

单词 bride
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORROW〕The bride arrived at the church in a rented limousine. 新娘坐着一辆租来的豪华轿车来到了教堂。朗文写作活用〔HOPE〕It is my honour to toast the bride and groom on this auspicious occasion. 在这喜庆的日子里,我很荣幸地举杯向新娘和新郎表示祝福。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕After the wedding the bride and groom went straight to the airport for their flight to Fiji. 婚礼之后,新娘新郎直接前往机场搭乘飞机去斐济。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕Can I take a photograph of the bride and groom? 我能给新娘新郎拍张照吗?朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕Everyone turned around as the bride entered the church. 新娘走进教堂时,人人都转过身来。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕He took his young bride to live on the ranch in Wyoming. 他带着他年轻的新娘到怀俄明州的农场上生活。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕Teenage brides are twice as likely to end up being divorced as women who marry later. 十几岁的新娘比起晚些结婚的妇女来说,其离婚的可能性要大一倍。朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕The wedding guests were all ready and waiting long before the bride arrived. 新娘到来之前,参加婚礼的宾客都早已准备好并等待着。朗文写作活用〔SHY〕Bashfully, he kissed the bride lightly on her cheek. 他很不自在地轻轻亲了一下新娘的脸颊。朗文写作活用〔STAND〕The congregation rose as the bride entered the cathedral. 新娘步入教堂,会众全体起立。朗文写作活用〔THERE/NOT THERE〕The only people who were present for the ceremony were the bride and groom, the priest, and two witnesses. 出席婚礼的只有新郎和新娘、牧师以及两个证婚人。朗文写作活用〔USUALLY〕It's customary to kiss the bride at a wedding. 在婚礼上新郎吻新娘是一种习俗。朗文写作活用〔adorn〕The bride adorned herself with jewels lavishly.新娘戴上许多首饰,打扮得珠光宝气。英汉大词典〔agreed〕She's too young to be a bride.-"Agreed!" 「她要当新娘太年轻了。」「不错!」文馨英汉〔aisle〕The bride walked down/up the aisle to the altar.新娘沿着过道走向圣坛。韦氏高阶〔altar〕The bride approached the altar.新娘走近圣坛。牛津搭配〔attend〕The bride was attended by two bridesmaids.新娘有两个女嫔相伴随。牛津同义词〔attire〕The bride was attired in white.新娘穿着雪白的礼服。21世纪英汉〔best man〕The groom asked his brother to be his best man and the bride asked her sister to be her maid of honor.新郎请他的弟弟做男傧相,新娘则让她的妹妹当女傧相。韦氏高阶〔bouquet〕The bride carried a bouquet of white and red roses.新娘捧着一束红白相间的玫瑰花。韦氏高阶〔bridal〕Of or relating to a bride or a marriage ceremony; nuptial.结婚的:新娘的或婚礼的或与之相关的;结婚的美国传统〔bridesmaid〕A woman who attends the bride at a wedding.女傧相:婚礼中照料新娘的女人美国传统〔bride〕As the mother of the bride, I feel obliged to wear something really spectacular.作为新娘的母亲,我得穿戴华丽一些。剑桥高阶〔bride〕Everyone raised their glasses to toast the bride and groom.所有的人举杯为新娘和新郎祝酒。牛津搭配〔bride〕He introduced his new bride.他介绍了他的新娘。牛津高阶〔bride〕He returned from New York with his lovely new bride.他和漂亮的新娘一起从纽约回来了。剑桥高阶〔bride〕She could barely remember what it was like to be a bride.她几乎不记得做新娘时是什么样子了。外研社新世纪〔bride〕The bride and groom posed for pictures outside the church.新娘和新郎在教堂外摆姿势照相。剑桥高阶〔bride〕The bride looked radiant in an ivory gown.新娘身穿乳白色的婚纱,看起来光彩夺目。牛津搭配〔bride〕The guests threw confetti at the bride and groom.宾客向新娘和新郎抛撒五彩纸屑。外研社新世纪〔bride〕You may now kiss the bride.现在你可以亲吻新娘了。牛津搭配〔cake〕The bride and groom cut the wedding cake.新郎新娘切结婚蛋糕。牛津搭配〔charge〕Please charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom! 请各位斟满酒杯向新娘、新郎敬酒!牛津高阶〔cheer〕Three cheers for the bride and groom! 向新娘、新郎三次欢呼! 英汉大词典〔contract〕Most of the marriages were contracted when the brides were very young.这些婚约大多数都是在新娘年龄还很小的时候就订下的。朗文当代〔customary〕In some cultures it is customary for the bride to wear white.在一些文化中,新娘按惯例要穿白色。朗文当代〔custom〕Custom dictates that the bride should live with her in-laws after the marriage.社会习俗要求新娘婚后和公婆同住。外研社新世纪〔custom〕It is the custom for the bride to wear a white dress on her wedding day.新娘在婚礼上穿白色婚纱是一种习俗。韦氏高阶〔dance〕The bride danced with her father.新娘和她爸爸一起跳舞。朗文当代〔design〕The bride wore a cream silk dress that she designed herself.新娘穿着一件她自己设计的奶油色丝绸连衣裙。麦克米伦高阶〔difference〕It was a wedding with a difference – the bride wore black.这是个别具一格的婚礼,新娘穿着黑衣服。麦克米伦高阶〔dowry〕His family hoped that his bride would bring a large dowry.他的家人希望新娘能带来丰厚的嫁妆。牛津搭配〔drank a toast〕Everyone drank a toast to the bride and groom.大家都为新娘新郎干了杯。韦氏高阶〔drank 或 drunk〕Let's drink to the bride and groom.让我们为新郎新娘干杯。21世纪英汉〔dressed〕The bride was dressed in white.新娘身穿白色礼服。牛津高阶〔drink〕We will now drink a toast to the bride and groom.我们现在来举杯为新娘和新郎祝福吧。麦克米伦高阶〔droit du seigneur〕The supposed right of a feudal lord to have sexual relations with a vassal's bride on her wedding night.领主对奴隶新妇的初夜权:封建主强制与农奴的新娘同宿新婚第一夜的特权美国传统〔epithalamium〕A lyric ode in honor of a bride and bridegroom.新婚喜歌:献给新娘新郎的抒情颂歌美国传统〔finery〕There we all were in our finery, waiting for the bride and groom to arrive.我们全都盛装出席,等待着新娘和新郎的到来。剑桥高阶〔give away〕Traditionally, it's the father of the bride who gives his daughter away at the wedding.按照传统习惯,新娘的父亲会在婚礼上将女儿交给新郎。韦氏高阶〔give sb away〕The bride was given away by her father.新娘的父亲把她交给了新郎。剑桥高阶〔give〕The bride was given away by her father.新娘由父亲交给新郎。牛津高阶〔gorgeous〕The bride looked gorgeous.新娘看上去美极了。剑桥高阶〔gown〕The bride wore a lovely lace wedding gown.新娘穿了一件美丽的蕾丝礼服。韦氏高阶〔groom〕A Brahmin priest was blessing a groom, his bride, and their large families.一位婆罗门牧师正在祝福新郎、新娘和他们的大家庭。外研社新世纪〔groom〕Groomed for the wedding, the young man awaited his bride.那青年男子已为婚礼梳妆停当,在等候他的新娘。英汉大词典〔groom〕The bride and groom walked down the aisle together.新娘和新郎一起走过教堂的过道。剑桥高阶〔group〕We all grouped together around the bride for a family photograph.我们所有人都簇拥在新娘四周照了张全家福。剑桥高阶〔happiness〕Will you join me in wishing the bride and groom every happiness? 你愿意和我一起祝福新娘新郎生活幸福吗?剑桥高阶〔headdress〕The bride wore white with a pearl headdress.新娘身穿白色礼服,戴着珍珠头饰。朗文当代〔headpiece〕The bride wore a veil with a beaded headpiece.新娘戴了面纱,上面有珠子做成的头饰。韦氏高阶〔head〕Sam was head over heels in love with his new bride.萨姆深深地爱着他的新娘。朗文当代〔hip〕Three cheers for the bride and groom! Hip, hip, hooray! 为新娘新郎欢呼三声!希普,希普,乌拉!剑桥高阶〔horseshoe〕The bride was presented with a lucky silver horseshoe.有人送了新娘一个银马掌吉祥物作为礼品。英汉大词典〔length〕The i in bride has greater length than the i in bridge.bride 一词里的i发音比bridge一词里的i长。英汉大词典〔limousine〕The bride and groom rode in a limousine from the church to the reception hall.新郎、新娘乘坐豪华轿车从教堂来到接待大厅。韦氏高阶〔maid of honor〕The chief unmarried woman attendant of a bride.首席女傧相:由未婚女子担当的主要伴娘美国传统〔make〕We were asked to make way for the bride and groom.有人叫我们给新郎和新娘让路。麦克米伦高阶〔matron of honor〕A married woman serving as chief attendant of the bride at a wedding.伴娘:由已婚妇女担任的婚礼上的首席女傧相美国传统〔melt〕When a bride walks down the aisle to a stirring tune, even the iciest of hearts melt.当新娘伴着激动人心的乐曲走在教堂的走廊上时,即便最冰冷的心都会融化。柯林斯高阶〔melt〕When a bride walks down the aisle to a stirring tune, even the iciest of hearts melt.当新娘在激动人心的音乐声中走过教堂通道时, 即使是最冷酷的心也会融化。外研社新世纪〔net〕The bride wore a veil of white net.新娘戴了一层白色的面纱。外研社新世纪〔new〕Nowadays new brides don't know one end of a frying pan from the other.现在的新娘完全不会做饭。外研社新世纪〔occasion〕The bride took/used the occasion to make a short speech.新娘利用这个机会简短地讲了几句。剑桥高阶〔page〕The bride was attended by three bridesmaids and a page.3个伴娘和1个小男傧相伴着新娘。外研社新世纪〔picture-perfect〕The bride looked picture-perfect.新娘看上去漂亮极了。朗文当代〔pin on〕Everyone was supposed to dance with the bride and pin money on her dress.每个人都要和新娘跳舞, 并把钱别在她的裙子上。外研社新世纪〔pin〕Everyone was supposed to dance with the bride and pin money on her dress.每个人都要和新娘跳舞,并把钱别在她的衣服上。柯林斯高阶〔porch〕They waited under the church porch for the bride and groom to appear.他们在教堂的门廊上等新娘新郎到来。外研社新世纪〔pose〕The bride and groom posed for the photograph.新娘与新郎为了照相摆姿态。文馨英汉〔precedent〕Would it be breaking with precedent for the bride to make a speech? 新娘发表讲话是否有悖于惯例?剑桥高阶〔propose a toast〕I would like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.我提议为新郎新娘干杯。韦氏高阶〔proposer〕Usually the bride's father proposes a toast to the health of the bride and groom.通常新娘的父亲会提议为新郎新娘的健康干杯。柯林斯高阶〔propose〕He proposed a toast to the bride and groom.他提议为新郎新娘干杯。外研社新世纪〔propose〕I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.我提议为新郎和新娘干杯。朗文当代〔propose〕I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.我提议为新郎新娘的幸福干杯!牛津高阶〔propose〕Now, if you'd all please raise your glasses, I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.现在,请大家举起酒杯,让我们为新郎和新娘干杯。剑桥高阶〔purdah〕The bride remains in purdah until the wedding.新娘直到婚礼才露面。朗文当代〔radiantly〕On her wedding day the bride looked truly radiant.婚礼那天,新娘看上去真是光彩照人。柯林斯高阶〔radiant〕The bride looked radiant.新娘光彩照人。英汉大词典〔radiant〕The bride looked radiant.新娘看上去光彩照人。外研社新世纪〔radiant〕The bride looked radiant.新娘看上去满面春风。牛津高阶〔rain〕They rained flowers on the head of the bride.他们将鲜花撒在新娘头上。21世纪英汉〔raise〕Ladies and gentlemen, will you raise your glasses to the bride and groom.女士们先生们,请大家举杯祝贺新娘和新郎。朗文当代〔register〕The bride and bridegroom signed the register.新郎新娘注册登记了。牛津搭配〔rivet〕All the eyes were riveted on the bride.所有人的眼睛都盯着新娘。21世纪英汉〔satin〕The bride was dressed in white satin.那位新娘穿著白色缎衣。文馨英汉〔seat〕She seated us next to the bride and groom.她安排我们坐在新娘和新郎旁边。外研社新世纪〔seclude〕Typically, the bride would seclude herself in another room.一般来说,新娘会把自己关在另一个房间里。剑桥高阶〔shower〕Many gifts were showered on the bride and bridegroom.人们纷纷给新娘和新郎送贺礼。21世纪英汉〔shower〕The bride and groom were showered with rice as they left the church.新郎和新娘走出教堂时,人们朝他们抛洒大米。牛津高阶〔threshold〕The bride was carried over the threshold.新娘被抱进了家门。柯林斯高阶〔throw〕The wedding guests were given confetti to fling at the bride and groom.参加婚礼的客人们拿到了向新郎和新娘抛撒的五彩纸屑。美国传统〔toast〕Everyone toasted the bride and groom.大家举杯祝福新娘新郎。韦氏高阶〔toast〕He made/proposed a toast to the bride and groom.他提议为新娘新郎干杯。韦氏高阶〔toast〕I'd like to propose a toast (=ask people to drink a toast) to the bride and groom.我建议为新郎新娘干杯。朗文当代〔toast〕I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.我提议为新娘新郎干杯。牛津高阶〔toast〕I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.让我们敬新娘和新郎一杯。外研社新世纪〔toast〕Let's toast the bride and bridegroom [groom].我们向新郎新娘举杯祝贺吧。文馨英汉〔toast〕Now, if you'd all please raise your glasses, I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.现在请大家都举起杯来,我提议为新娘新郎干杯。剑桥高阶〔to〕I proposed a toast to the bride and the groom.我提议为新娘新郎干杯。剑桥高阶〔to〕Let us drink to the bride and groom.让我们为新娘、新郎干杯。韦氏高阶〔tradition〕According to tradition, the bride wears white.按照传统习俗, 新娘要穿白色婚纱。外研社新世纪〔tradition〕In a departure from tradition, the bride wore red.新娘打破传统,穿了一身红装。牛津搭配〔trousseau〕The possessions, such as clothing and linens, that a bride assembles for her marriage.嫁妆:新娘为其婚姻而置办的财物,如衣服和亚麻制品美国传统〔upstage〕We don't want the flower girl upstaging the bride.我们不想让女花童抢了新娘的风头。韦氏高阶〔upstanding〕Ladies and gentlemen, please be upstanding and join me in a toast to the bride and groom.各位来宾,请大家起立,我们一起为新娘新郎干一杯。牛津高阶〔veil〕After the ceremony, the bride lifted up her veil to kiss her husband.仪式过后,新娘撩起面纱亲吻她的丈夫。剑桥高阶〔vow〕The bride and groom exchanged vows.新娘和新郎互许誓言。韦氏高阶〔war bride〕My grandmother was a war bride during World War II.我奶奶是第二次世界大战时期的战时新娘。韦氏高阶〔wedding ring〕A ring, often a plain gold or platinum band, given by the groom to the bride during the wedding ceremony.结婚戒指:常为纯金或白金的戒指,在婚礼上由新郎送给新娘美国传统〔white〕In some countries it is traditional for a bride to wear white.在某些国家的传统中,新娘要穿白色礼服。剑桥高阶〔white〕The bride wore white.穿白色的衣服麦克米伦高阶〔wreath〕The bride wore a veil with a wreath of silk flowers.新娘戴着一块饰有丝绸花环的面纱。剑桥高阶A car turned up to take the bride and groom to the reception.一辆轿车前来接新郎新娘去婚礼招待会。剑桥国际About ten days before the marriage, a peculiar ornament made of jade, or red lacquer, was sent to the home of the bride. 大约在婚礼前的十几天,一件玉或红亮漆做的装饰品送到了新娘家。译典通After the ceremony, the bride lifted up her veil to kiss her husband.仪式之后,新娘揭开面纱去亲吻她丈夫。剑桥国际As the focus of attention, the bride was bejeweled from head to toe. 作为注意力的焦点,新娘从头到脚都穿戴了珠宝。译典通As the mother of the bride, I feel obliged to wear something really spectacular.作为新娘的母亲,我不得不穿戴得华丽一些。剑桥国际At the celebration the bridegroom enchanted the bride with the gift of a ring.在仪式上,新郎送给新娘一只戒指,使其喜出望外。剑桥国际He proposed a toast to both the bride and bridegroom. 他提议为新娘和新郎干杯。译典通He rained gifts on his future bride. 他给未来的新娘大批礼物。译典通He returned to New York in 1946 with his lovely young bride.他在1946年和他年轻可爱的新娘回到纽约。剑桥国际His heart ached for the suffering child bride. 他对那个受苦的童养媳十分同情。译典通I proposed a toast to the bride and the groom.我建议为新娘新郎干杯。剑桥国际I was 38 when I married, hardly a child bride (= a very young woman getting married).我38岁时才嫁人,已经是半老新娘了。剑桥国际In some countries it is traditional for a bride to wear white.在一些国家,新娘按传统要穿白色衣服。剑桥国际Janet was a GI bride, marrying an American soldier with whom she then went back the States.珍妮特是军人的新娘,嫁给了一个美国士兵,并同他一道回了美国。剑桥国际Joe's bride must be in love with him to accept her new moniker of Mrs Jessica Jessington.琼的新娘一定爱他,接受了她的新名字,杰西卡·杰辛顿夫人。剑桥国际Now, if you'd all please raise your glasses, I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.现在请大家都举起杯来,让我提议为新娘和新郎干杯。剑桥国际Now, if you'd all please raise your glasses, I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.现在,请大家把杯子举起来,我提议为新郎和新娘干杯。剑桥国际Relatives and friends showered good wishes on the bride and bridegroom. 亲朋好友纷纷向新娘新郎祝福。译典通She wondered if she was destined to be always a / the bridesmaid, never the bride (= She asked herself if she would ever get married).她猜想也许自己注定只能总是做伴娘,永远当不成新娘。剑桥国际The bride and groom walked down the aisle together.新娘和新郎一起走下教堂的走廊。剑桥国际The bride had flowers entwined in her hair.新娘发间编着花朵。剑桥国际The bride looked gorgeous.新娘看上去很美。剑桥国际The bride looked radiant, as brides are supposed to do.新娘看上去喜气洋洋,就象人们心目中的新娘那样。剑桥国际The bride made her wedding gown herself. 新娘自己做了结婚礼服。译典通The bride took/used the occasion to make a short speech.新娘利用这一时机作了一次简短的演讲。剑桥国际The bride walked under an arch of hoops (= half rings) covered with flowers.新娘从缀满鲜花的半圆形拱门下走过。剑桥国际The bride was a picture in her delicate lacy dress.新娘穿着精致的花边裙,美丽无比。剑桥国际The bride was attired in white. 新娘穿一身洁白的礼服。译典通The bride was dressed in white satin. 新娘穿一身白色缎子衣服。译典通The bride was given away by her father. 在婚礼上,新娘由其父亲交给新郎。译典通The bride was in a red dress -- the whole wedding was a bit of a rum do (= strange occasion).新娘穿着一件红色的礼服----整场婚礼都有些古怪。剑桥国际The bride was in full wedding apparel. 新娘穿著一身结婚礼服。译典通The bride wore a veil with a wreath of silk flowers.新娘戴着一块面纱和绸制花环。剑桥国际The bride, in a light gray chiffon gown, was more charming. 新娘穿著一条浅灰色薄绸睡衣,显得更加迷人。译典通The organ played as the bride came down the aisle. 当新娘沿著通道走过来时,风琴演奏了起来。译典通They clinked their glasses together to toast the bride and groom. 他们碰杯向新郎、新娘致贺。译典通Three cheers for the bride and groom! Hip, hip, hooray! 为新郎新娘欢呼三声!希普,希普,万岁!剑桥国际We all drank a health to the bride. 我们都为新娘的健康乾杯。译典通We all drank a toast to the bride and groom. 我们大家向新娘新郎敬酒。译典通We all grouped together round the bride (= formed a group round her) for a family photograph.我们全部围在新娘周围照了一张家庭照。剑桥国际We were having a snigger at the bride who was rather large and dressed in a tight pale pink dress.新娘身材肥胖却穿着一件淡粉色的紧身礼服,我们不由地暗自发笑。剑桥国际When they came out of the church, the bride and groom were showered with/in confetti.新郎新娘走出教堂时,身上被撒满了五彩纸屑。剑桥国际




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