

单词 个人感情
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EFFECT/AFFECT〕Try not to let your personal feelings enter into the decision. 尽量不要让你的个人感情影响你的决定。朗文写作活用〔MAN〕In the past, manliness was equated with silence about personal feelings. 过去人们把男性气概等同于不流露个人感情朗文写作活用〔cloud〕Don't let your personal feelings cloud your judgement.不要让你的个人感情影响了你的判断力。朗文当代〔colour〕A judge can't let personal feelings colour his decisions.法官不能让个人感情影响他的裁决。21世纪英汉〔colour〕Don't let your judgement be coloured by personal feelings.不要让你的判断受到个人感情的影响。牛津高阶〔colour〕In my position, I can't afford to let my judgement be coloured by personal feelings.我在这个位置上是不能让个人感情来影响我的判断的。朗文当代〔interfere〕She never allows her personal feelings to interfere with her work.她从不让她的个人感情妨碍工作。牛津高阶〔intrude〕There are times when personal feelings cannot be allowed to intrude.有些时候是不允许夹杂个人感情的。柯林斯高阶〔neutrality〕He told her about the death, describing the events in as neutral a manner as he could.他告诉了她这次死亡事故的情况,描述经过时尽可能不掺杂个人感情柯林斯高阶〔objectively〕It's hard to think objectively about your own family.涉及自己家庭时,你很难做到不带个人感情韦氏高阶〔play〕Personal feelings should not come into play when you are making business decisions.为公事作决策不应掺入个人感情牛津高阶〔sentimentalize〕Rupert Brooke's sentimentalised glorification of war.鲁珀特·布鲁克对战争的带有个人感情色彩的颂扬柯林斯高阶〔set〕Let's set aside my personal feelings for now.目前咱们就不要顾及我的个人感情了。牛津高阶〔uncommunicative〕He was uncommunicative about personal feelings.他不喜欢与人谈个人感情英汉大词典The number one rule for being a good person to work with is to disengage your emotions from the working relationship.要做个好的共事者,第一条规则就是不把工作关系和个人感情牵扯起来。剑桥国际




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