

单词 公寓楼
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUILD/BUILDING〕The house at Number 14 was replaced by a block of flats. 14号那幢房子被一栋公寓楼取代了。朗文写作活用〔BUILD/BUILDING〕They're planning to tear down these apartments and put up an office building. 他们正计划拆除这些公寓楼,建一幢办公大楼。朗文写作活用〔DESTROY〕Eventually, in 1997, the apartment block was demolished. 这公寓楼终于在1997年被拆毁了。朗文写作活用〔HOUSE〕Small apartment buildings filled with families line the street. 沿街是一幢幢小型的公寓楼,楼里住满了人家。朗文写作活用〔HOUSE〕They live in a block of flats on a bleak council estate. 他们住在一个荒凉的统建住房小区的一幢公寓楼里。朗文写作活用〔announce〕All visitors to the apartment building must be announced.那幢公寓楼的访客必须全部通报。朗文当代〔apartment building〕We lived in an apartment building for several years before buying a house..在买房子之前,我们在一栋公寓楼里住了好几年。韦氏高阶〔at someone's pleasure〕The building can be converted to condominiums at the owner's pleasure.这栋建筑可以按照业主意愿改造成公寓楼韦氏高阶〔block〕A large building divided into separate units, such as apartments.大楼:分隔成许多单元的大厦,如公寓楼美国传统〔building〕Housing is limited and most people live in high-rise apartment buildings.住房有限,大多数人住在高层公寓楼里。牛津搭配〔complex〕They live in a large apartment complex.他们住在一幢大型的公寓楼里。剑桥高阶〔complex〕They live in an apartment complex outside the city.他们住在城外的公寓楼里。外研社新世纪〔court〕I live in the Franklin Court apartments on Main Street.我住在主街的富兰克林公寓楼韦氏高阶〔crash〕Two people in the flat recalled hearing a loud crash about 1.30 a.m.公寓楼里有两个人回想起凌晨1点半听见了一声巨响。柯林斯高阶〔crumble〕The high and low-rise apartment blocks built in the 1960s are crumbling.20世纪60年代建造的高低不一的公寓楼群正在逐渐破损坍塌。柯林斯高阶〔crumble〕The high-and low-rise apartment blocks built in the 1960s are crumbling.20世纪60年代建造的高低不一的公寓楼群逐渐摇摇欲坠。外研社新世纪〔deserted〕They live in 12 high-rise apartment buildings that sit in a desert of concrete.他们居住的地方是坐落于一片钢筋水泥丛林中的12栋高层公寓楼柯林斯高阶〔desert〕They live in apartment buildings in a desert of concrete.他们居住的地方是坐落于一片钢筋水泥丛林中的公寓楼外研社新世纪〔engulf〕A seven-year-old boy was found dead after a landslide engulfed a block of flats.山体滑坡掩埋了一栋公寓楼, 造成一名7岁男孩丧生。外研社新世纪〔engulf〕A seven-year-old boy was found dead after a landslide engulfed a block of flats.山体滑坡掩埋了一栋公寓楼,造成一名7岁男孩丧生。柯林斯高阶〔erect〕They plan to erect an apartment house on that property.他们打算在那片地产上建造一座公寓楼英汉大词典〔fire〕Residents were evacuated when fire broke out in a block of flats yesterday.昨天,一幢公寓楼发生火灾,居民都被疏散了。朗文当代〔first floor〕Fire broke out on the first floor of the apartment building.公寓楼的底层起火。朗文当代〔flat〕Children from the flats(= the block of flats)across the street were playing outside.街对面公寓楼里的儿童正在户外玩耍。牛津高阶〔flat〕The building was knocked down to make way for a block of flats (=a large building with many flats in it) .那幢建筑被拆了腾出地方建一幢公寓楼朗文当代〔flat〕The house has now been converted into flats.这幢房子现已被改建为公寓楼了。牛津搭配〔flat〕The tall blocks of flats dominated the skyline.那些高高的公寓楼耸入云端。牛津搭配〔flat〕We got her a flat in the same block as ours.我们帮她在我们住的公寓楼找到了一套住房。牛津搭配〔front〕My apartment block faces (NOT is in front of) the sea.我的公寓楼面向大海。朗文当代〔garden apartment〕A unit in a low-rise apartment complex that includes a substantial amount of open, usually landscaped ground.花园住宅:低层公寓楼群中的一套住房,通常有大面积的花园美国传统〔glint〕Sunlight glinted off the windows of a tall apartment building.阳光照在一栋高大的公寓楼的玻璃窗上闪闪发光。朗文当代〔heat〕Some apartment buildings don't have their heat turned on till the end of this week.有些公寓楼直到本周末才会开暖气。柯林斯高阶〔hole〕Blocks of flats have been holed and some shells have fallen within the historic ramparts.几栋公寓楼被炸出了窟窿,几枚炮弹还落在了古护城墙内。柯林斯高阶〔mansion〕Delaware Mansions, a block of 167 flats opposite the BBC Radio studios.特拉华公寓——一座位于英国广播公司电台对面拥有167间套房的公寓楼柯林斯高阶〔permission〕They got/received permission from the city to build an apartment complex.市政府批准他们兴建公寓楼群。韦氏高阶〔rehouse〕Their houses were demolished, so they were rehoused in huge blocks of flats.他们的住房被拆毁了,所以给他们提供了大公寓楼内的一套套新住房。英汉大词典〔rooftop〕They have a garden on the rooftop of the apartment building.他们公寓楼的楼顶上有一个花园韦氏高阶〔run sb/sth to ground〕Detectives finally ran the terrorists to ground in an apartment building in Chicago.侦探们历尽艰辛终于在芝加哥的一座公寓楼内挖出了恐怖分子。剑桥高阶〔screening〕Most of the road behind the hotel was screened by a block of flats.宾馆后面的那条路大部分被一片公寓楼遮住了。柯林斯高阶〔to〕The school was converted to an apartment building.学校被改建成了一座公寓楼韦氏高阶〔turn〕There are plans to turn the old school into an apartment building.有计划要把这所旧学校改造成公寓楼韦氏高阶〔walk-up〕She lives in a tiny fifth floor walk-up in New York's East Village.她居住在纽约东村一幢公寓楼5层的一间没有电梯直达的狭小公寓里。柯林斯高阶〔wall〕This apartment building has thin walls, and you can hear everything your neighbors say.这个公寓楼的墙很薄,邻居说什么你都能听见。韦氏高阶〔whole〕Our new apartment complex has a tennis court, swimming pool, playground – the whole nine yards.我们新的公寓楼有网球场、游泳池、游乐场 — 应有尽有。朗文当代A lot of the children in the school live in the flats (=building containing flats) at the end of the road.这个学校的许多学生住在路尽头的公寓楼里。剑桥国际Prospective tenants are carefully vetted before they are allowed to move into the apartment building.未来的住户在搬入公寓楼之前都要接受仔细审查。剑桥国际The Scud missile which hit a block of flats carried a conventional, high-explosive warhead.击中了一幢公寓楼的那枚飞毛腿导弹装备了常规的高爆弹头。剑桥国际Those apartment blocks must have been built badly because they're starting to fall down already.那些公寓楼的建筑一定很糟,因为它们已经开始摇摇欲坠了。剑桥国际Turn right at the block of flats (Am apartment house) on the corner.在拐角处的公寓楼群向右转。剑桥国际




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