

单词 亲密的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARGUE〕We were such close friends that I didn't think anything could come between us. 我们是这么亲密的朋友,我想没有什么能离间我们。朗文写作活用〔BETRAY〕Olga's best friend betrayed her to the secret police. 奥尔佳最亲密的朋友把她出卖给了秘密警察。朗文写作活用〔Boston marriage〕A long-term, intimate, sometimes discreetly sexual relationship between two women.波士顿婚姻关系:两个女人间长期亲密的关系,偶尔也存在隐秘的性关系美国传统〔EVERYONE〕None of us are close friends but we all share an interest in sport. 我们都不是关系亲密的朋友,但我们都很喜欢体育运动。朗文写作活用〔HONEST〕Intimacy in a relationship requires openness. 建立亲密的关系需要彼此之间坦诚相见。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕He said Sarah was a very close friend, but I'm not sure what he meant. 他说萨拉是他很亲密的朋友,可我不确定他是什么意思。朗文写作活用〔PRIVATE〕He's not the kind of person to reveal his innermost secrets, even to his closest friends. 他不是那种会吐露自己内心最深处秘密的人,甚至在最亲密的朋友面前也不会。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕The president has a reputation for keeping key decisions from even his closest aides. 人所共知,总统的一些重要决定就连他最亲密的助手都不知道。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕Having the support of close family, friends and workmates is important to us all. 有亲密的家人、朋友和同事的支持对我们大家都很重要。朗文写作活用〔a closed book〕Even to his closest friends, he was always something of a closed book.甚至对于他最亲密的朋友来说,他也总是有点像谜一样。韦氏高阶〔acquaintance〕Knowledge of a person acquired by a relationship less intimate than friendship.认识,相识,了解:对一个不象朋友那样亲密的人的了解美国传统〔affinity〕A natural attraction or feeling of kinship.共鸣,吸引:自然的吸引或亲密的感情美国传统〔ally〕He is generally considered to be the prime minister's closest political ally.人们普遍认为他是首相最亲密的政治盟友。剑桥高阶〔ally〕Ridley was one of the Queen's closest allies .里德利是女王最亲密的盟友之一。朗文当代〔ally〕She will regret losing a close political ally.她将为失去一个亲密的政治盟友而懊悔。柯林斯高阶〔ally〕She will regret losing such a close political ally.她将为失去这样一位亲密的政治盟友而后悔。外研社新世纪〔association〕Their close association goes back to the war years.他们亲密的友谊开始于战争年代。英汉大词典〔bond〕To form a close personal relationship.形成亲密的人际关系美国传统〔chum〕An intimate friend or companion.挚友:亲密的朋友或伙伴美国传统〔chum〕To be an intimate friend.成为亲密的朋友美国传统〔close〕In those early months, there's a very close bond between mother and child.在婴儿出生后的头几个月,母婴之间有一种非常亲密的纽带联系。剑桥高阶〔close〕Jo is a very close friend.乔是一位很亲密的朋友。牛津高阶〔close〕They were close friends in high school, but they've since grown apart.他们高中时曾是亲密的朋友,但从那以后渐渐疏远了。韦氏高阶〔compadre〕A close friend or associate; a companion.亲密的朋友或伙伴;同伴美国传统〔companionship〕She had never had any close companionship with another woman.她从来没有和另一个女人有什么亲密的关系。牛津搭配〔companion〕His dog became his closest companion .他的狗成了他最亲密的伙伴。朗文当代〔companion〕She has been my closest companion since childhood.她自小就是我最亲密的伙伴。韦氏高阶〔confidante〕You are her closest friend and confidante.你是她最亲密的朋友和知己。外研社新世纪〔confidante〕You are her closest friend and confidante.你是她最亲密的朋友和知己。柯林斯高阶〔congenial〕Anthony had no close friends. He made no attempt to discover congenial spirits.安东尼没有亲密的朋友。他不去尝试寻找意气相投的人。外研社新世纪〔consanguinity〕A close affinity or connection.亲密的关系或联系美国传统〔count〕I count Jules and Ady among my closest friends.我把朱尔斯和埃迪算作我最亲密的朋友。朗文当代〔count〕I count him among my closest friends.我把他看作我最亲密的朋友之一。牛津高阶〔count〕I count him one of my closest friends.我把他视为我最亲密的朋友之一。文馨英汉〔dear〕He's a dear friend and colleague.他是一位亲密的朋友和同事。外研社新世纪〔dear〕He's one of my dearest friends.他是我最亲密的一位朋友。牛津高阶〔dear〕Mark became a dear friend .马克已成为一个亲密的朋友。朗文当代〔dear〕She is a very dear friend of mine.她是我一位十分亲密的朋友。麦克米伦高阶〔dear〕She was a very dear friend.她是一位非常亲密的朋友。剑桥高阶〔describe〕Even his closest allies describe him as forceful, aggressive and determined.即使他最亲密的盟友也认为他强硬决断、咄咄逼人,不达目的誓不罢休。柯林斯高阶〔desolate〕She felt desolate when her best friend moved away.她最亲密的朋友搬走了,她感到有些伤心寂寞。剑桥高阶〔develop〕He developed a close relationship with her.他与她慢慢地建立起亲密的关系。韦氏高阶〔drop〕Old friends, once close, dropped away.以前曾经非常亲密的老朋友一个一个地离去。英汉大词典〔earful〕Gossip, especially of an intimate or scandalous nature.诽谤:闲话,常是亲密的或带丑闻的中伤他人的言谈美国传统〔eulogize〕He was eulogized at his funeral as a great actor and a good friend.在他的葬礼上,他被赞颂为伟大的演员和亲密的朋友。韦氏高阶〔except〕Nobody, except his most intimate friends, knows of it.除了他最亲密的朋友外,没有人知道那件事。英汉大词典〔fact〕She's a friend of mine, a very close friend in fact.她是我的朋友,实际上是非常亲密的朋友。麦克米伦高阶〔familiar〕A close friend or associate.好友:亲密的朋友或伙伴美国传统〔famulus〕A private secretary or other close attendant.助手,侍从:私人秘书或其他亲密的随员美国传统〔form〕On returning to Boston, she formed a close friendship with her aunt.回到波士顿,她就与婶婶建立起了非常亲密的关系。朗文当代〔friendship〕She formed a close friendship with Vera Brittain.她和薇拉·布里顿建立了亲密的友谊。麦克米伦高阶〔friendship〕She struck up a close friendship with Desiree during the week of rehearsals.在排练的一周里她和德西蕾建立了亲密的友谊。柯林斯高阶〔friendship〕She struck up a close friendship with Desiree during the week of rehearsals.在排练的那一周里她和德西蕾建立了亲密的友谊。外研社新世纪〔friendship〕They formed a close friendship at college.他们在大学时建立了亲密的友谊。牛津搭配〔friendship〕They have built up a close friendship.他们建立了亲密的友谊。外研社新世纪〔friend〕I'm inviting only my closest friends to the party.我只会邀请我最亲密的朋友来参加这次聚会。牛津搭配〔friend〕She's my best/oldest/closest friend - we've known each other since we were five.她是我最要好/交情最久/最亲密的朋友——我们5岁的时候就认识了。剑桥高阶〔gossip〕A close friend or companion.密友或关系亲密的伙伴美国传统〔grow away from〕He's never grown away from the people amongst whom he was brought up.他与那些伴随自己长大的人一直保持亲密的关系。柯林斯高阶〔hail-fellow〕Heartily friendly and congenial.亲密的,要好的:非常友好的,非常融洽的美国传统〔hearer〕Jokes establish an intimacy between the teller and the hearer.笑话能在讲述者与听者之间建立一种亲密的关系。剑桥高阶〔implausibly〕They are, rather implausibly, close friends.他们是亲密的朋友, 这相当令人难以置信。外研社新世纪〔intimacy〕An instance of being intimate.亲密的行为:亲密的事例美国传统〔intimacy〕The condition of being intimate.亲密:亲密的状况美国传统〔intimate〕A close friend or confidant.至交:亲密的朋友或知己美国传统〔love affair〕An intimate sexual relationship or episode between lovers.风流韵事:情人间亲密的性关系或性事件美国传统〔love〕My dearest love.我最亲密的爱人。牛津同义词〔mama's boy〕A boy or man characterized by unusual closeness to his mother and often by timidity and overly refined manners.缺乏男子气的男人,恋母男孩:与母亲关系异常亲密的男孩或男人,通常胆怯且过于拘礼美国传统〔must〕I'm sure he must feel he has lost a close family friend, because I know I do.我敢说他一定觉得自己失去了一位亲密的世交,因为我知道我是这种感觉。柯林斯高阶〔offstage〕Despite their bitter screen rivalry, offstage they are close friends.虽然他们在银幕上是誓不两立的对手, 但在现实生活中却是亲密的朋友。外研社新世纪〔pair〕His two closest friends lived in the city and the pair of them visited him often.他最亲密的两个朋友住在这座城市,他们两个常常来看他。韦氏高阶〔pally〕Having the relationship of friends or chums.友好的,亲密的:有朋友般或密友般的关系的美国传统〔palsy-walsy〕Having or appearing to have the close relationship of chums.亲密的,要好的:有或显示出密友般亲密关系的美国传统〔partnership〕The close partnership between Britain and the US will continue.英国和美国将继续保持亲密的伙伴关系。朗文当代〔pillow talk〕Intimate conversation between lovers, typically taking place in bed.枕边私房话:爱人之间亲密的谈话,尤指在床上进行的谈话美国传统〔restrict〕The invitation list was restricted to a few hundred of the host's most intimate friends.邀请人名单仅限几百人, 都是主人最亲密的朋友。外研社新世纪〔schizoid〕Of, relating to, or having a personality marked by extreme shyness, seclusiveness, and an inability to form close relationships.自我封闭的:属于、关于或具有一种人格的,其特点为极度害羞、自我封闭和不能形成亲密的关系美国传统〔secret〕A close couple should have no secrets from each other.关系亲密的夫妻之间应该是没有秘密的。剑桥高阶〔security〕Growing up in a close family gave her a sense of security.在一个关系亲密的家庭中长大,她有种安全感。韦氏高阶〔sorority〕Eleanor had belonged to the same sorority as Betty Jean and they were still great friends.埃莉诺和贝蒂·琼属于同一家女子俱乐部,她们仍然是关系亲密的朋友。柯林斯高阶〔special〕My aunt Miriam was very special to me.我姑姑玛丽亚姆是我特别亲密的人。麦克米伦高阶〔supporter〕The emperor was deserted by his closest supporters before the end of the war.战争结束前,皇帝最亲密的支持者弃他而去。牛津搭配〔unbalance〕Having children can often unbalance even the closest of relationships.有了孩子,即使原本再亲密的关系也常常会失衡。朗文当代〔working〕A working relationship turned into a very close friendship.同事关系变成了非常亲密的友谊。柯林斯高阶A close friendship had existed between them (= They had been very good friends) for several years.他们之间亲密的友谊已经有许多年了。剑桥国际He is generally considered to be the Prime Minister's closest (=greatest) political ally.他通常被认为是首相最亲密的政治盟友。剑桥国际He is not a natural communicator--he can be shy and remote to all but his closest friends.他天生不爱说话,除了和最亲密的朋友外,他在所有人面前都会显得羞涩和冷淡。剑桥国际He was a man of such impenetrable reserve that not even his closest friends really understood him.他是一个如此讳莫如深的人,甚至他最亲密的朋友都不能真正理解他。剑桥国际She felt desolate when her closest friend moved away to live in another town.她最亲密的朋友搬到另一个城市去住后,她感到孤寂。剑桥国际She rates him (= considers him to be) among her closest friends.她把他视作最亲密的朋友之一。剑桥国际She was a close and faithful friend.她是一个忠实而亲密的朋友。剑桥国际She's my best / oldest / closest friend-- we've known each other since we were five.她是我最好的/相交时间最长的/最亲密的朋友,从5岁时我们就认识了。剑桥国际The dog has been her constant/close companion these past ten years.在过去的十年里,这条狗一直是她忠诚的/亲密的伴侣。剑桥国际The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere and is the perfect setting for a romantic dinner.这家餐厅有让人感到亲密的气氛,是享受浪漫晚餐的绝佳场所。剑桥国际There has been a close bond between them ever since she saved him from drowning.自从她把他从溺水中救出来后他们之间就存在着一种亲密的关系。剑桥国际




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