

单词 中高
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔POSITION/RANK〕There are not many part-time workers in the middle and higher levels of management. 中高级管理层没有很多兼职员工。朗文写作活用〔appreciation〕Max has no appreciation of the finer things in life.马克斯对生活中高雅点的事物都不懂欣赏。剑桥高阶〔arc〕The ball rose in a high arc and fell behind the boundary line.球在空中高高地划了一条弧线落在边线外。剑桥高阶〔bandwidth〕The numerical difference between the upper and lower frequencies of a band of electromagnetic radiation, especially an assigned range of radio frequencies.带宽:电磁辐射频带中高频与低频之间的数值差,尤指某设定的无线电频率范围美国传统〔barrel〕The policeman barreled his car through the dense traffic.警察在拥挤的车流中高速驾车。21世纪英汉〔box〕The raised seat for the driver of a coach or carriage.驾驶座:马车中高出的驾驶员座位美国传统〔choice〕Of the U.S. Government grade of meat higher than good and lower than prime.中等的:在美国政府制定的肉类等级中高于好的但低于上等的美国传统〔correlate〕High morale among staff was found to correlate positively with productivity.人们发现员工中高昂的士气与生产力是正相关的。牛津搭配〔descant〕An ornamental melody or counterpoint sung or played above a theme.高音部长曲:歌唱或演奏中高于主旋律的装饰性曲调或对位音美国传统〔duff〕He duffed the golf ball because the club stroke the ground behind the ball before hitting it.因为击球前球杆触了球后面的地,所以他未击中高尔夫球。21世纪英汉〔flinch〕The bill was much higher than expected, but he paid it without flinching.账单的金额比预料中高很多,但他毫不犹豫地付了账。韦氏高阶〔flush〕A hand in which all the cards are of the same suit but not in numerical sequence, ranked above a straight and below a full house in poker.同花:属于同一花色但不按数字顺序排列的一把牌,在扑克牌中高于五张顺牌且低于满堂牌美国传统〔fourth〕A tone four degrees above or below a given tone in a diatonic scale.第四音级:自然音阶中高于或低于一给出音调四度的音调美国传统〔high stick〕A hockey stick carried so that the blade is above a specified illegal height, shoulder height in professional play.高击:曲棍球球杆举起后,击球板刃片高过规定的犯规高度或职业比赛中高过肩膀高度美国传统〔intermediate〕The ski school coaches beginners, intermediates, and advanced skiers.该滑雪学校对初学者和中高级滑雪者进行培训。外研社新世纪〔it〕He threw the baby high in the air and it stopped crying.他把孩子向空中高高抛起,孩子就停止了哭闹。柯林斯高阶〔kick〕She begins dancing, kicking her legs high in the air.她开始跳舞,做了空中高踢腿动作。柯林斯高阶〔latitude〕In the middle to high latitudes rainfall has risen steadily over the last 20-30 years.在过去二三十年里,中高纬度地区的降雨量持续增加。柯林斯高阶〔master sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Air Force that is above technical sergeant and below senior master sergeant.二级军士长:美国空军中高于上士、低于二级军士长的未委任军衔美国传统〔master sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Army that is above sergeant first class and below the position of sergeant major.二级军士长:美国陆军中高于三级军士长、低于士官长的未经委任的军衔美国传统〔master sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Marine Corps that is above gunnery sergeant and below the position of sergeant major.二级军士长:美国海军陆战队中高于三级军士长、低于士官长的未委任军衔美国传统〔mid-rise〕A moderately tall building.中高层楼房美国传统〔moderately〕Cook the chicken over moderately high heat for three minutes.将鸡肉用中高档火烹制三分钟。韦氏高阶〔private first class〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Army that is above private and below corporal or in the U.S. Marine Corps that is above private and below lance corporal.一等兵:美国陆军的非士官军衔,高于二等兵,低于下士或在美国海军陆战队中高于二等兵,低于海军下士美国传统〔readership〕Chiefly British The office of a reader at a university.【多用于英国】 高级讲师职称:大学中高级讲师的职称美国传统〔reader〕There are readers at five different levels, from beginner to upper intermediate.有五种不同层次的读本:从初级到中高级。剑桥高阶〔scale〕To throw (a thin, flat object) so that it soars through the air or skips along the surface of water.打水漂:掷(薄而平的物体)使其在空气中高飞或沿水面跳跃美国传统〔scrambled eggs〕Slang The gold braid worn on the bill of the cap of a field-grade officer in the armed services.【俚语】 金编带:军队中高级军官军帽上的金编带美国传统〔seaman apprentice〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above seaman recruit and below seaman.三等兵:在美国海军或海岸警卫队中高于水兵新兵而低于水兵的未授军衔的一种级别美国传统〔senior chief petty officer〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Navy that is above chief petty officer and below master chief petty officer.二级军士长:美国海军中高于军士长而低于一级军士长的未任命的年衔美国传统〔staff sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Air Force that is above sergeant and below technical sergeant.空军上士:在美国空军中高于中士低于技术军士的一种未授衔的军职美国传统〔staff sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Army that is above sergeant and below sergeant first class.陆军上士:在美国陆军中高于中士低于军士的一种未授衔的军职美国传统〔staff sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Marine Corps that is above sergeant and below gunnery sergeant.海军上士:在美国海军中高于中士低于枪炮军士的一种未授衔的军职美国传统〔subsidization〕Around the world, governments have subsidized the housing of middle and upper-income groups.全世界各国政府都为中高收入群体提供过住房补贴。柯林斯高阶〔twinkle〕A sparkle of merriment or delight in the eye.闪亮:眼睛中高兴或兴奋的光美国传统A statue of an open-mouthed young boy spouts a jet of water into the air.从一座张嘴少年雕像中高高地喷射出一道水柱。剑桥国际I use bamboo canes to support tall plants in the garden.我用竹棍支撑花园中高大的植物。剑桥国际The children sploshed about happily in the water.孩子们在水中高兴地泼着水。剑桥国际Up to 40% of our employees work in nontraditional ways.我们的员工中高达 40% 的人以非传统的方式工作。牛津商务




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