

单词 亡者
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Office of the Dead〕An office traditionally sung or said before a burial mass in the Roman Catholic Church, now obligatory only on All Souls' Day.亡者祷文:罗马天主教传统上于葬礼弥撒前唱念祈祷的仪式,现在成为万灵节专属仪式美国传统〔Valkyrie〕Any of Odin's handmaidens who conducted the souls of the slain to Valhalla.瓦尔基里:奥丁的女仆,她引导阵亡者的灵魂到瓦尔哈拉殿堂美国传统〔Yizkor〕A Jewish memorial service for the dead.追悼仪式:犹太人对亡者的纪念仪式美国传统〔believe〕The fugitive is believed to be headed for the Canadian border.据信,逃亡者正向加拿大边界方向逃窜。21世纪英汉〔burrow〕The runaway burrowed himself into a corner.逃亡者躲进一个角落。英汉大词典〔dead duck〕One doomed to failure or to death.注定失败者,注定死亡者美国传统〔death〕Your next of kin will receive death benefit if you die in an accident.意外死亡者的近亲会得到死亡保险金。牛津搭配〔dramatization〕More than 400 exiles were on a dawn-to-dusk hunger strike to dramatize their plight.400 多名流亡者举行从早到晚的绝食抗议来让人们关注他们的苦难。柯林斯高阶〔dramatize〕More than 400 exiles were on a hunger strike to dramatize their plight.400多名流亡者正在进行绝食抗议, 以引起人们对其困境的关注。外研社新世纪〔emigre〕Russian emigres living in Paris 住在巴黎的俄国流亡者朗文当代〔enshrine〕Almost two and a half million war dead are enshrined at Yasukuni.靖国神社供奉着大约二百五十万阵亡者的亡灵。剑桥高阶〔exile〕Many chose to live as exiles rather than face persecution.许多人宁愿成为流亡者也不愿遭受迫害。韦氏高阶〔fall〕Another wave of troops followed the first, running past those who had fallen.又一批士兵跟着第一批士兵从阵亡者身边跑过。柯林斯高阶〔fatality〕The driver was one of the fatalities.司机是意外死亡者之一美国传统〔fugitive〕They discovered that the slave was a fugitive.他们发现这个奴隶是个逃亡者韦氏高阶〔hiding〕The fugitive had spent five weeks in hiding.逃亡者已经躲藏了 5 个星期。牛津搭配〔hole〕The escapee was holed up in his top floor suite.逃亡者藏在他的顶层套间内。英汉大词典〔identification〕The identification of the crash victims was a long and difficult task.辨认坠机意外伤亡者的工作费时而且困难重重。牛津高阶〔indemnity〕Political exiles had not been given indemnity from prosecution.政治流亡者未得到免予起诉的待遇。外研社新世纪〔infamy〕For the relatives of those who had died in the war, the final infamy was the pardoning of the draft-dodgers.对于那些阵亡者的亲属来说,最令其切齿的就是原谅逃避兵役者。剑桥高阶〔innocent〕Many innocent civilians are among the casualties.伤亡者当中有很多是无辜的平民。朗文当代〔inscription〕The monument carries the inscription: 'To the fallen'.纪念碑上刻有“献给阵亡者”的铭文。牛津搭配〔intestate〕One who dies without a legal will.无遗嘱的死亡者美国传统〔letters of administration〕A legal document entrusting an individual with the administration of the estate of a deceased person.遗产管理证书:委托某人管理死亡者私有财物的法律文件美国传统〔magnet〕The mountains remain a magnet for all kinds of fugitives.这个山区是逃亡者们的乐园。麦克米伦高阶〔more〕More (of them) were wounded than killed.(他们当中)受伤者比死亡者多。文馨英汉〔necrology〕A list of people who have died, especially in the recent past or during a specific period.亡故者名单:死亡者的名单,尤指近期或在一特定时期的亡者美国传统〔put〕To put grief away is disloyal to the memory of the departed.忘却悲痛有悖于对亡者的怀念。英汉大词典〔quest〕The Puritans became fugitives in quest of liberty.清教徒变成了追求自由的逃亡者柯林斯高阶〔requisition〕Law A formal request of one government to another demanding the return of a criminal or fugitive.【法律】 引渡犯人的要求:一国政府向另一国政府提出的交回罪犯或逃亡者的正式要求美国传统〔responsible〕Cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of deaths from lung cancer.因患肺癌而死亡者,约 90% 是吸烟所致。牛津高阶〔return〕The organization facilitates the return of refugees and displaced persons.该机构帮助难民及流亡者回家。牛津搭配〔runagate〕A renegade or deserter.背叛者,逃跑者:变节者,逃亡者美国传统〔runner〕A fugitive.逃亡者美国传统〔sanctuary〕A sacred place, such as a church, in which fugitives formerly were immune to arrest.避难所:以前逃亡者避难或被保护的场所,如教堂美国传统〔scent〕The trail of a hunted animal or fugitive.踪迹:遭追捕的动物或逃亡者的踪迹美国传统〔skip〕The fugitive skipped town.逃亡者匆匆逃离了小镇美国传统〔sort〕They are now fugitives of a sort.他们现在都成了逃亡者英汉大词典〔underground〕They had been living underground as fugitives.他们作为逃亡者一直隐秘地生活。韦氏高阶〔unmolested〕Like many fugitives, he lived in Argentina unmolested for many years.像很多逃亡者一样,他也平安无事地在阿根廷生活了多年。柯林斯高阶〔unmolested〕Like many fugitives, he lived in Argentina unmolested for many years.像许多逃亡者一样, 他也在阿根廷平静生活了许多年。外研社新世纪〔want〕The fugitive is wanted by the police.警方在通缉那个逃亡者英汉大词典〔whip〕The fugitives wanted to rest, but the fear of capture whipped them on.逃亡者们想停下休息,但因怕被抓住而不得不继续赶路。英汉大词典A 14 year-old absconder from a children's home in Bristol was found dead yesterday in London.从布里斯托尔一个儿童之家逃走的一名14岁逃亡者昨天在伦敦被发现死亡。剑桥国际After three weeks, the police finally caught the fugitives.三星期后,警方终于抓住了逃亡者剑桥国际Hospitals near to the scene of the disaster were inundated with casualties.灾难发生地点附近的各家医院里挤满了伤亡者剑桥国际It was claimed she was able to conjure up the spirits of the dead.据说她能召回亡者的灵魂。剑桥国际Now that democracy has returned to the former dictatorship, thousands of émigré are thinking about going back home.现在既然民主制度重新取代了先前的专制统治,成千上万的流亡者在考虑重返家园。剑桥国际The escapees (= people who have escaped) were recaptured after three days on the run.逃亡者逃跑三天后被再次抓获。剑桥国际There were many Russian emigres living in Paris at that time. 在那个时候有许多俄国流亡者生活在巴黎。译典通〔émigré〕He was one of a group of Soviet émigrés living in New York.他是居住在纽约的一批苏联流亡者中的一员。韦氏高阶




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