

单词 佛蒙特州
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BE〕The six states that make up New England are Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. 组成新英格兰的六个州是缅因州、佛蒙特州、新罕布什尔州、马萨诸塞州、康涅狄格州以及罗得岛州。朗文写作活用〔New England〕A region of the northeast United States comprising the modern-day states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.新英格兰:美国东北的一个地区,由现在的缅因州、新罕布什尔州、佛蒙特州、马萨诸塞州和康涅狄格州和罗得岛州组成美国传统〔ON/ON TOP OF〕The plane crashed on top of Sugarbush Mountain, in Vermont. 飞机在佛蒙特州舒格布什山顶失事。朗文写作活用〔advertisement〕She saw an advertisement for a ski vacation in Vermont.她看到一则去佛蒙特州滑雪度假的广告。朗文当代〔cramming〕It would take two or three months of cramming to prepare for Vermont's bar exam.准备佛蒙特州的律师资格考试要花两三个月的时间苦读。柯林斯高阶〔cramming〕It would take two or three months of cramming to prepare for Vermont's bar exam.准备佛蒙特州的律师资格考试需要拼命苦读两三个月的时间。外研社新世纪〔graduate〕When the boys graduated from high school, Ann moved to a small town in Vermont.儿子们高中毕业了, 安搬到了佛蒙特州的一个小镇。外研社新世纪〔graduate〕When the boys graduated from high school, Ann moved to a small town in Vermont.当儿子们高中毕业后,安搬到佛蒙特州的一个小镇上居住。柯林斯高阶〔granite〕He worked as a stonecutter in the granite quarries of Vermont.他在佛蒙特州的花岗岩采石场做过石匠。外研社新世纪〔grant〕One of several tracts of land in New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont originally granted to an individual or a group.赠予地:新罕布什尔州,缅因州和佛蒙特州几块授予个人或团体的土地中的一块美国传统〔resort〕They spent a month at a fashionable ski resort in Vermont.他们在佛蒙特州一个时尚的滑雪胜地待了一个月。牛津搭配We went to Vermont last October/We're going to Vermont next October to see the autumn foliage.我们在十月份去了佛蒙特州/我们打算十月到来时去佛蒙特州看秋天的叶子。剑桥国际




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