

单词 传球
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CIRCLE〕We all stood in a circle and tossed the ball to each other. 我们站成一个圆圈,相互传球朗文写作活用〔Hail Mary〕He threw up a Hail Mary at the end of the first half.他在上半场即将结束时传出一个长传球韦氏高阶〔TIME〕Wallace made a well-timed run through the midfield, collected the pass and scored with a low shot. 华莱士及时跑过中场,接过传球,一脚低射得分。朗文写作活用〔accuracy〕He passes the ball with unerring accuracy.他传球准确无误。朗文当代〔alley-oop〕A play in which a pass is lobbed above the basket and a player jumps up and attempts to catch the ball and score before returning to the floor.空中灌篮:越过球篮的高空传球,球员跃起接球并在落到地面前扣篮得分美国传统〔alley-oop〕The pass made in such a play.空中灌篮助攻球:帮助空中灌篮的传球美国传统〔approach〕The part of the area behind the foul line in a bowling alley used by a bowler in delivering the ball.投球区域:投球手在传球时利用的传球道上犯规线以后的部分区域美国传统〔approach〕The steps taken by a bowler before delivering the ball.投球步伐:投球手在传球前采取的步伐美国传统〔assist〕A pass of a basketball or an ice hockey puck that enables a teammate to score a goal.助杀,助攻:在篮球赛或冰球比赛中传球以使同队伙伴进球得分美国传统〔blindside〕The quarterback was blindsided just as he was about to throw a pass.四分卫正准备传球时受到意外攻击。韦氏高阶〔bomb〕Football A very long forward pass intended to gain great yardage in a single play.【橄榄球】 长传:在一次传球中的一个长距离传球,以便增加总码数美国传统〔bomb〕The quarterback threw a bomb to the wide receiver.四分卫抛了一个长传球给外接手。韦氏高阶〔catch〕Let's play a game of catch.我们来玩接传球游戏吧。韦氏高阶〔catch〕She used to play catch with her dad.她过去经常与父亲玩接传球游戏。韦氏高阶〔chest pass〕A pass, as in basketball, in which the ball is propelled away from the chest with a quick extension of the hands and arms.胸前传球:篮球中的传球。其借着手与手臂的快速伸展把球从胸前推出去美国传统〔clinic〕The quarterback really put on a clinic in the second half, throwing four touchdown passes.四分卫在下半场表现出色,四次传球达阵。韦氏高阶〔clock〕We kept moving the ball to try to eat up the clock.我们不停地传球,尽量耗掉剩余时间。韦氏高阶〔complete〕The quarterback completed 12 out of 15 passes.四分卫在15次传球中成功前传了12次。韦氏高阶〔completion〕The quarterback has 11 completions in 20 attempts for 80 yards.四分卫在20次传球中成功前传了11次,把球往前推进了80码。韦氏高阶〔describe〕His pass described a perfect arc through the leaden sky.他的传球在阴沉的天空中划出了一道完美的弧线。外研社新世纪〔describe〕His pass described a perfect arc through the leaden sky.他的传球在阴沉的天空中划出了一道完美的弧线。柯林斯高阶〔diagonal〕Peters received a diagonal pass and headed the ball into the net.彼德斯接到斜传球后将球顶射入网。剑桥高阶〔diamond〕The infielders warmed up by throwing the ball around the diamond.内野手在内野传球,做热身运动。韦氏高阶〔dribble〕She gave the ball a dribble before passing it.她先带球后传球韦氏高阶〔drive〕He took a pass and drove to/toward the basket/net.他接过传球,直扑篮下。韦氏高阶〔drop pass〕A pass, as in hockey or soccer, in which the passer advances beyond the puck or ball, leaving it for a trailing teammate.留(递)球:曲棍球或足球中的传球传球球员继续向前,将冰球或足球留给跟在后面的队友美国传统〔dummy〕Adams' cross was dummied by Novo at the front post, allowing Smith to score from close range.诺沃在前门柱处一个假动作让过亚当的传球,让史密斯近距离射门。剑桥高阶〔dunk〕The pass led to a dunk.这记传球造成扣篮得分。韦氏高阶〔errant〕Foote made an errant pass in the offensive zone.富特在进攻区传球失误。外研社新世纪〔fade back〕The player had to fade back so as to have room to pass the ball.这位球员只好后退让过对方,以便有向前传球的空间。21世纪英汉〔fake〕He faked a pass.他做了个传球的假动作。朗文当代〔fault〕Sports A bad service, as in tennis.【体育运动】 在网球中传球失误美国传统〔feed〕He fed the ball to a teammate for an easy basket.他传球给队友,以便对方能轻松投篮。韦氏高阶〔feed〕Sports To pass a ball or puck to (a teammate), especially in order to score.【体育运动】 传球:尤指为得分而把球传给或掷给(本队队员)美国传统〔feint〕Callas feinted to pass the ball and then shot it into the net.卡拉斯假装传球,而后直接射球入网。剑桥高阶〔flankerback〕An offensive halfback stationed just behind the line of scrimmage and slightly wide of the formation, used chiefly as a pass receiver.侧翼队员:比赛中处于争球线后方离阵线较远的位置,主要任务是传球美国传统〔flap〕Taylor flapped at Goren's cross.泰勒挥臂去打戈伦的横向传球外研社新世纪〔flare〕Football A quick pass to a back running toward the sideline.【橄榄球】 向朝边线跑的后卫传的一种快传球美国传统〔flat-footed〕He caught the defence flat-footed with a well-placed pass.他传球到位, 让防守队员猝不及防。外研社新世纪〔flick〕Davies picked up a flick from Melchiot and shot into the corner.戴维斯接住了梅尔奇奥特的快速传球, 射入球门一角。外研社新世纪〔floor〕His teams like to keep the ball on the floor.他的球队喜欢贴近地面的传球外研社新世纪〔follow through〕A football passer should follow through after he throws the ball.橄榄球传球员在传出球后应做随球动作。21世纪英汉〔follow〕A football passer should follow through after he throws the ball.橄榄球传球员在传出球后应做随球动作。英汉大词典〔forward pass〕A pass thrown from behind the line of scrimmage to a receiver who is closer to the opponent's end line than the passer.向前传球:从进攻线后方传给距离对方底线较近的球员的球美国传统〔handoff〕Football A play in which one player hands the ball to another.【橄榄球】 传球:一个运动员用手将球传给另一人美国传统〔hike〕The center hiked the ball too soon, and the quarterback fumbled.中锋后传球太快了,四分卫没接住。韦氏高阶〔ice〕The Leafs made about three bad passes in trying to move the puck up the ice.枫叶队在把冰球向前推进时3次传球失误。外研社新世纪〔interception〕He has made 143 passes without an interception.他传球143次,无一被抄截。韦氏高阶〔interception〕Sports A pass that is intercepted, especially a forward pass in football.【体育运动】 截球:被中断的传球,尤其是足球中的前传时被截抢的美国传统〔intercept〕Barry intercepted Naylor's pass and scored the third goal.巴里断下内勒尔的传球,射入了第3个球。剑桥高阶〔intercept〕He intercepted the pass/ball.他抄截了对手的传球韦氏高阶〔intercept〕Townsend intercepted a pass and ran half the length of the pitch to score.汤森断下传球后跑过半个球场射门得分。麦克米伦高阶〔latch onto〕Kanchelskis latched onto a superb through ball, before blasting a shot past Southall.坎切尔斯基接到一个绝好的直传球,抓住机会飞起一脚射门,球从索夏尔身边飞过。柯林斯高阶〔lateral pass〕A usually underhand pass that is thrown sideways or somewhat backward with respect to downfield.侧向传球:一种通常具有隐蔽性的传球,在前场将球横传或有时回传美国传统〔onside〕In such a position as to be able to play or receive a ball or puck legally.非越位的:处于这种位置,以便在不违反规则的条件下踢球或接同伴的传球美国传统〔option play〕An offensive play in which a back has the choice of running with the ball or throwing a forward pass.选择性进攻:后卫在进攻中选择带球前进或是向前传球的进攻美国传统〔outside〕Baseball Passing on the side of home plate away from the batter. Used of a pitch.【棒球】 界外球的:在离击球员远的本垒边上传球的。用于投掷美国传统〔pass pattern〕A predetermined course that a receiver runs in order to be in position to catch a pass.传球模式:预先套好使接球者能跑来接住传球的路线美国传统〔pass rush〕An attempt by the defensive linemen to tackle the quarterback or prevent a pass.传球跑阵:防守之前锋试图擒抱四分卫或防止传球的举动美国传统〔pass〕He caught a 20-yard pass from Johnson.他接住了约翰逊从20码以外给他的传球韦氏高阶〔pass〕His long reach enables him to block passes.他手臂很长,可以拦截传球牛津搭配〔pass〕McNabb has completed 57% of his passes with five touchdowns.麦克纳布完成了 57% 的传球,其中有 5 次达阵。牛津搭配〔pass〕Robson had pounced on a dropped pass.罗布森猛扑向落地传球牛津搭配〔pass〕Sports To transfer (a ball, for example) to a teammate, as by throwing.【体育运动】 传球:把(球等)传给队友,如把球抛给队友美国传统〔pass〕Sports To transfer a ball or puck to a teammate.【体育运动】 传球:把球或冰球传给队友美国传统〔pass〕That was a brilliant pass by Holden.那是霍尔登的一记精彩传球朗文当代〔pass〕The referee disallowed the try for a forward pass.裁判判我们向前传球犯规,触地所得 3 分无效。牛津搭配〔past〕He got the ball and headed it past Mitchell.他得到球,然后头球传球越过米切尔。麦克米伦高阶〔pick off〕Alert defenders picked off three of Black's passes.机警的后卫截住了布莱克的三次传球21世纪英汉〔pick off〕The pitcher almost picked her off with a quick throw to first base.这名投手抛向第一垒的一记传球差点让她被杀出局。韦氏高阶〔pick〕Sports To intercept, as a football pass.【体育运动】 中途截球:拦截,如拦截足球传球美国传统〔play-action pass〕A pass play in which the quarterback fakes a handoff to a running back before throwing the ball.假传:传球动作,四分卫在传球前向奔跑中的后卫做假手交球动作美国传统〔release〕The quarterback has a quick release.四分卫传球迅速。韦氏高阶〔rollout〕Football A play in which the quarterback runs toward a sideline after receiving the snap with the intention of passing the ball.【橄榄球】 横移突破战术:一种四分卫接到对方开球后朝边线奔跑以试图传球给己方队员的战术美国传统〔rush〕Football To charge (a quarterback or passer) in order to block or prevent a play.【橄榄球】 突袭:为阻止或防止别人而袭击(四分卫或传球者)美国传统〔rustily〕The player began rustily, missing a pass in the opening minutes.那个球员开场时有些生疏, 开赛几分钟便漏了一个传球外研社新世纪〔scramble〕To run forward with the ball when unable to complete an intended pass play. Used of a quarterback.带球跑:在传球掩护被攻破后带球跑。用于四分卫美国传统〔screen pass〕A short forward pass to a receiver in the flat who is protected by a formation of blockers.掩护性传球:一个短的向前的传球,一旁的接球员被同队队员用阻拦对方球员的方法加以保护美国传统〔screen〕Football A screen pass.【橄榄球】 掩护性传球美国传统〔shoot〕He should have shot instead of passing.他本该射门,不该传球牛津高阶〔slickness〕They were outplayed by the Colombians' slick passing and decisive finishing.哥伦比亚队凭借流畅的传球和终场前的制胜进球击败了他们。柯林斯高阶〔slick〕The team demonstrated their usual slick passing style.队员们显示了他们惯常的娴熟的传球方式。麦克米伦高阶〔slick〕They were outplayed by the Colombians' slick passing.哥伦比亚队凭借流畅的传球击败了他们。外研社新世纪〔spot pass〕A pass directed to a predetermined place on a playing area so that the receiving player arrives at the same time as the pass.定点长传球:将球传到球场上的某一预定位置,以便让接球的队友与球同时到达该位置美国传统〔steal〕Baseball To advance safely to (another base) during the delivery of a pitch, without the aid of a base hit, walk, passed ball, or wild pitch.【棒球】 偷垒:在一次投球后,没有击球员、游击手、传球手或外野手的帮助而安全跑入(另一垒 )美国传统〔steal〕He stole the pass.他抢断了传球韦氏高阶〔time〕Keith timed the pass well.基思传球的时机把握得很好。朗文当代〔time〕Murray's perfectly timed pass set Snell up for a well-taken goal.默里适时的传球帮助斯内尔射进了精彩的一球。麦克米伦高阶〔time〕She timed the pass perfectly.她传球的时机掌握得恰到好处。牛津高阶〔touchdown〕Manning and Brett threw nine touchdown passes between them.曼宁和布雷特相互传球,投掷出 9 个达阵得分。牛津搭配〔whip〕The winger whipped a pass toward the net.边锋将传球迅疾射向球网。韦氏高阶〔wide receiver〕A receiver who usually lines up several yards to the side of the offensive formation.边接应队员:通常排在距离进攻方一侧几码处的直传球接手美国传统〔yardage〕He led the league in rushing/passing yardage.他在整个联赛中跑动带球码数/传球码数遥遥领先。韦氏高阶A slick pass from Eaves to Brinkworth placed the ball neatly in the shooting area.伊夫斯给布林克沃斯的巧妙传球将球干净利落地送到了射门区。剑桥国际And that's a marvellous bit of footwork there from Ponti as he takes the ball from Garcia.庞提接过加西亚的传球时,显示了精湛的脚法。剑桥国际Another sloppy pass like that might lose them the whole match.再一次那样的草率传球会使他们输掉整场比赛。剑桥国际Callas feinted to pass the ball and then shot it into the net.卡拉斯假装传球,然后把球射进了网内。剑桥国际Davis pierced the Spurs defence with a brilliant pass.戴维斯机智地传球穿过斯普尔斯队的防线。剑桥国际Joe Montana overthrew that pass, missing his wide receiver altogether.乔·蒙太那传球太猛,完全超过了边接应队员。剑桥国际Taylor dropped a touchdown pass.泰勒掉了一个持球触地得分的传球剑桥国际




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