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例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRUEL〕I think it's cruel to keep dogs locked up inside all day. 我认为整天把狗关起来是残酷的。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕Didn't they lock his brother away for murder? 他们难道没有因谋杀罪把他弟弟关起来吗?朗文写作活用〔aviary〕A large enclosure for holding birds in confinement.鸟舍:将鸟关起来的大房舍美国传统〔barbarous〕It is barbarous to keep a lively boy cooped up like that.把个活蹦乱跳的男孩这样关起来,真没有人性。英汉大词典〔breed〕Some animals will not breed in captivity.有些动物被关起来时不会繁殖。文馨英汉〔captivity〕Some animals don't breed well in captivity.有些动物被关起来时繁殖得不好。文馨英汉〔confinement〕The animals are kept in close confinement.动物被关起来并受到严密看管。牛津搭配〔coop〕We have to coop the dog up all day.我们只得把狗整天关起来21世纪英汉〔crazy〕She's crazy—she ought to be locked up.她疯了,应该把她关起来牛津高阶〔lock ... away〕That habitual criminal has been locked away.那个惯犯已经被关起来21世纪英汉〔lock away〕Locking them away is not sufficient, you have to give them treatment.光把他们关起来还不够, 你还得给他们治疗。外研社新世纪〔lock away〕Locking them away is not sufficient, you have to give them treatment.把他们关起来是不够的,还要对他们进行治疗才行。柯林斯高阶〔lock up〕Mr Milner persuaded the federal prosecutors not to lock up his client.米尔纳先生说服联邦检察官不把他的当事人关起来柯林斯高阶〔lock up〕You are mad, Isabel. You should be locked up.你疯了, 伊莎贝尔。你应该被关起来外研社新世纪〔lock up〕You are mad, Isabel. You should be locked up.你疯了,伊莎贝尔。应该把你关起来才是。柯林斯高阶〔lock〕I will not rest until the murderer is under lock and key.杀人凶手不关起来我是不会安心的。牛津高阶〔lodge〕They took me into custody, questioned me, then lodged me in a children's home.他们把我关起来,问完我话后又将我安置在儿童院。柯林斯高阶〔mew〕To confine in or as if in a cage.把…关起来;把…拘禁在笼子内或拘禁在似笼的地方美国传统〔nefarious〕Why make a whole village prisoner if it was not for some nefarious purpose?如果不是出于某种邪恶的目的, 为什么要把整个村子的人都关起来外研社新世纪〔nutcase〕The woman's a nutcase. She needs locking up.那个女的是个疯子,得把她关起来柯林斯高阶〔off〕Locking up men does nothing more than keep them off the streets.把这些人关起来只是做到了不让他们上街而已。柯林斯高阶〔pen〕The cattle were penned.牛群被关起来外研社新世纪〔pen〕We penned the sheep in for the night.我们用围栏把羊关起来过夜。麦克米伦高阶〔put ... away〕People like that ought to be put away!像这样的人应当关起来21世纪英汉〔put away〕He's an animal! He should be put away.他是一个禽兽!他应当被关起来柯林斯高阶〔scum〕Scum like that should be locked away! 像这种人渣应该被关起来朗文当代〔shutter〕Close the shutter.把百叶窗关起来牛津同义词〔shut〕She shut the dog in the shed while she prepared the barbecue.她准备烤肉餐时把狗关起来牛津高阶〔the〕Turn off the tap.把水龙头关起来文馨英汉〔translate〕I translated this as a mad desire to lock up every single person with HIV.我把这点理解为想把每个艾滋病病毒携带者都关起来的疯狂欲望。柯林斯高阶〔yob〕Violent and dangerous yobs deserve to be locked up.有暴力行为的危险野小子就应该被关起来柯林斯高阶〔yob〕Violent and dangerous yobs deserve to be locked up.粗暴危险的愣小子就该关起来外研社新世纪Animals bred in captivity would probably not survive if they were released into the wild.关起来饲养的动物如果被释放到野生环境中很可能无法生存。剑桥国际Mad people and other social undesirables were generally locked up in the past.在过去,疯人和其他社会上不受欢迎的人通常被关起来剑桥国际The door closes quietly. 这门关起来不发出什么声音。译典通




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