

单词 写来
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SELL〕Since the publication of her book, she's received thousands of letters from women who have had similar experiences. 自她的书出版以来,她收到了数千封来信,都是有相似经历的妇女写来的。朗文写作活用〔TEAR〕After Alan left, she tore up all his old letters. 艾伦离开后,她把他以前写来的信都撕碎了。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Who's it from? I can't read the signature. 谁写来的?我不认得签名。朗文写作活用〔ask after〕I had a letter from Jane. She asks after you.我收到了一封简写来的信。她向你问好。柯林斯高阶〔comfort〕The letters that people wrote after his death gave me a lot of comfort.他去世后人们写来的信给了我极大的安慰。剑桥高阶〔customer〕We've had several letters from satisfied customers.我们收到了几封顾客写来表示满意的信。朗文当代〔emphasize〕You can use italics or capitals to emphasize a word in a piece of writing.你可以用斜体或者大写来强调文章中的某个词。剑桥高阶〔epistle〕Many thanks for your lengthy epistle, which arrived in this morning's post.今晨收到你写来的长信,非常感谢。剑桥高阶〔interview〕Not everyone who writes in can be invited for interview.并非每一个写来求职信的人都会被邀请参加面试。柯林斯高阶〔person〕I had a letter from the people who used to live next door.我接到了过去的邻居写来的一封信。牛津高阶〔surprise〕She got a surprise when she turned the letter over. It was from Finn.她把信翻过来之后吃了一惊,是芬恩写来的。朗文当代〔that〕The letter that (=which) came this morning is from my mother.早晨到的信是我母亲写来的。文馨英汉〔writing〕Who's this from? I don't recognize the writing.这是谁写来的?我辨认不出笔迹。牛津高阶He wrote me a letter last month. 他上月给我写来一封信。译典通I've just had this rambling, incoherent letter from my sister.我刚收到这封我姐姐写来的前言不搭后语的信。剑桥国际The letters, in the main, were from his father. 这些信大部分是他父亲写来的。译典通




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