

单词 burner
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LATER〕I've put my acting career on the back burner for a while, while I concentrate on my writing. 我已经暂时不考虑我的演艺事业,而先集中精力写作。朗文写作活用〔back burner〕For 10 years she has looked after her three children with her career very much on the back burner.十年来她一直都在照顾自己的三个孩子,基本上把事业搁在了一边。柯林斯高阶〔back burner〕Many speculated that the US would put the peace process on the back burner.很多人推测美国将会暂时搁置和平进程。柯林斯高阶〔back burner〕She put her singing career on the back burner to pursue her dream of being a movie star.为追求影星梦,她暂时把歌唱事业搁置一旁。韦氏高阶〔back burner〕The President has put tax reduction on the back burner because he has more urgent problems to deal with.由于有更加紧迫的问题要处理,总统把减税之事暂时搁置了。韦氏高阶〔backburner〕For ten years she has looked after her three children with her career very much on the back burner.十年来, 她都在照料三个孩子, 在很大程度上搁置了事业。外研社新世纪〔backburner〕Many speculated that the US would put the peace process on the back burner.很多人推测美国会暂时搁置和平进程。外研社新世纪〔barn burner〕The game should be a real barn burner.这场比赛应该会很精彩。韦氏高阶〔blowtorch〕A portable burner for mixing gas and oxygen to produce a very hot flame, used for soldering, welding, and glass blowing.喷灯:使混合气体和氧气产生更炽热火焰的便携助燃剂,常用于接合、焊接和玻璃吹制美国传统〔burner〕He placed the charcoal in the base of the burner and lit it.他把木炭放进炉底点燃。外研社新世纪〔burner〕He put the burners on each side of the altar.他把香炉放在祭坛两侧。外研社新世纪〔burner〕He put the frying pan on the gas burner.他把煎锅放在煤气灶上。柯林斯高阶〔burner〕I put the pan on the burner.我把平底锅放在炉盘上。外研社新世纪〔burner〕The burner on the furnace isn't working.火炉的炉心坏了。韦氏高阶〔burner〕The computer comes equipped with a CD burner.此款电脑配有光盘刻录机。韦氏高阶〔burner〕The gas stove has only two burners.这煤气灶只有两个煤气头。英汉大词典〔burner〕The government quietly put the scheme on the back burner.政府悄悄地把这个计划搁置了起来。朗文当代〔burner〕This stove is an oil burner.这只炉子是烧油的。英汉大词典〔convert〕The programme to convert every gas burner in Britain took 10 years.完成对英国所有煤气灶的改造花了10年时间。柯林斯高阶〔cook on the front burner〕Now you are cooking on the front burner.你现在干得很在行。21世纪英汉〔front burner〕It helps to put an important issue back on the front burner.它有助于把重要问题重新放到首要地位。外研社新世纪〔front burner〕It helps to put an important issue back on the front burner.它有助于让一个重要问题重新引起关注。柯林斯高阶〔front burner〕It's on my front burner.这个是我最优先考虑的。外研社新世纪〔front burner〕The President has put tax cuts on the front burner.总统将减税作为当务之急。韦氏高阶〔front burner〕The committee has put consideration of that question on the front burner.委员会已把那个问题放在首位美国传统〔front〕Anything that keeps education on the front burner is good.任何重视教育的事都是好事。牛津高阶〔gas jet〕The flame of burning gas from a gas burner.煤气灯的火焰:从一个气体燃烧器中发出的燃烧着的气体的火焰美国传统〔gas log〕A gas burner designed to look like a log for use in a fireplace.圆材状燃管:一种气体燃烧器,被设计成或外表象一个圆木材,用于壁炉中美国传统〔gaslight〕A gas burner or lamp.煤气灯:一种气体燃烧器或燃烧灯美国传统〔heat〕The burner was on low heat.炉子烧得不旺美国传统〔heat〕The heat of the burners is instantly adjustable.火炉的热度可以即时调节。外研社新世纪〔hot plate〕A tabletop cooking device with one or two burners.轻便电炉:有两个炉灶的台式烹调装置美国传统〔lampworking〕The process of sculpting glass by twirling thin rods of colored glass over a gas-oxygen burner.灯烧工艺:将细小的有色玻璃棒在煤气炉上旋转从而使玻璃成形的过程美国传统〔on the back burner〕We've all had to put our plans on the back burner for a while.我们大家都只好把计划暂时搁置一段时间。剑桥高阶〔on the front burner〕A few important members of Congress are making an effort to keep human rights on the front burner.几名重要的国会议员正在努力将人权问题保留在重要的议事日程上。剑桥高阶〔pilot burner〕A small service burner, as in a boiler system, kept lighted to ignite main fires.引火小火苗:燃烧装置中小燃烧器,常期燃烧以点主要的大火美国传统〔pollutant〕The great pollutants are industrial plants and oil burners.工厂和燃油设施是主要污染源。英汉大词典〔reignite〕The oven burners reignite automatically if blown out.烤炉的火如果吹灭了会自动再点燃。牛津高阶〔spark〕A spark ignites the stove's burner.电火花点着了厨灶煤气头。韦氏高阶〔steam〕Coffee pots steamed on their burners.咖啡壶在炉子上冒热气。外研社新世纪〔stovetop〕Most domestic stovetops have four gas or electric burners.大多数家用炉台都有4个煤气火眼或电加热环。剑桥高阶In a recession you need to put cost-cutting on the front burner.在经济衰退时期,你首先需要考虑削减成本。牛津商务The gas stove has only two burners. 这瓦斯炉只有两个瓦斯头。译典通We've had to put our plans to buy a new car on the back burner for a while.我们不得不把买车的计划搁置一段时日。剑桥国际




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