

单词 carcass
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bacterial〕The inspectors are equipped to check meat carcasses for bacterial contamination.检查员有设备检查肉用畜体是否有细菌污染。外研社新世纪〔barbecue〕A whole animal carcass or section thereof roasted or broiled over an open fire or on a spit.烤全牲:在户外的火上或烤叉上烤炙的整个动物或部分动物美国传统〔bloat〕The carcass started to bloat.尸体开始肿胀了。21世纪英汉〔blowfly〕Any of several flies of the family Calliphoridae that deposit their eggs in carcasses or carrion or in open sores and wounds.丽蝇:双翅蝇类的一种蝇,产卵于动物尸体或腐肉上,或在掀开的创口和伤口中美国传统〔body〕A corpse or carcass.尸体,残骸美国传统〔body〕He exercised strenously to keep his carcass in good condition.他刻苦训练,以使身体处于良好状态。美国传统〔canine〕The discovery of the canine carcasses is still under investigation.发现类犬尸体一事仍在调查。外研社新世纪〔carcass〕Carcasses of burned-out vehicles lined the roads near the scene of the worst fighting.在战斗最激烈的地点附近,道路两旁到处都有被烧毁汽车的残骸。剑桥高阶〔carcass〕A cluster of vultures crouched on the carcass of a dead buffalo.一群秃鹫蹲伏在一具野牛的尸体上。柯林斯高阶〔carcass〕A cluster of vultures crouched on the carcass of a dead buffalo.一群秃鹫蹲伏在一头野牛的尸体上。外研社新世纪〔carcass〕And if anybody told the secrets, he must have his throat cut and then have his carcass burnt up.如果有人泄密, 就必须被割喉焚尸。外研社新世纪〔carcass〕Buy cheap carcasses for your kitchen units.购买廉价的框架来做厨房橱柜。外研社新世纪〔carcass〕Move your great carcass (= your body) out of that chair! 把你庞大的身躯从那把椅子上移开!剑桥高阶〔carcass〕Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the rotting carcass of the deer.秃鹰在天空盘旋等待着啄食鹿渐渐腐烂的尸体。剑桥高阶〔commence〕The hunter knelt beside the animal carcass and commenced to skin it.猎人跪在动物尸体旁开始剥皮。外研社新世纪〔commence〕The hunter knelt beside the animal carcass and commenced to skin it.猎人跪在动物尸体旁边,开始剥皮。柯林斯高阶〔dead meat〕A corpse or carcass.尸体,尸首美国传统〔decay〕The intact carcass of the prehistoric animal was prevented from putrefying by the arctic cold.史前时期动物的完整尸体,是由于北极严寒的保护不致腐烂。美国传统〔diseased〕Farmers were dumping or burying the diseased carcasses.农民在倾倒或掩埋病死牲畜的尸体。剑桥高阶〔gambrel〕A frame used by butchers for hanging carcasses by the legs.挂肉钩架:屠夫用来挂宰好的牲畜所用的架子美国传统〔gut〕The entire carcass, hide, guts and bones, will quickly be devoured.整个的动物尸体,包括皮、内脏和骨,会很快地被吞食。英汉大词典〔meat hook〕A hook used to hang the carcasses of slaughtered animals or large pieces of meat.肉钩:用于悬挂被屠宰后的动物的躯体或大块肉的钩子美国传统〔pick〕The carcass had been picked clean (= all the flesh had been removed) by other animals and birds.动物尸体上的肉已被别的动物和鸟吃得干干净净。剑桥高阶〔quarter〕One leg of an animal's carcass, usually including the adjoining parts.四分之一尸体:动物尸体的一条腿,通常包括连接部分美国传统〔render ... down〕The chicken carcass can be rendered down to make stock.鸡的骨架可以熬成鸡汤。21世纪英汉Carcasses of burnt-out vehicles lined the roads near the scene of the worst fighting.接近曾是战斗最激烈的地方,烧毁的汽车残骸沿着道路排列。剑桥国际I saw children swimming in an old irrigation ditch alongside the rotting carcass of an ox.我看到孩子们在腐烂的牛尸旁边旧的灌溉渠里游泳。剑桥国际The carcass had been picked clean (= all the flesh had been removed) by other animals and birds.动物的尸体被其他动物和鸟吃干净了。剑桥国际The animals were disembowelled and the carcasses split down the backbone.动物被去除了内脏,尸体沿着脊柱破开。剑桥国际The smell from the carcass was so terrible he stepped back in disgust.动物死尸发出的气味太难闻了,他恶心地朝后退。剑桥国际Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the carcass of the deer.兀鹰在天空盘旋等待着啄食鹿的尸体。剑桥国际We came across the carcass of a lion. 我们遇到了一具狮子的尸体。译典通We saw the carcass of an abandoned automobile by the roadside. 我们看到路边有一辆被丢弃的汽车残骸。译典通You can make soup by boiling chicken carcasses.你可以用鸡壳烧汤。剑桥国际




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