

单词 中北部
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Adamawa Massif〕An extensive plateau of west-central Africa in north-central Cameroon and eastern Nigeria.阿达马瓦高原:非洲中西部的广阔高原,位于喀麦隆中北部及尼日利亚东部美国传统〔Atsina〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting the plains of northern Montana and southern Saskatchewan, with a present-day population in north central Montana.阿齐纳族:美国的一支土著民族,早先居住于蒙大纳北部和萨斯喀彻温南部的平原地区,现在人口主要分布于蒙大纳中北部美国传统〔Chambord〕A village of north-central France northeast of Tours. It is noted for its magnificent Renaissance château built by Francis I.钱伯德村:法国中北部一村庄,位于托尔斯东北。以文艺复兴时期弗朗西斯一世在此兴建的壮观华美的庄园而闻名美国传统〔Chelan〕A narrow lake of north-central Washington in the Cascade Range. It is the third-deepest freshwater lake in the United States.切兰湖:美国华盛顿州中北部狭窄湖泊,位于喀斯喀特山脉中。是美国深度第三的淡水湖美国传统〔Cordillera Central〕A range of the Andes extending northwest and southeast in north-central Peru.中科迪勒拉山脉:秘鲁中北部向西北和东南延伸的安第斯山的一段山脉美国传统〔Dasht-e-Kavir〕A salt desert of north-central Iran southeast of the Elburz Mountains.卡维尔沙漠:伊朗中北部一盐渍沙漠,位于厄尔布尔士山脉的东南部美国传统〔Frostbelt〕The north-central and northeast United States.弗洛斯特贝尔特:美国东北及中北部一城市美国传统〔Mescalero〕An Apache tribe formerly inhabiting southern New Mexico, western Texas, and north-central Mexico, with a present-day population in southern New Mexico.梅斯卡勒罗人:阿帕切族印第安人,原先定居于美国新墨西哥州南部、得克萨斯州西部及墨西哥中北部,现今此族人则居于新墨西哥南部美国传统〔Missouri〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting north-central Missouri, with present-day descendants living with the Oto in north-central Oklahoma.密苏里族:美洲土著居民(印第安人)的一支,原居住于密苏里州中北部,现其后裔和奥托人居住在俄克拉荷马州的中北部美国传统〔Taimyr Peninsula〕A peninsula of north-central Siberian U.S.S.R. extending northward between the Laptev and Kara seas.泰梅尔半岛:原苏联西伯利亚中北部的一个半岛,位于拉普帖夫海和喀拉海之间并向北延伸美国传统〔Tarahumara〕A member of a Native American people of north-central Mexico.塔拉休玛拉人:一支居住在墨西哥中北部的美洲土著印第安人的成员美国传统〔Warlpiri〕A member of a traditionally nomadic Aboriginal people of north-central and central Australia.沃匹利人:澳大利亚中北部和中部的传统游牧原住民美国传统〔concentrate〕Italy's industrial districts are concentrated in its north-central and north-eastern regions.意大利的工业区集中在该国中北部和东北部地区。柯林斯高阶〔dope〕Lower Northern U.S. Syrup or sweet sauce poured on ice cream.【美国中北部】 糖浆,糖汁:浇在冰淇淋上的糖浆或甜汁美国传统〔northwest〕A historical region of the north-central United States west of the Mississippi River and north of the Missouri River.西北区:美国中北部的一个历史上的地区,在密西西比河西,密苏里河北美国传统




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