

单词 buoyed
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔buoy up〕House prices have been buoyed up for years.房价多年来保持着高水平。21世纪英汉〔buoy up〕She was buoyed up by the warm reception her audience gave her.她的观众所给予她的热烈反应使她受到鼓舞。21世纪英汉〔buoy up〕The very salty water buoyed him up as he swam.当他游泳时很咸的水使他漂浮起来。21世纪英汉〔buoy up〕They put to sea in a car buoyed up by Styrofoam in a bold attempt to cross the Atlantic.他们开着一辆泡沫塑料助浮的汽车出海, 大胆地尝试跨越大西洋。外研社新世纪〔buoy up〕This has buoyed up the stock market.这提振了股票市场。外研社新世纪〔buoy〕Buoyed by the success of her first novel, she began work on a second.受到第一部小说取得成功的鼓舞,她开始写第二本。韦氏高阶〔buoy〕Buoyed by their win yesterday the team feel confident of further success.在昨天的胜利鼓舞下,该队有信心再次获胜。牛津高阶〔buoy〕German domestic consumption buoyed the German economy.德国国内消费促进了德国经济的发展。外研社新世纪〔buoy〕German domestic consumption buoyed the German economy.德国的国内消费刺激了德国经济。柯林斯高阶〔buoy〕He buoyed up like a cork.他像个软木塞似地漂了起来。英汉大词典〔buoy〕He felt buoyed up by the support and encouragement of his friends and family.家人和朋友的支持与鼓励让他充满信心。韦氏高阶〔buoy〕He has been buoyed up by the news.他受到了这一消息的鼓舞。麦克米伦高阶〔buoy〕His life jacket buoyed him up.救生衣使他浮在水面。英汉大词典〔buoy〕House prices have been buoyed (up) in the area by the possibility of a new factory opening.因为可能有一家新工厂在此开设,所以该地区的房价一直居高不下。剑桥高阶〔buoy〕In May they danced in the streets, buoyed by their victory.5月里,他们在大街上载歌载舞,欢庆胜利。柯林斯高阶〔buoy〕In May they danced in the streets, buoyed by their victory.五月, 他们受到胜利的鼓舞而在大街上跳舞。外研社新世纪〔buoy〕Increased demand for computers buoyed their profits.计算机需求量的增加使他们的利润维持在很高的水平。朗文当代〔buoy〕She was buoyed (up) by the warm reception her audience gave her.观众们热烈的欢迎使她倍受鼓舞。剑桥高阶〔buoy〕The falling leaf was buoyed up by a current of air.这片落叶被一阵风卷起。韦氏高阶〔buoy〕The party is buoyed up by the latest opinion poll results.该党因为最近一次民意测验的结果受到鼓舞。朗文当代〔buoy〕The stock market was buoyed by comments from the Bank of England chairman.英格兰银行董事长的评论振奋了股市。麦克米伦高阶〔buoy〕The very salty water buoyed her (up) as she swam.她游泳时,含盐量非常高的水使她漂浮了起来。剑桥高阶〔buoy〕They are buoyed up by a sense of hope.希望使他们振作起来。柯林斯高阶〔buoy〕We were soon running down the buoyed big ship channel out of the Medway.我们很快就沿着浮标标出的大船航道驶出了梅德韦港。外研社新世纪〔drift net〕A large fishing net buoyed up by floats that is carried along with the current or tide.流网:依靠浮子浮起,随海流或潮汐漂流的一种大型鱼网美国传统〔floating〕Buoyed on or suspended in or as if in a fluid.漂浮的:是或好象是浮在或悬在液体中的美国传统Demand for mortgages has been buoyed up by low interest rates.由于低利率,对按揭的需求一直旺盛。牛津商务Her spirits were buoyed up by hopes of success. 成功的希望使她振作起来。译典通His life jacket buoyed him up. 救生衣使他浮在水面。译典通The very salty water buoyed her (up) (= prevented her from sinking) as she swam.当她游泳时,咸水使她飘浮着。剑桥国际They were buoyed up by hopes of success. 成功的希望使他们振作起来。译典通




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