

单词 不透明
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SEE〕Keep herbs and spices in opaque glass bottles to protect them from sunlight. 把香料保存在不透明的玻璃瓶里避免光照。朗文写作活用〔alabaster〕A dense translucent, white or tinted fine-grained gypsum.雪花石膏:一种不透明的、白色或浅色的纹理细密的石膏美国传统〔aventurine〕An opaque or semitranslucent brown glass flecked with small metallic particles, often of copper or chromic oxide.金星玻璃:一种不透明或半透明的棕色玻璃,掺有小的金属颗粒,通常为铜或氧化铬美国传统〔cataract〕Pathology Opacity of the lens or capsule of the eye, causing impairment of vision or blindness.【病理学】 白内障:眼球晶状体或眼膜的不透明,能引起视力损伤或失明美国传统〔cholangiography〕X-ray examination of the bile ducts following administration of a radiopaque contrast medium.胆管造影术:使用一种辐射不透明的对照物质进行处理的对胆管的X光检查美国传统〔cloudy〕Not transparent, as certain liquids.朦胧的:不透明的,如某些液体美国传统〔dense〕Opaque, with good contrast between light and dark areas. Used of a photographic negative.反差强的:不透明的,在黑白区域之间有很好反差的。常用于照相底片美国传统〔enamel〕A vitreous, usually opaque, protective or decorative coating baked on metal, glass, or ceramic ware.瓷漆:一种玻璃似的,烧制在金属、玻璃或瓷器上通常不透明的、保护性或装饰性的覆盖层美国传统〔epidiascope〕A machine for projecting the images of opaque objects or transparencies on a screen.透反射两用幻灯机:用于将不透明或透明物体的影象投影到屏幕上的机器美国传统〔faience〕Earthenware decorated with colorful, opaque glazes.彩釉:饰有彩色、不透明釉料的陶器美国传统〔fashion〕I was thrilled when black opaque tights came back into fashion.当不透明黑色连裤袜重新流行起来时, 我心花怒放。外研社新世纪〔glaze〕A coating of colored, opaque, or transparent material applied to ceramics before firing.釉料:烧制陶器前附在陶器表面上的一层着色的、不透明或透明的材料美国传统〔goldstone〕An aventurine with gold-colored inclusions.金星玻璃:含有金色细粒的不透明玻璃美国传统〔gouache〕A method of painting with opaque watercolors mixed with a preparation of gum.树胶水彩画法:用树胶,不透明的水彩颜料混合的作画方法美国传统〔gouache〕An opaque pigment used when painting in this way.树胶水彩画颜料:作这种画时所用的不透明颜料美国传统〔ground glass〕Glass that has been ground or etched to create a roughened, nontransparent surface.毛玻璃:被研磨或腐蚀而制成的表面粗糙、不透明的玻璃美国传统〔high-density polyethylene〕A strong, relatively opaque form of polyethylene having a dense structure with few side branches off the main carbon backbone.高密度聚乙烯:指一种浓密、相对而言不透明形式的聚乙烯,此类聚乙烯拥有主要碳系统的少数旁枝组成密实的结构美国传统〔hydrophane〕An opal that is almost opaque when dry but transparent when wet.水蛋白石:一种蛋白石,干燥时几乎不透明,但湿时透明美国传统〔jasper〕An opaque cryptocrystalline variety of quartz that may be red, yellow, or brown.碧玉,水苍玉:一种颜色可为红色、黄色或褐色的不透明的隐晶体石英美国传统〔lapis lazuli〕An opaque to translucent blue, violet-blue, or greenish-blue semiprecious gemstone composed mainly of lazurite and calcite.天青石:一种不透明或半透明的蓝色、蓝紫色或蓝绿色的准宝石,主要由天蓝石和方解石组成美国传统〔milk glass〕An opaque or translucent whitish glass.乳白玻璃:一种白色的不透明或半透明的玻璃美国传统〔opaque projector〕A projector used to view images of nontransparent materials, such as printed sheets or drawings.实物投影机:用来投射不透明物品,如印刷纸或图画等的投影机美国传统〔opaque〕A métro car window becomes opaqued under tunnel conditions.地铁车厢的窗户在隧道中变得不透明外研社新世纪〔opaque〕Impenetrable by light; neither transparent nor translucent.不透光的:不能被光线穿透的;既不透明也不是半透明的美国传统〔opaque〕Something that is opaque, especially an opaque pigment used to darken parts of a photographic print or negative.不透明颜料:不透明涂料,尤指用在摄影的相片或负影像的暗面的一种不透明涂料美国传统〔opaque〕The complex administrative arrangements mean that the decision-making process remains somewhat opaque.复杂的行政安排意味着决策过程依然有些不透明牛津搭配〔opaque〕These crystals are completely opaque and nearly black.这些水晶一点儿也不透明,几乎是黑的。牛津搭配〔opaque〕You can always use opaque glass if you need to block a street view.如果不想从室内看到街景, 可以使用不透明玻璃。外研社新世纪〔opaque〕You can always use opaque glass if you need to block a street view.如果不想从室内看到街景,可以使用不透明玻璃。柯林斯高阶〔plaque〕A clear, often round patch of lysed cells in an otherwise opaque layer of a bacteria or cell culture.空斑:一种透明的,常为圆形裂解细胞的斑,位于细菌或细胞培养物中全然不同且不透明的层中美国传统〔pyelography〕X-ray photography of the pelvis of the kidney and associated structures after injection with a radiopaque dye.肾盂照相术:有关肾盂以及相连组织,在注射了一种辐射不透明的染料后而进行X射线拍照的技术美国传统〔radiolucent〕Allowing the passage of x-rays or other radiation; not radiopaque.射线可通过的:允许X射线或其它放射通过的;非放射不透明美国传统〔scumble〕To soften the colors or outlines of (a painting or a drawing) by covering with a film of opaque or semiopaque color or by rubbing.薄涂不透明色,使…变淡:薄涂不透明或半透明色使(油画或画像)的色彩或轮廓变得柔和美国传统〔semiopaque〕Partially opaque.半透明的:部分不透明美国传统〔stoneware〕A heavy, nonporous, nontranslucent pottery, such as jasper ware, that is fired at a high temperature.粗陶器:高温烧制而成的重的无孔的不透明的陶器,如碧玉器皿美国传统〔walleye〕An eye with a light-colored iris or a white or opaque cornea.白斑眼:虹膜色泽发淡或角膜为白色或不透明的眼睛美国传统〔walleye〕The condition of having a dense white opacity of the cornea.角膜白斑:眼角膜带有深厚的白色不透明物的状态美国传统〔window shade〕An opaque fabric mounted to cover or expose a window.遮光窗帘:用来遮挡或暴露窗户而安置的不透明织物美国传统Candle wax is opaque when it is solid, but it becomes transparent when it melts.烛蜡在固体状态时是不透明的,而当它熔化后就变得透明了。剑桥国际Set honey is firm and cloudy, and runny honey is a thick transparent liquid.蜂蜡是几乎不透明的固体,而蜂蜜则是透明的粘稠液体。剑桥国际




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