letter I saw that I had written it with a formality that I did not intend. 当我重读自己写的信时,我发现我无意间把信写得很客套。朗文写作活用〔READ〕Over the last hundred years, people have become healthier, more literate, and better educated. 几百年来人们已经变得更健康,能读写的人更多,受教育程度更高了。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕The story was written specially for radio. 这个故事是专为无线电广播而写的朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕Norton is on tour promoting her new children's book. 诺顿在巡回推广她新写的儿童读物。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕It is very important to follow the safety procedures laid down in the handbook. 遵守手册上写的安全程序非常重要。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕I can barely read your writing. 我几乎看不懂你写的字。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Who wrote the film soundtrack for ‘The Bodyguard’? 《保镖》的电影原声音乐是谁写的朗文写作活用〔acquaintance〕The poems were written by various women of her acquaintance.这些诗是她认识的形形色色的女性写的朗文当代〔at〕I didn't know at the time of writing(= when I wrote).我写的时候并不知道。牛津高阶〔better〕He is much better known for his poetry than his songwriting.他作的诗比他写的歌更出名。剑桥高阶〔bold〕Ada's letters, written in ink in a bold hand埃达用有力的钢笔字写的外研社新世纪〔capital〕The name and address are written in capitals.姓名和地址是用大写字母写的外研社新世纪〔catch sb out〕I suspected he wasn't telling me the truth, and one day I caught him out when I found some letters he'd written.我怀疑他没有告诉我实情,有一天,我发现了他写的一些信后戳穿了他。剑桥高阶〔character〕A symbol used in secret writing; a cipher or code.暗码,密码,代码:用于秘密书写的符号;暗码或密码美国传统〔character〕His new employer asked for a character of him from his old teacher.他的新雇主要求一封由他从前的老师写的推荐书。英汉大词典〔character〕I was writing in the character of a friend, not that of your employer.我是以朋友而不是你雇主的身份写的这封信。外研社新世纪〔collection〕The Brookings Institution has assembled a collection of essays from foreign affairs experts.布鲁金斯研究所将一批外交专家撰写的文章结集出版。柯林斯高阶〔consumption〕The report was obviously designed for the consumption of members of the War Committee.该报告显然是为战争委员会的委员们撰写的柯林斯高阶〔credible〕You need imagination to make what you write fully credible.要使你写的东西完全可信需要具有想象力。牛津搭配〔cryptographer〕One who uses, studies, or develops cryptographic systems and writings.加密员:使用、研究或改进密码系统和密码书写的美国传统〔cuneiform〕Relating to, composed in, or using such characters.楔形文字的:与楔形文字有关的、由楔形文字组成的或用楔形文字书写的美国传统〔deduce〕Alison had cleverly deduced that I was the author of the letter.艾莉森已经聪明地推断出那封信就是我写的柯林斯高阶〔devilish〕It is a devilish hard topic to write about.这是一个非常难写的题目。英汉大词典〔exclusively〕The article was written exclusively for Newsweek.这篇文章是专为《新闻周刊》撰写的英汉大词典〔fact〕He is a dull writer and that's a fact.他写的东西很没意思, 真的。外研社新世纪〔fan〕I have a piece of fan fiction on their website.他们的网站上有我写的同人小说。牛津搭配〔favorite〕Of all his books, do you have a favorite? 他写的所有书中,有没有哪本你最喜欢?韦氏高阶〔first person〕The sentence “I was born in Maine” is written in the first person.“我出生在缅因州”这句话是用第一人称的口吻写的韦氏高阶〔go〕The award-winning novelist often has three or four books on the go at once.那位获奖小说家经常是三四部小说同时写的牛津高阶〔graphic〕Described in vivid detail.生动细致地描写的美国传统〔hand over〕He also handed over a letter of apology from the Prime Minister.他还递交了一封首相写的道歉信。柯林斯高阶〔here〕I have a little book here by a lady called Mystic Meg.我手里有本小书,是一个叫“神秘梅格”的女士写的柯林斯高阶〔hornet〕His letter to the papers stirred up a real hornets' nest.他给报界写的信着实引发了众怒。牛津高阶〔iambic〕Often iambics A verse, stanza, or poem written in iambs. 常作 iambics 抑扬格的诗行:用抑扬格写的一个诗行、诗节或一首诗美国传统〔inert〕The narrative is inert and sloppy, as if the author had been writing half-asleep.这个故事既没意思又无条理,好像作者是在半睡半醒中写的剑桥高阶〔inspirational〕He gave an inspirational reading of his own poems.他朗读了自己写的诗歌,让人很受鼓舞。剑桥高阶〔instruction〕The instructions are written in English, German, and Japanese.该使用说明是用英文、德文和日文书写的麦克米伦高阶〔judge〕Judging from what you say in your letter, you don't sound well.根据你来信中所写的情况,你听上去好像不大好。朗文当代〔keep〕He keeps a copy of everything he has ever written.凡自己所写的作品他都保存一个副本。英汉大词典〔lest〕And, lest we forget, Einstein wrote his most influential papers while working as a clerk.大家不要忘记,爱因斯坦最有影响力的论文还是当文员的时候写的柯林斯高阶〔lest〕And, lest we forget, Einstein wrote his most influential papers while working as a clerk.而且, 我们不要忘了, 爱因斯坦最有影响力的论文是在他做职员时写的外研社新世纪〔lettered〕Educated to read and write; literate.能读会写的,识字的:受过教育能阅读和书写的;识字的美国传统〔letter〕The sign was carefully lettered by hand.这个标记是用手写字母精心书写的韦氏高阶〔lowercase letter〕A letter written or printed in a size smaller than and often in a form differing from its corresponding capital letter.小写字母:用一种比与其相应的大写字母小而且经常形状相异的字体书写的或印刷出来的字母美国传统〔mean〕These books are not meant for primary school students.这些书不是为小学生编写的麦克米伦高阶〔middle〕I'm in the middle of writing a difficult letter.我正在写一封很难写的信。牛津高阶〔mistaken〕She is mistaken in thinking that the report was written last year.她错误地认为那份报告是去年写的麦克米伦高阶〔modern〕I prefer what moderns write.我喜欢现代人写的东西。英汉大词典〔paper ... over〕The lies written in ink can never paper over the facts written in blood.墨写的谎言掩盖不了血写的事实。21世纪英汉〔personal〕Myra was attacking something I'd written, and her attack got a little personal.迈拉批评我写的东西,她的批评多少有些人身攻击的味道。柯林斯高阶〔poem〕I also published a collection of poems written by women prisoners at Styal Prison .我也出版了一部斯泰尔监狱女囚写的诗集。外研社新世纪〔polyglot〕Speaking, writing, written in, or composed of several languages.多种语言的:讲或写多种语言的、用几种语言写的或包含几种语言的美国传统〔predictable〕She writes novels with very predictable plots.她写的小说情节都很好预料。韦氏高阶〔productive〕Linguistics Of or relating to the linguistic skills of speaking and writing.【语言学】 有构词能力的:说与写的语言技巧的或与之有关的美国传统〔prose〕Novels are usually written in prose.小说通常是用散文体写的英汉大词典〔radio〕The play was written specially for radio.这出戏是专为无线电广播而写的牛津高阶〔read〕She read her poems to the students.她向学生们朗读她写的美国传统〔rescript〕The act of rewriting.重写:重写的行为美国传统〔rhyme〕The whole story is written in rhyme.整个故事都是用韵文写的朗文当代〔saga〕This whole saga has been a pretty significant victory for truth.整部传奇故事写的是真理赢得的重大胜利。牛津搭配〔secret〕The message was written in secret code.消息是用密码写的韦氏高阶〔setting〕He sang Schubert's setting of a Goethe poem.他唱了一曲,是舒伯特为歌德的诗谱写的乐曲。剑桥高阶〔shorten〕I shortened my story because it was too long.我把我写的小说缩短,因为它太长了。牛津同义词〔shorthand〕The report was written in shorthand.那篇报告是以速记写的文馨英汉〔signature〕Abbr. sig.One's name as written by oneself.缩写 sig.签名:由自己书写的自己的名字美国传统〔stack up〕My book is stacking up well.我写的书正在顺利地写着。21世纪英汉〔string quartet〕A composition for such a group.弦乐四重奏曲:为这种四重奏组写的乐曲美国传统〔stuff〕He read me the stuff he had written during the day.他把自己白天写的那些东西念给我听。英汉大词典〔suspicious〕His new book bears a suspicious resemblance to a book written by someone else. (= His book is so similar to the other book that it seems as if he has copied it.) 他的新书与别人写的另外一本书内容雷同,令人生疑。剑桥高阶〔symphony〕An extended piece in three or more movements for symphony orchestra, essentially a large-scale, complex sonata.交响乐:为交响乐团谱写的含有三个或多个乐章的一段连续的音乐,尤指大规模的、复杂的奏鸣曲美国传统〔teleplay〕A play written or adapted for television.电视剧:为电视写的或适合于电视的情节剧美国传统〔theme〕A subject of artistic representation.主题:艺术描写的主题美国传统〔tripe〕She said my last essay was complete tripe.她说我最近写的一篇文章完全是胡说八道。剑桥高阶〔type〕He types what he composes everyday.他每天都把写的东西打出来。21世纪英汉〔what〕Yes, I wrote the article. What of it? 是的,文章是我写的。那又怎么样呢?牛津高阶〔write〕The note was written in blue ink.这张便条是用蓝墨水写的韦氏高阶〔write〕Who wrote 'Harry Potter'? 《哈利‧波特》是谁写的朗文当代After she read his book she started to see the issue in another/a different/a new light (= differently).她读完他写的书后开始以另一个角度看待那个论题。剑桥国际Call me old-fashioned, but I like handwritten letters.叫我老古董好了,但我还是喜欢手写的信。剑桥国际Her new book will overshadow all her earlier ones. 她的新书将会使她以前写的书都黯然失色。译典通Her stories are full of mystery and paradox.她写的故事充满了神秘和佯谬。剑桥国际I wasn't impressed by that report they produced for us. It was very scrappily put together.我不喜欢他们为我们写的那份报告。它写得杂乱无章。剑桥国际It is written by an obscure young poet. 这是一位不知名的年轻诗人写的译典通No wonder you feel hard-done-by if you wrote the report and she claimed it as her own.难怪你会感到不公平,如果你写了报道,而她竟宣称这是她自己写的剑桥国际Shapur's latest book, written with Dr Ellis Pike, offers a more positive and holistic approach to the menopause.在夏帕尔与埃里斯·派克医生合写的新书中,提出了更积极全面的对待更年期的方法。剑桥国际She said that we were facing a few difficulties, which was a fairly understated way of putting it! 她说我们有些困难, 这真是相当轻描淡写的说法!剑桥国际That's the fiftieth Christmas card I've written.这是我写的第五十张圣诞卡。剑桥国际The advertising brochure sent to prospective customers is written in a rhapsodic style.送给预期顾客的广告小册子是用夸张赞美的风格写的剑桥国际The letter was written on plain paper (= that without lines).信是用白纸写的剑桥国际The magazine contains articles by leading analysts.这杂志刊登最杰出的分析家所撰写的文章。牛津商务The poem is written in northern dialect.这首诗是以北方方言写的剑桥国际The report was the work of the company's production manager.这份报告是公司生产经理写的牛津商务The song is written in the key of D. 这首歌是用D调谱写的译典通This book is loads better than the last one he wrote.这本书比他写的上一本书要好得多。剑桥国际This is the worst composition ever written by my students. 我的学生所写的作文中这是错误最多的一篇。译典通This piece of music was composed for the flute and the harp.这首曲子是为演奏长笛和竖琴而谱写的剑桥国际




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