

单词 专心工作
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SLEEP〕Another restless night followed, but she determinedly settled down to work again the next morning. 又一个不眠之夜,但是第二天早上她还是决意继续专心工作朗文写作活用〔address〕Address yourself to your work.专心工作吧。牛津同义词〔concentrate〕Please concentrate on your work.请你专心工作牛津同义词〔concentrate〕Stop talking and concentrate on your work.别说话了,专心工作麦克米伦高阶〔distract〕Partying distracted them from their work.参加聚会使他们无法专心工作外研社新世纪〔distract〕The music distracted her from her work.音乐使她无法专心工作21世纪英汉〔distract〕You're distracting me from my work.你使我不能专心工作牛津高阶〔holiday〕When you come back from holiday, it's hard to work (NOT When you come back from holidays).度假回来后很难专心工作朗文当代〔intent〕I was so intent on my work that I didn't notice the time.我专心工作,以致忘了时间。牛津高阶〔it〕He found it hard to work with a microphone pointing at him.他发觉对着麦克风他很难专心工作柯林斯高阶〔mind〕I can't keep my mind on work when it's so sunny outside.外面阳光如此明媚,我没法专心工作麦克米伦高阶〔push〕She pushed aside her anger, forcing herself to focus on her work.她抛开愤怒,强迫自己专心工作朗文当代〔tune out〕She tuned out the noise and concentrated on her work.她不理会噪声,专心工作韦氏高阶He got down to his work after the holidays. 度假之后他开始专心工作译典通You can tell he's got it bad because he can't concentrate on his work and he talks about her all the time.我可以肯定他已深深坠入爱河,因为他无法专心工作,而且老是谈起她。剑桥国际You must keep your mind on your work. 你必须专心工作译典通




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