

单词 克米伦
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔angle〕Littlejohn blasted an angled shot well wide of the goal.小约翰以斜角大力射门,球射飞了。克米伦高阶〔approximation〕I can only give you an approximation of the cost.我只能告诉你大致的费用。克米伦高阶〔benefit〕The town was still reaping the benefits years after the film's release.电影发行好几年后这个小镇仍在受益。克米伦高阶〔blooming〕Who's making that blooming noise? 谁在发出那种该死的声音?克米伦高阶〔blow-by-blow〕She insisted on giving us a blow-by-blow account of her entire trip.她坚持要极其详尽地给我们讲述她的整个旅行。克米伦高阶〔blow〕He threatened to blow my brains out if I didn't hand over the money.他威胁如果我不交出钱就朝我的脑袋开枪。克米伦高阶〔boiling〕I'm absolutely boiling in this jumper.穿着这件工作服我感到非常热。克米伦高阶〔book〕Could you book me on the 8.30 flight? 你能为我预订8∶30的航班吗?克米伦高阶〔burn〕Sara left all the lights burning.萨拉让所有的灯都开着。克米伦高阶〔bus〕We took a bus into the centre of town.我们乘公共汽车到市中心。克米伦高阶〔by〕She was, by nature, a cheerful and friendly sort of person.她天生是那种快乐友善的人。克米伦高阶〔chuck〕Someone had chucked a brick through their window.有人把一块砖头扔进了他们的窗户里。克米伦高阶〔clearly〕You can't think clearly on four hours' sleep.只睡4个小时,你不可能很清醒地思考。克米伦高阶〔close〕We will close for stocktaking next week.我们打算下周关店进行盘点。克米伦高阶〔compassion〕Both women shared a compassion for victims of war.两个女人都对战争受害者有着怜悯之心。克米伦高阶〔consignment〕Another consignment of nuclear waste is due to arrive tomorrow.明天又有一批核废料要运来。克米伦高阶〔contradict〕Her account of the accident contradicts that of the other driver.她对事故的陈述和另一位司机的说法不一致。克米伦高阶〔court〕Lynn took her employers to court for compensation.把某人送上法庭克米伦高阶〔crowd〕I spent an evening out with the usual crowd.我和经常在一起的一帮朋友在外面过了一个晚上。克米伦高阶〔crumple〕I quickly crumpled up the letter and shoved it in my pocket.我迅速把信揉成一团塞进口袋。克米伦高阶〔deliver〕The main speech was delivered by Anne Samson.安妮・萨姆森作了主要发言。克米伦高阶〔diet〕The bird has a diet of nuts and berries.这只鸟以坚果和浆果为食。克米伦高阶〔difference〕We had a slight difference of opinion over the design.我们对该设计的看法稍有分歧。克米伦高阶〔distortion〕Practically all these early recordings suffer from distortion.实际上所有这些早期的录音都有些失真。克米伦高阶〔driving licence〕Fred lost his driving licence(=was not allowed to drive) after being caught drink-driving.弗雷德酒后驾车被抓到后被吊销了汽车驾驶执照。克米伦高阶〔driving test〕I'm taking my driving test next week.我下星期要参加驾照考试。克米伦高阶〔drop〕This money is just a drop in the ocean compared to what's needed.与所需要的相比,这点儿钱远远不够,只是杯水车薪。克米伦高阶〔elevate〕We are looking at elevating homes that have been devastated by this flood.我们看着被洪水冲毁的漂浮着的房屋。克米伦高阶〔enlist〕Your only option is to enlist the services of a good lawyer.你唯一的选择就是找位好律师帮你。克米伦高阶〔familiarity〕Applicants should demonstrate a familiarity with housing law.申请人要显示出自己熟悉有关住房的法律。克米伦高阶〔film〕We watched a film about prison life.我们看了一部关于监狱生活的影片。克米伦高阶〔forfeit〕It is the first time she has forfeited a tournament match through injury.这是她第一次因伤被迫放弃参加巡回赛。克米伦高阶〔forth〕Her first novel brought forth the scorn of critics.她的第一部小说招来了批评家们的蔑视。克米伦高阶〔foul〕I thought his shirt was foul.我觉得他的衬衣糟透了。克米伦高阶〔fun〕Being an actor isn't all fun and games.当演员可不仅仅是玩闹。克米伦高阶〔further〕You could take the argument further and say that smoking should be made illegal.你可以进一步发展这个论点,提出应该使吸烟非法化的主张。克米伦高阶〔gene〕He believes that shyness is in the genes.遗传的克米伦高阶〔glorify〕Her sole purpose in life was to honour and glorify God.她生命的唯一目的是尊敬和颂扬上帝。克米伦高阶〔goal〕Our goal is to provide a good standard of medical care.我们的目标是提供高水准的医疗保健服务。克米伦高阶〔go〕Last night's performance went over very well.昨晚的表演反响很好。克米伦高阶〔hope〕I don't want to raise her hopes about the promotion until I'm sure.在我确定之前不想让她对晋升抱很大希望。克米伦高阶〔it〕Stop it. You're hurting me.快停下。你弄伤我了。克米伦高阶〔jeer〕Councillors were jeered and heckled as they emerged from the meeting.政务会委员们走出会场时遭到了嘲笑和起哄。克米伦高阶〔jury〕The jury found him guilty of murdering three people.陪审团因他杀害3人而判他有罪。克米伦高阶〔keep〕Sorry to keep you waiting.真抱歉,让你久等了。克米伦高阶〔languish〕Oil prices continue to languish at $10.79 a barrel.石油价格依然停留在每桶10.79美元。克米伦高阶〔lesson〕Let that be a lesson to you not to play with matches! 把那件事当作你的一次教训,别再玩火柴了!克米伦高阶〔liberty〕It would be a bit of a liberty if one of my friends used my house while I was away.如果我不在时我的一位朋友用了我的房子,那就有点失礼了。克米伦高阶〔maintain〕Though now in government, he has maintained close contact with his former colleagues in the oil industry.虽然现在供职于政府,他仍和以前在石油业的同僚保持着密切联系。克米伦高阶〔mind〕My grandmother's mind is failing.我祖母的智力正在衰退。克米伦高阶〔more〕Teenage marriages are more likely to end in divorce.很多年轻人的婚姻更可能以离婚告终。克米伦高阶〔move〕We couldn't move the stuff even at half the price.即使半价出售我们也卖不掉这东西。克米伦高阶〔much〕The trouble with Jean is she talks too much.琼的缺点是话太多了。克米伦高阶〔neighbour〕She whispered to her neighbour that she thought the play was too long.她对邻座的人轻声说她觉得这出戏太长了。克米伦高阶〔notwithstanding〕Notwithstanding his love of luxury, his house was simple inside.尽管他喜欢奢华,但他家里还是简朴的。克米伦高阶〔observe〕I observed him putting the watch into his pocket.我看到他把手表放进口袋里。克米伦高阶〔only〕This is the only letter my father ever wrote to me.这是我父亲写给我的唯一一封信。克米伦高阶〔opening〕Staff at the supermarket campaigned against Sunday opening.超市的员工为反对星期日开门营业发起了抗议活动。克米伦高阶〔order〕You can change the order of the list by using the ‘sort' command.你可以使用“排序”指令来改变列表的顺序。克米伦高阶〔peacemaker〕The ex-president has been honoured as a peacemaker.前任总统荣膺战争调停者的称号。克米伦高阶〔pin〕The Allied armies had been pinned down by the Germans.盟军已被德国军队困住。克米伦高阶〔play〕His career as a writer was played out against a background of alcoholism.酗酒一直伴随着他的写作生涯。克米伦高阶〔potent〕The local wine is pretty potent.当地的酒相当有劲儿。克米伦高阶〔presumably〕They are students, so presumably they won't have a lot of money.他们是学生,因此也许没有太多钱。克米伦高阶〔problem〕That still doesn't solve our problem.那样还是没有解决我们的问题。克米伦高阶〔programme〕The Labour Party's programme for recovery will help bring Britain out of recession.工党的复兴计划将有助于使英国摆脱衰退。克米伦高阶〔puzzle〕She seemed to be trying to puzzle out who the caller might be.她好像在苦苦思索打电话的人可能是谁。克米伦高阶〔relapse〕Annie shook her head and relapsed into silence again.安妮摇了摇头,就又一言不发了。克米伦高阶〔remotely〕She'd never seen anything even remotely like it.她从来没有见过任何东西和它有丝毫的相像。克米伦高阶〔resignation〕The scandal resulted in Allyn's resignation from his post.这起丑闻致使阿林辞职。克米伦高阶〔rest〕He's going to give football a rest for a while.他要暂停一阵子不踢足球了。克米伦高阶〔roaring〕We did a roaring trade in ice creams last week.上星期我们的冰淇淋卖得非常火。克米伦高阶〔run〕A chill ran through me(=I suddenly felt frightened).我突然感到一阵恐惧。克米伦高阶〔say〕What an odd thing to say, Carrie thought.说这样的话真奇怪,卡丽思忖道。克米伦高阶〔send〕I must get the parcel sent off tomorrow.我明天必须把包裹邮寄出去。克米伦高阶〔sensational〕The singing was sensational! 唱得太棒了!克米伦高阶〔separate〕Police have killed seven guerrillas in three separate incidents this week.本周警方在3起不同的事件中击毙了7名游击队员。克米伦高阶〔shrink〕He shrank away from her touch.他往后一缩避开了她的触摸。克米伦高阶〔side〕The winning side will get a place in the finals.获胜方将赢得一个决赛席位。克米伦高阶〔signal〕They had ignored the strong signals of an approaching economic crisis.他们忽视了即将到来的经济危机的强烈征兆。克米伦高阶〔speak〕Her extensive library spoke of her love of reading.她藏书范围之广表明她很爱读书。克米伦高阶〔steam〕Tom rubbed the steam from the window and peered outside.汤姆把窗上的水汽擦掉,费力地向外看去。克米伦高阶〔succeed〕In today's economy, you need to have very specific skills to succeed.在当今的经济形势下,你要成功就必须具备非常独特的技能。克米伦高阶〔support〕Thomas could offer no support for his allegations.托马斯提供不出任何证据来证实自己的指控。克米伦高阶〔surprise〕Mike decided to surprise Angie with flowers.迈克决定用花给安吉一个惊喜。克米伦高阶〔suspect〕Jess had been killed, and her husband was the obvious suspect.杰丝被杀害,她的丈夫显然有嫌疑。克米伦高阶〔take〕She's taking her parents out for dinner.她正带父母出去吃饭。克米伦高阶〔take〕The book takes in the period between 1891 and Lenin's death.该书描写的是1891年至列宁逝世为止那段时间。克米伦高阶〔take〕They played a selection of songs taken from Broadway musicals.他们演奏了百老汇音乐剧中的一些精选曲目。克米伦高阶〔talk〕He visited Egypt in March for talks with the president.他于3月访问了埃及,并与埃及总统举行了会谈。克米伦高阶〔terrorism〕They were charged with conspiring to commit acts of terrorism.他们被指控密谋策划恐怖主义活动。克米伦高阶〔tinkle〕Silver bells tinkled.银铃叮当作响。克米伦高阶〔trot〕The grey horse came trotting gracefully across the field.那匹灰马优雅地小跑着穿过田野。克米伦高阶〔tuck〕I'll be upstairs soon to tuck you in.我马上上楼安顿你上床睡觉。克米伦高阶〔tuck〕She took off her glasses and tucked them in her pocket.她摘下眼镜,把它收在口袋里。克米伦高阶〔uncover〕Troops uncovered a terrorist training camp.部队发现了一个恐怖分子的训练营。克米伦高阶〔understand〕We understand that a major announcement is to be made tomorrow.我们听说明天有重要消息要宣布。克米伦高阶〔up〕He was up and about again two days after the operation.手术两天后,他又可以下床走动了。克米伦高阶〔wreath〕The Queen laid a wreath at the war memorial.女王在战争纪念碑前敬献了花圈。克米伦高阶〔wrinkle〕The medicine made him wrinkle up his nose in disgust.这药使他恶心得皱起了鼻子。克米伦高阶




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