

单词 公共关系
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FRIENDLY〕Marshall's skills and her outgoing personality made her very effective in her public relations jobs. 马歇尔的交际技巧加上她外向的性格使她在公共关系工作中非常得心应手。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕McAvoy is a natural at public relations. 麦卡沃伊天生就是公共关系专家。朗文写作活用〔MISTAKE〕It seems to be another public relations blunder by the government. 看来在公共关系上,政府又犯了愚蠢的大错。朗文写作活用〔PRO〕Public relations officer.公共关系局官员美国传统〔PR〕The band have been getting a lot of good PR recently.最近该乐队的公共关系非常好。朗文当代〔account executive〕A person, as in an advertising or a public relations firm, who manages clients' accounts.业务经理:在广告或公共关系公司负责客户帐目的人美国传统〔blueprint〕The document was seen as a public relations exercise rather than a blueprint for change.这份文件被看作是公共关系训练而不是变革的详细规划。麦克米伦高阶〔hire〕We ought to hire a public relations consultant to help improve our image.我们应该雇用一位公共关系顾问来提升我们的形象。剑桥高阶〔involve〕Nicky's job as a public relations director involves spending quite a lot of time with other people.尼基作为公共关系主管,需要花很多时间与别人打交道。柯林斯高阶〔lousy〕There can be no argument about how lousy he is at public relations.毫无争议的是, 他非常不擅长处理公共关系外研社新世纪〔media〕Their PR officer handles TV, radio, and print media interviews.他们的公共关系官员负责应对电视、广播以及纸媒的采访。牛津搭配〔minder〕His public-relations minder refused to allow him to answer any of the journalists' questions.他的公共关系顾问禁止他回答记者的任何提问。剑桥高阶〔pr〕The article is very good PR for the theatre.这篇文章有助于加强该剧院的公共关系牛津高阶〔public relations〕It's good for public relations.这对公共关系有利。外研社新世纪〔public relations〕Sponsoring community events is always good for public relations.赞助社区活动对公共关系总是有利的。韦氏高阶〔public relations〕Sponsoring the local team is good for public relations.赞助当地球队有利于公共关系牛津高阶〔public relations〕The project has been disastrous for the bank in terms of public relations.就公共关系而言,该计划对银行来说是非常失败的。朗文当代〔responsibility〕Full responsibility for the fiasco lies with the PR department.这次惨败完全是公共关系部门的责任。牛津搭配〔shopper〕He set up shop as an independent PR consultant.他自己开公司,做起了独立公共关系顾问。柯林斯高阶Environmentalists attacked the company's ad as a public-relations exercise.环境保护论者抨击这个公司的广告是搞公共关系剑桥国际His public-relations minder refused to allow him to answer any of the journalists’questions.他的公共关系保护人不允许他回答任何记者的提问。剑桥国际Public relations is one of the fastest-growing professions.公共关系是增长最快的行业之一。牛津商务She's the director of some public-relations outfit in London.她是伦敦某个公共关系组织的主任。剑桥国际Sponsoring the local team is good for public relations.赞助当地球队有利于搞好公共关系牛津商务We had to deal with a public relations crisis.我们不得不处理公共关系危机。牛津商务We ought to hire a public relations consultant to help improve our image.我们应该雇用一名公共关系顾问来改善我们的形象。剑桥国际




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