

单词 公正待遇
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SOLVE〕Equal rights for women were necessary to remedy the injustices done to them over the centuries. 女性必须享有平等的权利,以消除数百年来她们所遭遇到的不公正待遇朗文写作活用〔deal〕Nationalists think Ireland has been getting a raw deal under the treaty.民族主义者认为这一条约使爱尔兰一直以来遭受到不公正待遇外研社新世纪〔deal〕The people of Liverpool have had a bad deal for many, many years.多年来, 利物浦人遭受了不公正待遇外研社新世纪〔deal〕They knew they'd been given a raw/rough deal(= been treated unfairly).他们知道自己受到了不公正待遇牛津高阶〔due〕At last she has the justice that is her due.最后她得到了应得的公正待遇麦克米伦高阶〔gross〕They have suffered a gross injustice.显然,他们遭受了不公正待遇韦氏高阶〔iniquity〕They were trying to protect their son from iniquity.他们竭力保护儿子免受不公正待遇朗文当代〔injustice〕The movie deals with injustices suffered by Native Americans.电影涉及到印第安人受到的不公正待遇朗文当代〔open season〕To pass this legislation would be to declare open season on homosexuals.这项法律的通过就是宣布对同性恋者采取不公正待遇剑桥高阶〔outrage〕He was outraged by the injustice.他因这一不公正待遇而感到愤慨。英汉大词典〔rail〕The workers railed about the unfair treatment they'd received.工人们对受到的不公正待遇愤愤不平。韦氏高阶〔satisfaction〕He eventually obtained satisfaction for his unfair treatment.他所受到的不公正待遇最终获得补偿。英汉大词典〔subject sb/sth to sth〕The investigation found that they had been subjected to unfair treatment.调查发现他们曾受到过不公正待遇剑桥高阶〔treat〕She felt she had been unfairly treated, and complained to her boss.她觉得自己受到了不公正待遇,便向老板提出抗议。麦克米伦高阶〔unfair〕Mrs Taylor believes her son has been unfairly treated .泰勒太太认为她儿子受到了不公正待遇朗文当代〔wrong〕We asked for compensation for the terrible wrongs done to us.我们要求就遭受到的极端不公正待遇进行赔偿。外研社新世纪She launched into an angry tirade about how she had been unfairly treated.她就如何遭受不公正待遇发表了激烈的长篇演说。剑桥国际They were tired of their raw treatment by their boss. 他们受到老板的不公正待遇,对此实在无法忍受了。译典通




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