

单词 令人扫兴
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anticlimax〕After a week of dramatic negotiations, all that followed was anticlimax.在一星期戏剧性的谈判之后,所有的结尾都是令人扫兴美国传统〔disappointing〕Dinner was disappointing.这顿饭令人扫兴韦氏高阶〔gilt〕Three weeks at the seaside sounds just the ticket. Admittedly, my broken leg took the gilt off the gingerbread to some extent.在海边待三个星期听起来正是我所需要的。但不可否认的是, 我的伤腿在一定程度上令人扫兴外研社新世纪〔killjoy〕One who spoils the enthusiasm or fun of others.令人扫兴的人:破坏了别人高涨情绪或欢乐的人美国传统〔mar〕It was a really nice day, marred only by a little argument in the car on the way home.这一天过得非常不错,只是回家路上在汽车里发生的一点儿口角令人扫兴剑桥高阶〔skeleton〕His presence at the birthday party was a skeleton at the feast.他出席生日宴会真令人扫兴英汉大词典〔spirit〕The guests were in high spirits. His sour spirits put a damper on the gathering.客人们的兴致都很高。他低落的情绪使聚会变得令人扫兴美国传统〔take the gilt off the gingerbread〕We had a great trip, but our flight home was badly delayed, which took the gilt off the gingerbread.我们的旅行很愉快,但返航的飞机严重晚点令人扫兴剑桥高阶〔wet blanket〕I don't know who invited Kevin – he's such a wet blanket.我不知道是谁邀请了凯文——他真令人扫兴外研社新世纪Attitudes to wasteland vary greatly/widely, but the official view is that it is unsightly and depressing.对荒地的看法极为不同,但官方的观点是荒地不堪入目,令人扫兴剑桥国际He doesn't like it when she dances, he's such a killjoy.她一跳舞他就不高兴,他真令人扫兴剑桥国际It was a really nice day, marred only by a little argument in the car on the way home.今天过得不错,只是回家路上在车里发生些争吵令人扫兴剑桥国际She asked us to turn the music down, the killjoy! 她叫我们把音乐调轻些,真令人扫兴剑桥国际The picnic was a disappointment. 那次野餐真令人扫兴译典通We had a great trip but our flight home was badly delayed, which took the gilt off the gingerbread.我们的旅行很不错,但是回家的那个航班却严重误点,真令人扫兴剑桥国际




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