

单词 买回
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AND/ALSO〕I don't mind picking up your things from the store. Besides, the walk will do me good. 不要紧,我去店里帮你买回来,而且,走走路对我也有好处。朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕It's just a little souvenir I brought back from Italy 这只是我从意大利买回来的一个小小纪念品。朗文写作活用〔baker〕They're freshly baked. I fetched them from the baker's this morning.它们是刚出炉的。我早上去面包房买回来的。柯林斯高阶〔buy ... in〕The auctioneer stated to his audience that an item has been bought in.拍卖商向观众表示他已买回自己送去的拍卖品。21世纪英汉〔cheese〕We brought four cheeses back from holiday.我们度假时买回四块奶酪蛋糕。外研社新世纪〔continual〕I've had continual problems with this car ever since I bought it.自从我买回这车,它就常常出毛病。剑桥高阶〔go back〕That TV will have to go back to the shop - it hasn't worked properly ever since I bought it.那台电视得退给商店——从我买回来到现在老出故障。剑桥高阶〔mark sth up〕In the days of hyperinflation, we would rush to the market as soon as we were paid and buy our weekly groceries before they were marked up.在恶性通货膨胀时期,一发工资我们便冲向市场,赶在涨价之前买回一周所需的食品杂货。剑桥高阶〔option〕If one partner dies, the others have the option to buy back their shares.如果一个合伙人死了,其他的人有权买回他们的股票。麦克米伦高阶〔purchaser〕She opened the tie box and looked at her purchase. It was silk, with maroon stripes.她打开领带盒,看着她买回的东西:一条带有褐红色条纹的丝制领带。柯林斯高阶〔purchase〕The land was compulsorily purchased from the owner to make way for the new road.这块地是从业主那里强行买回来以便新路通过。牛津搭配〔repurchase〕The act of buying something that one previously sold or owned.买回:买某人先前卖掉或所拥有的东西的行为美国传统〔shopping〕They unpacked the shopping and put it away.他们取出买回的东西放好。牛津搭配〔shopping〕We put the shopping away.我们把买回来的东西放好。柯林斯高阶〔show〕It always amazed her how little she had to show for the amount she spent.经常让她吃惊的是, 她花了很多钱, 买回来的东西却很少。外研社新世纪〔stand in with〕We stood in with him who bought us the meals.他为我们买回了吃的,大家分摊了那笔钱。21世纪英汉〔triumph〕He returned in triumph from the sales with a half-price TV.他在商店大减价中满载而归,买回来一台半价电视机。剑桥高阶A TV dinner is a meal which you buy ready prepared from a shop and which only needs to be heated before being eaten, esp. while watching TV.盒装电视便餐(从商店买回已备好的食品, 食用前加热即可, 便于食用而不耽误看电视)剑桥国际He hoped to buy the shares back more cheaply later.他希望以后能以更便宜的价格买回股票。牛津商务I've had continual problems with this car ever since I bought the damn thing! 自从我买回这车后,这该死的东西就一次次出毛病!剑桥国际In the days of hyperinflation we would rush to the market as soon as we were paid and buy our weekly groceries before they were marked up.在超通货膨胀时期,我们一发工资便冲向市场,在涨价之前买回一周(所需)的食品杂货。剑桥国际We brought a bottle of schnapps back from our holiday in Germany.我们在德国度假时买回一瓶烧酒。剑桥国际




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