

单词 产品种类
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INCREASE〕The company has broadened its product range in the US. 该公司增加了它在美国的产品种类朗文写作活用〔diversify〕Firms may seek to spread their risks by diversifying their output.公司可以用增加产品种类的方法使风险分散。英汉大词典〔keen〕The chairman is keen that the company should expand its product range.主席热切期望公司能够扩充其产品种类朗文当代〔offering〕The company's offerings range from the very cheap to the hideously expensive.该公司提供的产品种类很多,从价格低廉的到贵得吓人的都有。牛津搭配〔offering〕We are expanding our offering to include smaller, less expensive prints.我们正增加产品种类,生产体积更小、价格更低的打印机。牛津搭配〔range〕For more information about our product range, call your local office.如想得到更多关于我们产品种类的信息,请电话垂询当地办事处。牛津搭配〔range〕The company has a wide product range.这家公司的产品种类繁多。韦氏高阶Dell has recently moved to expand its line of products.戴尔最近提出扩大其产品种类牛津商务Gap analysis can help the retailer to re-evaluate their product range.缺口分析可以帮助零售商重新评估其产品种类牛津商务They followed the lead of other carmakers and reduced their product range.他们照着其他汽车制造商行事,减少了他们的产品种类牛津商务




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