

单词 cartwheel
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cartwheel〕He cartwheeled down the slope.他做着侧手翻下了斜坡。英汉大词典〔cartwheel〕Her stomach had been doing cartwheels ever since he left.自从他离开后她心里一直七上八下的。英汉大词典〔cartwheel〕In traditional opera a comedian in military plays often cartwheels on the stage.在旧剧中,武丑常常在戏台上横翻筋斗。21世纪英汉〔cartwheel〕She cartwheeled across the floor.她在地板上做侧手翻。韦氏高阶〔cartwheel〕Suddenly I was cartwheeling down the slope, all orientation gone.突然我侧身滚下山坡, 完全失去了方向感。外研社新世纪〔cartwheel〕Suddenly I was cartwheeling down the slope, all orientation gone.突然,我骨碌碌地滚下坡,完全晕头转向了。柯林斯高阶〔cartwheel〕The car hit the pole and then cartwheeled across the road.汽车撞到柱子上,猛地翻到了马路对面。韦氏高阶〔cartwheel〕The children turned/did cartwheels and somersaults on the grass.孩子们在草地上做侧手翻和翻筋斗。韦氏高阶〔cartwheel〕The children were doing cartwheels in the park.孩子们在公园里做侧手翻。朗文当代〔cartwheel〕The two cars cartwheeled horrifyingly into the sand trap at the first corner.两辆车在第一个转弯处侧翻, 掉进了沙坑, 场面非常吓人。外研社新世纪〔cartwheel〕The two cars cartwheeled horrifyingly into the sand trap at the first corner.那两辆车在第一个拐弯处翻滚着跌入了沙坑,场面十分骇人。柯林斯高阶〔cartwheel〕Their four children turn cartwheels in the grass as we talk.我们说话时, 他们的四个孩子在草地上玩侧手翻。外研社新世纪〔cartwheel〕Their four children turn cartwheels in the grass as we talk.我们说话的时候,他们家的4个孩子在草地上玩侧手翻。柯林斯高阶〔horrifyingly〕The two cars cartwheeled horrifyingly into the sand trap at the first corner.那两辆车在第一个拐弯处翻滚着跌入了沙坑, 场面十分骇人。外研社新世纪〔horrifyingly〕The two cars cartwheeled horrifyingly into the sand trap at the first corner.那两辆车在第一个拐弯处翻着跟头滚入了沙坑,场面十分骇人。柯林斯高阶〔spin〕My head spun after doing a cartwheel.做了一个侧手翻后我觉得头昏脑胀的美国传统〔synchronization〕With perfect synchronization, two other girls cartwheeled toward the ropes.另外两个女孩同时朝围绳那里做侧手翻, 动作同步性极佳。外研社新世纪〔synchronize〕With perfect synchronization, two other girls cartwheeled toward the ropes.另外两个女孩同时朝着绳索做侧手翻,动作整齐划一,完美无瑕。柯林斯高阶〔trap〕The light aircraft then cartwheeled, trapping both men.这架轻型飞机接着一个侧翻,把两个人都困住了。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕She learned how to turn a cartwheel.她学会了如何做侧手翻。韦氏高阶〔turn〕They were still doing wild acrobatics in the yard, turning somersaults and cartwheels.他们还在院子里一通杂耍,翻着跟头,玩着侧手翻。柯林斯高阶She was doing/turning a cartwheel across the office floor as the boss walked in.她正在办公室地板上做侧手翻,此时老板走了进来。剑桥国际To prove his skill as an acrobat he cartwheeled gracefully into the room.为了证明他是个杂技演员,他做漂亮的侧手翻翻进房间。剑桥国际




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