

单词 中间人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MESSAGE〕Barnes isn't involved in the deal - he's just the go-between. 巴恩斯并未卷入这桩交易中,他只是个中间人朗文写作活用〔MESSAGE〕Simon was not a member of either group so he seemed a good candidate to act as a go-between. 西蒙不属于两派中的任何一派,所以他看来是充当中间人的合适人选。朗文写作活用〔accept〕Don't automatically accept the solicitor recommended by the broker.别想当然地就接受中间人推荐的诉状律师。柯林斯高阶〔boodle〕In any big land transaction, you get middlemen scrambling for their share of the boodle.大宗土地交易中总是有中间人争夺利益。剑桥高阶〔brokerage〕A fee or commission paid to a broker.佣金:付给中间人的手续费美国传统〔broker〕He acted as broker between the two opposing sides.他充当了对立双方的中间人牛津搭配〔broker〕The United Nations brokered peace in Mogadishu.联合国作为中间人促成了摩加迪沙地区的和平局面。外研社新世纪〔center〕A person, object, or group occupying a middle position.中间人物、物体或集体:占据中间位置、立场的人、物或团体美国传统〔code word〕The intermediary gave Short a special code word and arranged a time for a contest.中间人告诉肖特一个特别的暗语, 并安排了比赛的时间。外研社新世纪〔comprador〕A go-between; an intermediary.掮客;中间人美国传统〔control〕A spirit presumed to speak or act through a medium.附体鬼魂:被认为会通过一个中间人(或物)来说话或行事的鬼魂美国传统〔go-between〕As I told you, I am merely a go-between. It's not my decision to make.我告诉过你的, 我只是个中间人。这事我说了不算。外研社新世纪〔go-between〕One who acts as an intermediary or messenger between two sides.中间人,媒介:在双方间担任中间人或信使的人美国传统〔go-between〕The ambassador has offered to act as a go-between for the two countries involved in the conflict.大使主动提出愿在发生冲突的两国间担当中间人剑桥高阶〔good offices〕Beneficial acts performed for another, especially acts performed by a mediator in a dispute.斡旋,调停:由第三者做的有益于双方的事,特别是在争执中充当中间人,调解人美国传统〔intermediary〕Financial institutions act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers.金融机构充当贷方和借方的中间人牛津高阶〔intermediary〕She wanted him to act as an intermediary in the dispute with Moscow.她想让他充当中间人来调解与莫斯科的争端。柯林斯高阶〔intermediary〕They were approached indirectly through an intermediary.通过中间人对他们进行了间接接触。牛津搭配〔internuncio〕A messenger or an agent; a go-between.中介:信使或中介;中间人美国传统〔jobber〕Chiefly British A middleman in the exchange of stocks and securities among brokers.【多用于英国】 股票经纪人,证券交易商:在股票证券交易中的代理人中的中间人美国传统〔middleman〕An intermediary; a go-between.中间人;调解人美国传统〔middleman〕He acted as the middleman in the talks between labor and management.他在劳资双方的谈判中充当中间人韦氏高阶〔middleman〕He acts as a middleman for British companies seeking contracts in the Gulf.他给在海湾地区寻找商机的英国公司当中间人朗文当代〔middleman〕He acts as a middleman for companies seeking contracts overseas.他为谋求海外合同的公司充当中间人牛津搭配〔middleman〕It seemed then that Blake must have arranged the kidnap, using Jackson as middleman.这样看来, 布莱克一定是利用杰克逊做中间人策划了这宗绑架。外研社新世纪〔middleman〕The two sides would only meet indirectly, through middlemen.双方只会通过中间人间接接触。柯林斯高阶〔pander〕To act as a go-between or liaison in sexual intrigues; function as a procurer.拉皮条:在性交易中充当中间人或联系人;充当拉皮条的人美国传统〔popular〕He was not only talented but immensely popular with his colleagues.他不仅有才华, 而且在同事们中间人缘极好。外研社新世纪〔role〕In the series, Smith assumes the role of the go-between.在这部连续剧中,史密斯扮演中间人的角色。牛津搭配Insurance brokers are intermediaries between insurance companies and their customers.保险经纪人是保险公司和客户之间的中间人剑桥国际One way to lower the price would be to cut out the middleman and buy directly from the factory.降低价格的一个方法是省去中间人,直接从工厂买东西。剑桥国际Someone played the part of a go-between in almost every bribery scandal. 几乎在每一件弊案中都有人扮演中间人的角色。译典通Sumitomo, the trading house, was the go-between in the Wal-Mart/Seiyu deal.住友商行是沃尔玛与西友百货之间交易的中间人牛津商务The ambassador has offered to act as a go-between for the two countries involved in the conflict.大使愿为卷入冲突的两国做中间人剑桥国际The broker acts as the middleman between buyers and sellers.经纪人扮演着买卖双方之间的中间人的角色。牛津商务The company acts as an intermediary between buyers and growers.这家公司充当买方和种植者的中间人牛津商务The gunman refused to talk to the police directly, so they had to negotiate through an intermediary.持枪歹徒拒绝直接与警方对话,因此他们不得不通过中间人谈判。剑桥国际The payments were made through a middleman.这笔款项支付通过中间人进行。牛津商务There was no middleman in this transaction. 这笔交易没有中间人译典通




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