

单词 严峻考验
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acid test〕The acid test of a good driver is whether he or she remains calm in an emergency.在紧急情况下能否保持冷静是对好司机的严峻考验牛津高阶〔baptism by fire〕Covering the disaster was a baptism by fire for the young reporter.报道此次灾难对这名年轻记者来说是个严峻考验韦氏高阶〔baptism of fire〕A severe ordeal experienced for the first time.初次考验:第一次经历的严峻考验美国传统〔crucible〕He's ready to face the crucible of the Olympics.他已准备好迎接奥运会的严峻考验韦氏高阶〔oblige〕Politeness obliged me to go on with the ordeal.出于礼貌, 我不得不继续这个严峻考验外研社新世纪〔severe〕The marathon is a severe test of stamina.马拉松赛跑是对耐力的严峻考验牛津高阶〔severe〕The negotiations will be a severe test of his abilities.谈判将是对他的能力的严峻考验朗文当代〔severe〕The war was a severe test of his leadership.这场战争是对他的领导能力的严峻考验韦氏高阶〔severe〕They face a severe test of character against a vastly superior team.他们面临着一场对他们意志品质的严峻考验,对手是比他们水平高出一大截的球队。麦克米伦高阶〔severe〕This will be a severe test of our strength.这将是对我们实力的严峻考验剑桥高阶〔test〕Last week's game was a stern test of our character.上周的比赛是对我们的意志品质的严峻考验麦克米伦高阶〔test〕Neither player was seriously tested in the contest.两名选手在比赛中都没有受到严峻考验牛津搭配〔test〕The calls for tax reform pose a severe test for the government.税改呼声对政府构成了严峻考验牛津搭配The prime minister is facing a stiff test of his authority.总理正面临着对他权威的严峻考验剑桥国际This will be a severe test of our strength.这将是对我们力量的严峻考验剑桥国际




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