

单词 先前的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEFORE〕Please ignore my previous instructions. 请不要理会我先前的指令。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕During the interview, they kept returning to the question of why he had left his previous job. 面试时,他们老是回到他为何辞去先前的工作这个问题上。朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕My warnings about Jean-Paul were later borne out by his dishonesty. 让·保罗不诚实的行为证实了我先前的警告是正确的。朗文写作活用〔a tempo〕In the time originally designated; resuming the initial tempo of a section or movement after a specified deviation from it. Used chiefly as a direction.恢复原先的速度,用先前的速度:在原定的时间内;经过一个特定的偏移后,重新回到乐章或章节的最初节奏。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔accord〕These results are in accord with earlier research.这些结果和先前的研究一致。朗文当代〔antecedent〕Going before; preceding.先前的;前面的美国传统〔antecedent〕It was permissible to take account of antecedent legislation.允许考虑先前的法律。外研社新世纪〔antecedent〕It was permissible to take account of antecedent legislation.允许考虑先前的法律。柯林斯高阶〔antecedent〕The history of antecedent trauma may be coincidental.先前的心理创伤史或许是偶然性的。外研社新世纪〔anterior〕Occurring before in time; earlier.先前的:时间上先发生的;较早的美国传统〔antitype〕One that is foreshadowed by or identified with an earlier symbol or type, such as a figure in the New Testament who has a counterpart in the Old Testament.先前原形:先前的标记或模型所预示或表明的原形,如《新约》中的人物在《旧约》中有对应的形象美国传统〔assurance〕He accused the president of going back on assurances given earlier.他指责总统违背了先前的诺言。牛津搭配〔back away〕The government seems to be backing away from its earlier proposal.政府似乎正在背弃其先前的计划。韦氏高阶〔backward〕Done or arranged in a manner or an order that is opposite to previous occurrence or normal use.逆向的:以和先前的情况或正常的用法相反的方式或顺序来完成或安排的美国传统〔beat〕I'll be happy if I beat my previous score.如果我打破自己先前的纪录我会很高兴。麦克米伦高阶〔betray〕He has been accused of betraying his former socialist ideals.有人指责他背弃了他先前的社会主义理想。牛津高阶〔blank out〕I was trying to blank out previous situations from my mind.我试图将先前的境遇从大脑中抹去。柯林斯高阶〔blank out〕I was trying to blank out previous situations from my mind.我试着将先前的境遇从大脑中抹去。外研社新世纪〔borderline〕In borderline cases teachers will take the final decision, based on the student's previous work.在难以定夺的情况下,教师将根据学生先前的作业作出最终评分。牛津高阶〔calm〕Her previous calm gave way to terror.她先前的泰然自若已变为惊恐。牛津高阶〔change〕To reverse a previously held opinion or an earlier decision.改变:推翻先前的观点或以前的决定美国传统〔cherished〕The previous owners had cherished the house.房子先前的主人非常爱惜这房子。柯林斯高阶〔comparison〕Comparison with his previous movies shows how Lee has developed as a director.和他先前的影片进行比较,可以看到李作为一名导演的成长历程。朗文当代〔comparison〕These figures are provided for comparison with the results of previous studies.提供这些数据是用来和先前的研究进行比较。朗文当代〔concur〕The new report concurs with previous findings.新报告与先前的调查结果一致。剑桥高阶〔consistent〕The results are consistent with earlier research.结果与先前的研究相符合。朗文当代〔consist〕The results consisted with those of previous studies.结果与先前的研究结果相符。外研社新世纪〔contrast〕This statement contrasts starkly with his previous statements.这一陈述与他先前的陈述形成了鲜明的对比。牛津搭配〔credit〕He received full credit for his studies at a previous school.他在一所先前的学校取得了所有课程的学分美国传统〔cut〕We should cut back to previous levels of spending.我们应该减少到先前的开支水平。牛津搭配〔decision〕The High Court can overturn an earlier decision.最高法院可以推翻先前的判决。麦克米伦高阶〔double dipping〕The practice of drawing two incomes from the government, usually by holding a government job and receiving a pension, as for prior military service.双重支薪:从政府中领取两份薪金的行为,通常是因为一方面在政府任职,另一方面因为先前的服役等领取退职金美国传统〔draft〕The published poem differs quite a bit from earlier drafts.发表的诗作与先前的草稿有诸多不同。韦氏高阶〔echo〕The article contains echoes of an earlier report.这篇文章与先前的一篇报道如出一辙。朗文当代〔elaborate〕She refused to elaborate on her earlier statements.她拒绝详述她先前的声明。韦氏高阶〔erstwhile〕His erstwhile friends turned against him.他先前的朋友转而与他作对。牛津高阶〔expand on/upon〕She declined to expand on her earlier statement.她拒绝详述她先前的声明。韦氏高阶〔expectation〕This result is contrary to our prior expectations.这一结果与我们先前的期望正好相反。牛津搭配〔expel〕He had been expelled from his previous school for stealing.他因偷窃被先前的学校开除。外研社新世纪〔finding〕Our recent findings are in line with those of an earlier study.我们最近的研究结果与先前的一致。牛津搭配〔flare-up〕If a flare-up occurs, increase the dose to the previous level.如果病情复发, 就把用药剂量增加到先前的水平。外研社新世纪〔forfeit〕His former rights are forfeit now.他先前的权利现已被剥夺了。英汉大词典〔former〕It was a long time after the accident before he seemed like his former self (= behaved in the way he had before).事故过后很长时间,他似乎才恢复了先前的样子。剑桥高阶〔forward〕The letter was forwarded from a previous address.这封信是从先前的地址转来的。英汉大词典〔go against〕He was surprised when some of his former supporters went against him.他很惊诧先前的一些支持者竟然反对他。韦氏高阶〔hear〕She has been heard to make threats to her former lover.有人听见她威胁她先前的恋人。牛津高阶〔hold over〕He is the only player to have been held over from their previous team.他是先前的球队留下来的唯一球员。韦氏高阶〔hold〕This film doesn't hold a candle to his previous ones.这部电影并不比他先前的几部好美国传统〔implication〕They are called 'Supertrams', the implication being that (=which is meant to suggest that) they are more advanced than earlier models.它们被称作“超级电车”,这是暗指它们比先前的型号更先进。朗文当代〔imply〕Early reports implied that the judge's death was not an accident.先前的几份报告暗示那名法官并非死于意外。韦氏高阶〔inconsistent〕There is some inconsistency between the witnesses' evidence and their earlier statements.证人的证词与他们先前的陈述有些出入。牛津高阶〔infer〕A link between the two conditions can be inferred from previous studies.这两种情况之间的联系可以根据先前的研究推理得出。麦克米伦高阶〔invalidate〕This study invalidates their earlier research.这项研究证明他们先前的调查是错误的。麦克米伦高阶〔involute〕To return to a normal or former condition.恢复:恢复到正常的或先前的状态美国传统〔judgement〕This latest case confirms my earlier judgement.最近这件事证实了我先前的判断。牛津搭配〔juicy〕She sued her former boss and won a juicy settlement in court.她把先前的老板告上法庭,获得了一大笔赔偿金。韦氏高阶〔justify〕The events that followed served to justify our earlier decision.后来发生的事件证明我们先前的决定是合理的。牛津搭配〔keeping〕The latest results are in keeping with our earlier findings.最新结果与我们先前的发现一致。牛津高阶〔nihilism〕Rejection of all distinctions in moral or religious value and a willingness to repudiate all previous theories of morality or religious belief.道德虚无主义:否认所有道德及宗教价值观的特点并意欲否定所有先前的有关道德及宗教信价的理论美国传统〔occupant〕The furniture had been left by the previous occupants.家具是先前的住户留下的。朗文当代〔occupant〕The previous occupants were an Italian family.先前的居住者是一家意大利人。剑桥高阶〔over〕This £151 million is over and above the government's previous spending plans.这151亿英镑不包括在政府先前的支出计划里。麦克米伦高阶〔parallel〕She was travelling parallel to her previous route.她现在的旅行线路和先前的线路平行。朗文当代〔past〕The report is highly critical of the Department's past performance.报告对该部门先前的表现提出了严厉批评。麦克米伦高阶〔piece〕This latest action is all of a piece with his previous behaviour.他最近的这一举措与先前的行为并无二致。麦克米伦高阶〔posture〕Michael gulped as he struggled to regain his posture.迈克尔一饮而尽,挣扎着要恢复先前的姿势。牛津搭配〔preceding〕Existing or coming before another or others in time, place, rank, or sequence; previous.在前的,在先的:在时间、地方、等级或次序上比另一个或其他存在或出现都先的;先前的美国传统〔prevenience〕The act or state of being antecedent or prevenient.先行,在前:先前的或在前面的动作或状态美国传统〔prevenient〕Coming before; preceding.以前的;先前的美国传统〔purchase〕You can resell books and cut the original cost of purchase.你可以转售这些书以减少先前的购买成本。牛津搭配〔recall〕He recalled his earlier instructions.他撤销了先前的指令。英汉大词典〔record-breaker〕The movie became a box-office record breaker.这部电影打破了先前的票房纪录。柯林斯高阶〔reintroduce〕The school has decided to reintroduce some of its old policies.学校决定重新施行先前的一些老政策。韦氏高阶〔renounce〕Many of his former supporters have renounced him.他先前的许多支持者都背弃了他。韦氏高阶〔retrogress〕To return to an earlier, inferior, or less complex condition.后退,倒退:回到先前的、较低级的或较不复杂的状况美国传统〔reverse〕The Court of Appeal reversed the earlier judgment.上诉法院推翻了先前的判决。剑桥高阶〔reversion〕These changes are a reversion to an earlier weather pattern.这些变化是对先前的天气状况的恢复。麦克米伦高阶〔roughly〕The new product is modeled roughly on an earlier design.这个新产品大体上是按先前的设计制造的。韦氏高阶〔run〕Buses are running an hour late, because of an earlier accident.因为先前的一起车祸,公共汽车的运行晚点一小时。剑桥高阶〔sequel〕A literary work complete in itself but continuing the narrative of an earlier work.续篇:自己结束但继续先前的作品叙事的文学作品美国传统〔sometime〕Thomas Atkins, sometime vicar of this parish 本教区先前的牧师托马斯 · 阿特金斯牛津高阶〔splendour〕They bought a decaying 16th-century manor house and restored it to its original splendour.他们买了一幢破败的16世纪庄园宅邸,经过整修使它恢复了先前的富丽堂皇。剑桥高阶〔stand〕He stands on his earlier offer. We will stand firm.他坚持先前的报价。我们绝不改变美国传统〔start〕She started the meeting with a brief review of the previous meeting.会议开始时她首先对先前的会议做了简短总结。韦氏高阶〔sweep away〕The earlier cloud had been swept away.先前的云彩已被吹散了。外研社新世纪〔tableau〕An interlude during a scene when all the performers on stage freeze in position and then resume action as before.场景:一幕场景中的一个插曲,此时舞台上所有演员都在他们各自的位置上静止下来,片刻后再次恢复先前的动作美国传统〔tribunal〕The disciplinary tribunal upheld an earlier ruling.惩戒法庭维持先前的裁决。牛津搭配〔violation〕There is plenty of evidence that her actions were in violation of an earlier contract.有大量证据表明她的行为违反了先前的合同。牛津搭配〔wont〕The previous city council was wont to overspend.先前的市政会常常会超支。剑桥高阶Buses are running an hour late, because of an earlier accident.由于先前的交通事故,公共汽车晚点一小时。剑桥国际Now that democracy has returned to the former dictatorship, thousands of émigré are thinking about going back home.现在既然民主制度重新取代了先前的专制统治,成千上万的流亡者在考虑重返家园。剑桥国际The appeal court said it was not bound to follow its previous decision.上诉法院称它不受其先前的判决所约束。牛津商务The original orders were cancelled and I was given fresh instructions.先前的命令取消了,我又得到了新的指示。剑桥国际The position of our formerly illegal workers has now been regularized (= made legal and official).我们先前的非法工人身份现在已被合法化了。剑桥国际The working party produced more flexible and less prescriptive guidelines than the previous group and emphasized the importance of creativity.和先前的组相比,现在的工作组制定了灵活性更大的规定更少的准则,并且强调创造性的重要。剑桥国际This revised edition is incomparable with the earlier ones. 这一修订本不可与先前的版本同日而语。译典通Travis won a walkover in the second round because Watson still hadn't recovered from his earlier fight and had to back out.第二轮特拉维斯不战而胜,因为华生还没有能够从先前的比赛中恢复过来,只得退出。剑桥国际




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