

单词 交配
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SEX〕During the mating season, foxes become much more vocal. 到了交配季节,狐狸的叫声更频繁了。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕The birds mate in April and the eggs are hatched by June. 这些鸟儿每年4月交配,6月孵卵。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Foxes become very noisy at the height of the mating season. 狐狸在交配季节的高峰期会变得很吵闹。朗文写作活用〔amplexus〕The copulatory embrace of frogs and toads, during which the male fertilizes the eggs that are released by the female.抱合,拥抱:青蛙、蟾蜍交配时的拥抱,与此同时雄性使雌性排出的卵受精美国传统〔asexual〕Relating to, produced by, or involving reproduction that occurs without the union of male and female gametes, as in binary fission or budding.无性生殖的:没有雌雄交媾而繁殖的,关于无期雌雄交配而繁殖的,涉及无雌雄交配而繁殖的,如在偶数分裂或萌芽中美国传统〔autogamy〕Biology The union of nuclei within and arising from a single cell, as in certain protozoans and fungi.【生物学】 自核交配:某些原生动物或真菌中发生于或在单个细胞内细胞核的接合作用美国传统〔bred〕Breed a strong mare with a fast stallion and hope for a Derby winner.使一匹强壮的母马与一匹疾驰的牡马交配育种,并希望育成德比马赛的优胜马。21世纪英汉〔breed〕Eagles breed during the cooler months of the year.鹰在一年中较凉爽的季节交配繁殖。朗文当代〔breed〕He breeds dogs and sells them as pets.他饲犬作交配,并把它们作为宠物出售。英汉大词典〔breed〕Terriers are bred for their fighting instincts.交配繁殖梗狗是为了保持它们好斗的本性。剑桥高阶〔breed〕The cow was bred last week.这头母牛在上周作了交配英汉大词典〔breed〕To develop new or improved strains in (organisms), chiefly through controlled mating and selection of offspring for desirable traits.优生交配:培育,多指通过人工交配和选择后代而获得所期望的特征,发展新的或改良(有机体)的品种美国传统〔breed〕To mate with.与…交配美国传统〔clasper〕Any of the appendages of the male of certain insects and crustaceans that are used during copulation to hold the female.抱握器:一种雄性昆虫或雄性甲壳类动物的悬垂物,在交配中用来持住雌性美国传统〔copulate〕During the time she is paired to a male, the female allows no other males to copulate with her.雌性与雄性配对时,雌性不允许其他雄性与之交配柯林斯高阶〔copulate〕Some animals have complex mating rituals before they copulate.有些动物在交配之前有复杂的交配仪式。韦氏高阶〔copulate〕Whales take 24 hours to copulate.鲸鱼的交配需要24小时。外研社新世纪〔copulate〕Whales take twenty-four hours to copulate.鲸交配需要24小时。柯林斯高阶〔couple〕To join in sexual union.性交,交配美国传统〔couple〕To unite sexually; copulate.性交;交配美国传统〔coupling〕The act of uniting sexually.交配,性交:交配的行为,性交的行为美国传统〔cover〕To copulate with (a female). Used especially of horses.与(雌性动物)交配。尤用于马美国传统〔crossbred〕Produced by the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties, or species.杂交产生的:由不同品种、变种或种类的个体交配而产生的美国传统〔crossbreed〕To mate so as to produce a hybrid; interbreed.杂交:为产生杂种而交配;杂交美国传统〔crossbreed〕To produce (an organism) by the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties, or species; hybridize.使杂交:通过不同品种、变种或种类的个体交配而产生(另一种生物);使杂交美国传统〔cross〕A mule is a cross between a female horse and a male donkey.骡是雌马和雄驴交配而生的杂种。英汉大词典〔dealate〕Having lost the wings. Used of ants, termites, and other insects that shed their wings after a mating flight.脱翅的:脱去翅膀的。指蚂蚁、白蚁和其它昆虫等在交配飞行后脱落了翅膀的美国传统〔display〕Birds of many species pair before they display.许多种鸟类在作求偶炫耀行为之前交配英汉大词典〔display〕Mandarin duck displayed and copulated.鸳鸯做出求偶表示然后进行交配21世纪英汉〔drone〕The queen is likely to mate with two or three drones.蜂王可能与两三只雄蜂交配外研社新世纪〔endogamy〕Biology Reproduction by the fusion of gametes of similar ancestry.【生物学】 近亲交配:近亲之间交配的有性繁殖美国传统〔endogamy〕Botany Fertilization resulting from pollination among flowers of the same plant.【植物学】 同系交配:在同株植物的不同花朵上进行的摄粉作用美国传统〔fix〕The main aim of inbreeding is to standardise, to fix desirable inherited characteristics and to dispel undesirable ones.同系交配的主要目的就是实现标准化,保持理想的遗传特性,并消除不良的特性。柯林斯高阶〔frig〕To have sexual intercourse with.交配:和…发生性关系美国传统〔grade up〕He graded up his herd.他使他的牛与良种牛交配21世纪英汉〔implication〕The implication is clear: young females do better if they mate with a new male.含意很清楚:年轻雌性如果与陌生雄性交配表现会更好。牛津搭配〔inbred〕Produced by inbreeding.近亲繁殖的:通过近亲交配产生的美国传统〔inbreeding〕The continued breeding of closely related individuals so as to preserve desirable traits in a stock.同种交配:近亲连续不断地繁殖,以此来保存某一血统的令人满意的特性美国传统〔inbreed〕To breed by the continued mating of closely related individuals, especially to preserve desirable traits in a stock.近亲繁殖:近亲之间连续不断的交配繁殖,尤指为保存种族的优良品质而进行的美国传统〔incubus〕An evil spirit believed to descend upon and have sexual intercourse with women as they sleep.阴库巴斯恶鬼,梦淫妖:据说会趁女人熟睡压而在女人身上并与其交配的恶鬼美国传统〔maleness〕After mating the male wasps tunnel through the sides of their nursery.交配之后,雄黄峰们就从蜂房的侧面钻出去了。柯林斯高阶〔male〕After mating the male bees will die.雄蜂交配之后会死去。外研社新世纪〔male〕The males establish their territory before mating.在交配之前, 雄性动物要确立自己的领地。外研社新世纪〔mate with〕A donkey mate with a mare.驴和母马交配21世纪英汉〔mate with〕Cats do not mate with dogs.猫和狗互不交配21世纪英汉〔mate〕Do foxes ever mate with dogs? 狐狸会和狗交配吗?牛津高阶〔mate〕It is easy to tell when a female is ready to mate.很容易辨别雌性动物何时准备交配外研社新世纪〔mate〕It is easy to tell when a female is ready to mate.雌性动物何时准备交配一目了然。柯林斯高阶〔mate〕It's quite common for male birds to mate with several females.雄性鸟和多只雌性鸟交配很正常。朗文当代〔mate〕Many birds mate in the springtime.许多鸟在春天交配牛津同义词〔mate〕Rabbits can be mated as early as six months old.兔子在六个月大时就可以交配了。朗文当代〔mate〕Researchers mated two different kinds of mice.研究人员使两种不同种类的老鼠交配韦氏高阶〔mate〕The majority of amphibians mate in water.大部分两栖动物在水里交配外研社新世纪〔mate〕They mated a horse with a donkey.他们让一匹马同一匹驴交配英汉大词典〔mate〕They want the males to mate with wild females.他们想让雄性动物与野生雌性动物交配外研社新世纪〔mate〕Tigers mate repeatedly over a period of several days.老虎在几天里多次交配剑桥高阶〔mate〕To pair (animals) for breeding.使(动物)交配美国传统〔migration〕She never lost interest in the birds' morning feeding activities, migrations, mating habits.她对鸟类的早晨觅食活动、迁徙及交配习惯一直感兴趣。外研社新世纪〔mount〕To climb onto (a female) for copulation. Used of male animals.跨骑;(动物交配时)骑在…上:爬到(雌性动物身上)以进行交配,用于雄性动物美国传统〔musth〕An annual period of heightened aggressiveness and sexual activity in male elephants, during which violent frenzies occur.雄象发情狂:每年雄象出现充满杀机和交配行为的时期,这个时期雄象会极度狂乱美国传统〔outbreeding〕The breeding of distantly related or unrelated individuals, often producing a hybrid of superior quality.远交:远亲缘或非亲缘交配,常产生较高质量的混种美国传统〔outbreed〕To subject to outbreeding.使远交:使做非亲缘交配美国传统〔pair ... off〕This is the season when most birds pair off.这季节是大多数鸟的交配期。21世纪英汉〔pair bond〕The temporary or permanent association formed between a female and male animal during courtship and mating.配对结合:在求爱期间和交配期间雌雄动物之间形成的暂时的或永久的联系美国传统〔pair off〕Ravens nest very early in the spring and they pair off in the late autumn.渡鸦早春筑巢,晚秋交配剑桥高阶〔pair〕Cranes take from four to seven years to mature before they pair up.鹤要4至7年发育成熟才交配英汉大词典〔pair〕To avoid competition, breeding/mating pairs stay away from other male chimpanzees.为了避免竞争,生育/交配的成对黑猩猩会躲开其他雄性猩猩。韦氏高阶〔panmictic〕Of or relating to panmixia.自由交配的:自由交配的,与其有关的美国传统〔panmixia〕Random mating within a breeding population.自由交配:在一个育种群中自由交配美国传统〔parallel〕A close parallel to this mating pattern is found in dolphins.在海豚身上发现了与此极为相似的交配模式。牛津搭配〔polyandry〕Zoology A mating pattern in which a female mates with more than one male in a single breeding season.【动物学】 一雌多雄:一种交配方式,其中一个雌性个体在唯一的繁殖季节与一个以上的雄性个体交配美国传统〔polyestrous〕Having several estrous cycles during a single breeding season.多次发情的:在一个交配季节期间有几次求偶期的美国传统〔polygamy〕Zoology A mating pattern in which a single individual mates with more than one individual of the opposite sex.【动物学】 多偶性:一个个体与一个以上的异性个体交配交配方式美国传统〔polygyny〕Zoology A mating pattern in which a male mates with more than one female in a single breeding season.【动物学】 一雄多雌(配合):在一个交配季节里,一个雄性个体与一个以上的雌性个体进行交配的一种交配方式美国传统〔pseudopregnancy〕A condition resembling pregnancy that occurs in some mammals, marked by persistence of the corpus luteum and usually following infertile copulation.假孕:发生在某些哺乳动物身上的类似于怀孕的状态,以不断分泌黄体素为特征,通常发生在不育性交配以后美国传统〔put〕The farmer put a heifer to a bull.农夫让一头小母牛与公牛交配英汉大词典〔ran〕What will be produced if a sow runs with a wild boar?如果一个母猪与一个野猪交配将会生下什么来呢?21世纪英汉〔result〕The results provide many insights into the mating rituals of these animals.这些结果使人们对这些动物的交配仪式有了许多新认识。牛津搭配〔ritual〕The birds were performing a complex mating ritual.这些鸟在进行程序复杂的交配剑桥高阶〔run〕The heifers ran with the Hereford bull and produced their first calf.小母牛与这头海福特公牛交配,生下了第一头小牛。英汉大词典〔rutting〕During the rutting season the big boars have the most terrible mating battles.大野猪到了发情期会为了交配而斗得不可开交。柯林斯高阶〔scent〕Many kinds of insect find their mates by scent.许多昆虫通过气味找到交配对象。柯林斯高阶〔selectively〕Selective breeding may result in a greyhound running faster and seeing better than a wolf.选择性交配繁殖有可能培育出比狼速度更快、视力更佳的灵犭是。柯林斯高阶〔service〕Copulation with a female.与雌性交配美国传统〔service〕To copulate with.交配美国传统〔single cross〕The hybrid of two inbred lines. It can be represented as AB, the product of the cross A × B, where A and B represent inbred lines.单杂交:同血源交配的品系间的杂交,可用A.B表示,是A与B杂交的产物,A和B代表同血源交配产生品系美国传统〔telegony〕The supposed genetic influence of a previous sire on offspring of a subsequent sire from the same mother.先父遗传:一种假想的认为先前父兽基因能遗传给同一母兽同后来的父兽交配后所生的后代美国传统〔territory〕Mating blackbirds will defend their territory against intruders.乌鸫交配时会保护自己的地盘,不允许外来者侵入。牛津高阶〔tread〕To copulate with. Used of a male bird.交配:与…交配。用于描述雄鸟美国传统〔tread〕To copulate. Used of birds.交配交配。用于形容鸟类美国传统〔upgrade〕To improve the quality of (livestock) by selective breeding for desired characteristics.改善品质,改良品种:通过为得到所希望的特征而进行的有选择的交配而改善(牲畜)的品质美国传统〔virgin〕A female animal that has not copulated.没有经过交配的雌性动物美国传统〔vocal〕Foxes become more vocal during the mating season.狐狸在交配季节叫得更多。麦克米伦高阶Male stags stay at the breeding site for the whole season, whereas females mate and leave as quickly as possible.雄鹿整季都呆在繁殖地,而雌鹿一交配后便尽早离开。剑桥国际Many animals mate in the spring. 许多动物在春天交配译典通Many generations of inbreeding have made this remote community susceptible to hereditary disorders such as dwarfism and mental retardation.许多代的近亲交配使这偏远地区的群落容易得诸如侏儒症或智力迟钝之类的遗传疾病。剑桥国际Scientists have been conducting an experiment in which mice are mated with rats.科学家正在进行鼷鼠和麝鼠的交配实验。剑桥国际Some animals become very aggressive during the mating season.一些动物在交配期很好斗。剑桥国际The birds were performing a mating ritual.鸟儿们正在进行一场交配仪式。剑桥国际They mated a horse with a donkey. 他们把一匹马同一匹驴交配译典通




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