

单词 傲慢
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Blimp〕A pompous, reactionary, ultranationalistic person.死硬、傲慢的反动分子美国传统〔CALL/DESCRIBE AS〕Eliot was described by Lewis as arrogant, sly and insincere. 艾略特被刘易斯说成为人傲慢、狡猾、虚伪。朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕He strutted into the room, full of his own self-importance. 他趾高气扬地走进房间,样子十足的傲慢朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕Jessica turned away with a haughty look on her face. 杰茜卡脸上带着傲慢的神情转过身去。朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕She refused his request, haughtily explaining that such things were beneath her. 她拒绝了他的要求,并且傲慢地解释说,做那样的事有失她的身份。朗文写作活用〔RUDE〕Harris was abrasive and arrogant. 哈里斯既粗鲁又傲慢朗文写作活用〔anger〕They were shocked and angered by the company's arrogance.公司的傲慢无礼让他们感到既震惊又气愤。韦氏高阶〔anywhere〕Arrogance won't get you anywhere.傲慢自大对你没有好处。外研社新世纪〔arrogance〕I couldn't believe the arrogance of the man! 我真不敢相信那个男人那么傲慢朗文当代〔arrogant〕It is your arrogant insistence that compelled me to do as you asked.是你傲慢地坚持己见使我不得不按你的要求做。英汉大词典〔arrogant〕Making or disposed to make claims to unwarranted importance or consideration out of overbearing pride.傲慢的:超越专横的傲慢对不正当的重要性或考虑提出或愿意提出要求美国传统〔assuming〕Presumptuous; arrogant.专横的;傲慢美国传统〔assumption〕Presumption; arrogance.自负;傲慢美国传统〔assumptive〕Presumptuous; assuming.自负的;傲慢美国传统〔astound〕His arrogance astounded her.他的傲慢使她震惊。牛津高阶〔astound〕She was astounded by his arrogance.他的傲慢使她震惊。牛津高阶〔attitude〕There's no denying the guy has attitude.不可否认,这个家伙很傲慢麦克米伦高阶〔ball〕Great presumptuousness.放肆:非常专横,傲慢美国传统〔bluster〕Loud, arrogant speech, often full of empty threats.气势汹汹的大话:大声的、傲慢的讲话,经常充满空洞的威胁美国传统〔boggle〕His mind boggles at the king's arrogance.他在国王的傲慢面前心存疑惧。21世纪英汉〔bow-wow〕An overbearing manner.傲慢的态度美国传统〔brash〕She asks such brash questions.她竟问出如此傲慢的问题。韦氏高阶〔cavalier〕They are too cavalier in their treatment of others.他们对待别人很傲慢韦氏高阶〔cloak〕Humility is made the cloak of pride.谦卑成了傲慢的伪装。英汉大词典〔cock〕An overbearing or domineering person.傲慢的或盛气凌人的人美国传统〔condescending〕Professor Hutter's manner is extremely condescending.赫特教授的态度极为傲慢朗文当代〔contumely〕Rudeness or contempt arising from arrogance; insolence.傲慢:由傲慢产生的无礼或轻视;无礼美国传统〔coolly〕I didn't like him at all. I thought he was cool, aloof, and arrogant.我一点也不喜欢他,觉得他冷漠、孤僻而且傲慢柯林斯高阶〔cover-up〕His brash manner is just a cover-up for his insecurity.他的傲慢举止正是对其缺乏安全感的掩饰。韦氏高阶〔defence mechanism〕Arrogance is often a defence mechanism.傲慢往往是一种防卫表现。剑桥高阶〔devious〕He's devious, self-centred and arrogant.他很狡诈,以自我为中心,而且傲慢无礼。麦克米伦高阶〔enrage〕Her supercilious attitude enraged me.她的傲慢态度使我极为愤怒。21世纪英汉〔fault〕His worst fault is his arrogance.他最大的缺点是傲慢朗文当代〔front〕His arrogance is just a front. Deep down he's really insecure.他的傲慢不过是掩饰,内心深处他很没有安全感。朗文当代〔get〕His arrogance always gets me.他的傲慢老是惹我光火。英汉大词典〔haughtily〕He spoke in a haughty tone.他说起话来口气傲慢柯林斯高阶〔haughtily〕Toni looked at him rather haughtily.托尼很傲慢地看着他。外研社新世纪〔hauteur〕Haughtiness in bearing and attitude; arrogance.傲慢:举止和姿态上的骄傲;自负美国传统〔highhat〕I won’t stand for the friend of yours who highhats.我再也受不了你那位举止傲慢的朋友了。21世纪英汉〔importantly〕He moved forward importantly, pushing the others aside.他傲慢地向前走去,把其他人推到一边。麦克米伦高阶〔impute sth to sb〕He arrogantly imputed stupidity to anyone who disagreed with him.他傲慢地认为那些与他意见相左的人都是愚蠢的。剑桥高阶〔incense〕She incensed them with/by her arrogance.她的傲慢激怒了他们。韦氏高阶〔insolence〕Pupils could be excluded from school for insolence.学生可能会因傲慢无礼而被开除。外研社新世纪〔insolence〕They have pushed their insolence and arrogance to intolerable lengths.他们的傲慢无礼达到了不能容忍的程度。英汉大词典〔irritate〕It's his arrogance that really irritates me.真正惹恼我的是他的傲慢韦氏高阶〔lay〕To assert positively and often arrogantly.发号施令:肯定且通常是傲慢地宣称美国传统〔like〕She doesn't know what it is like to be [like being] proud.她不知道傲慢为何物。文馨英汉〔limit〕His arrogance knew(= had)no limits.他极其傲慢牛津高阶〔lofty〕Arrogant; haughty.傲慢的;自以为是的美国传统〔lofty〕She hated his lofty manner.她厌恶他的傲慢举止。外研社新世纪〔lordly〕His lordly manners were quite repulsive.他傲慢的举止非常令人厌恶。外研社新世纪〔nervy〕Arrogantly impudent; brazen.紧张不安的:傲慢无礼的;厚颜的美国传统〔nose in the air〕She walks around with her nose in the air like she's some big shot.她傲慢地四处走动,仿佛是位大人物。韦氏高阶〔nose〕Year-round residents here look down their noses at the summer people.终年居住在此的人傲慢地对待避暑的人美国传统〔obverse〕False humility and its obverse, arrogance, are equally unpleasant.假谦虚和与之相对应的傲慢同样令人反感。剑桥高阶〔patronize〕Don't patronize me!别对我这么傲慢外研社新世纪〔pompously〕Robin said rather pompously that he had an important business appointment.罗宾相当傲慢地说, 他有一个重要的工作约会。外研社新世纪〔pompous〕He's a pompous old prig who's totally incapable of taking a joke.他是个傲慢自负的老头,根本开不起玩笑。剑桥高阶〔prideful〕Arrogant; disdainful.傲慢的;轻蔑的,目中无人的美国传统〔pride〕His pride may still be his downfall.他的傲慢可能还会是他败落的原因。外研社新世纪〔proudly〕She was said to be proud and arrogant.据说她傲慢自大。柯林斯高阶〔proud〕He has a proud manner.他一副傲慢的样子。韦氏高阶〔proud〕She was said to be proud and arrogant.据说她傲慢自大。外研社新世纪〔queen〕She queened it over her wallflower friends.她对待自己那些没有舞伴的朋友很傲慢外研社新世纪〔reputation〕Clark had a reputation for arrogance and ruthlessness.克拉克的傲慢和冷酷是出了名的。麦克米伦高阶〔revenge〕Eric wanted to revenge himself on John for his arrogance.埃里克想报复约翰的傲慢无礼。麦克米伦高阶〔root〕The crime rooted in his pride.这一犯罪行为起因于他的傲慢英汉大词典〔sneer〕To speak in a scornful, contemptuous, or derisive manner.讥刺:以鄙视、傲慢或瞧不起的方式说出美国传统〔sniffy〕She wrote a sniffy letter rejecting his offer.她写了封言辞傲慢的信,拒绝了他的求婚。韦氏高阶〔snobbishly〕She snobbishly refused to watch mainstream movies.她傲慢地拒绝观看主流电影。韦氏高阶〔snotty〕She smiled a snotty smile.她傲慢地一笑。外研社新世纪〔snotty〕She was very snotty to me.她对我非常傲慢无礼。韦氏高阶〔stiff〕The general is a tall man with steel spectacles and a stiff, pompous manner.将军是个戴着金属框眼镜的高个男子,态度生硬,相当傲慢剑桥高阶〔supercilious〕He spoke in a haughty, supercilious voice.他说话时语气傲慢,目中无人。剑桥高阶〔supercilious〕His manner is supercilious and arrogant.他非常傲慢自大。柯林斯高阶〔superior〕Affecting an attitude of disdain or conceit; haughty and supercilious.傲慢的:摆出轻蔑或自满的样子的;高傲且盛气凌人的美国传统〔sweep〕He dismissed his assistant with a grand sweep of his hand.他傲慢地一挥手把助手打发走了。牛津搭配〔swine〕He's an arrogant little swine! 他是个傲慢的小讨厌鬼!牛津高阶〔the seven deadly sins〕The seven deadly sins are covetousness, envy, gluttony, lust, pride, anger, and sloth.七宗原罪是:贪婪、嫉妒、贪吃、淫荡、傲慢、愤怒和懒惰。剑桥高阶〔thought〕He seems a thought arrogant.他似乎有点傲慢英汉大词典〔toplofty〕Haughty; pretentious.傲慢的;神气活现的美国传统〔unconsciously〕Unconscious envy manifests itself very often as this kind of arrogance.潜意识里的嫉妒常表现为这种傲慢自大。柯林斯高阶〔unconscious〕Unconscious envy manifests itself very often as this kind of arrogance.潜意识里的嫉妒常表现为这种傲慢自大。外研社新世纪〔upstage〕She wasn't the least upstage about it.关于此事,她一点也没有傲慢地张扬。英汉大词典〔virtuous〕Sam's virtuous and superior tone was beginning to irritate me.萨姆的那种自恃高尚和傲慢的口气开始令我生气。麦克米伦高阶Arrogance is a very unattractive character trait.傲慢是一个非常令人讨厌的性格特点。剑桥国际As Moreau begins to talk, the shadowy brown eyes fix you with an almost insolent directness.莫罗开始说话时,他那双朦胧的褐色眼睛近乎是傲慢无礼地直盯着你。剑桥国际Even if his arrogance is only a defence mechanism to cover up his insecurity, I still can't stand him.即使他的傲慢只是用以掩饰不安的一种防卫心理,我还是无法忍受他。剑桥国际Failing her exams has knocked some of her arrogance out of her.考试不及格使她少了些傲慢剑桥国际He presided over the first day of the meeting with his customary detached hauteur.他以他惯有的冷静而傲慢的态度主持了第一天的会议。剑桥国际He was insolent in his manner. 他态度傲慢无礼。译典通He's a pompous arrogant old prig who's totally incapable of taking a joke.他是个傲慢自负一本正经的老头,根本开不起玩笑。剑桥国际He's an immensely arrogant man.他是个非常傲慢的人。剑桥国际I don't like going in that shop because the assistants are always so supercilious.我不喜欢去那家商店,因为那儿的营业员老是挺傲慢的。剑桥国际I thought she was rather hoity-toity.我认为她相当傲慢剑桥国际She has a rather haughty manner which I find offputting.她那种非常傲慢的举止让我感到讨厌。剑桥国际She loftily dismissed all my suggestions.她傲慢地拒斥了我的所有建议。剑桥国际She was regarded as rude, haughty, bossy and hectoring.人们认为她傲慢无礼、专横跋扈。剑桥国际She was unpleasant to work with because of her bitchiness.由于她的傲慢,跟她一起工作是令人不愉快的。剑桥国际She's very arrogant in the way she behaves.她的举止十分傲慢剑桥国际




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