

单词 不确
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕It's not certain how long the ceasefire will last. 停火会持续多久尚不确定。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕There is a great deal of uncertainty about the world's population growth. 世界人口的增长具有极大的不确定性。朗文写作活用〔Jane Doe〕Used as a name in legal proceedings to designate a fictitious or unidentified woman or girl.简·多伊:在法律诉讼程序中为了设计一个虚构的或不确定的妇女或姑娘所使用的名字美国传统〔MEANING〕He said Sarah was a very close friend, but I'm not sure what he meant. 他说萨拉是他很亲密的朋友,可我不确定他是什么意思。朗文写作活用〔SURE/NOT SURE〕There seems to be some doubt as to what warnings were given. 至于接到的警报是什么,好像有点不确定。朗文写作活用〔UNCERTAIN〕It is still uncertain whether the conference will actually take place. 现在还不确定这个会议究竟会不会开。朗文写作活用〔WHEN〕I'm not sure at what point he began to suspect the truth. 我不确定他是在什么时候开始怀疑事情的真相。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕Kemp looked troubled. ‘I'm not sure what's wrong,’ he said. 肯普看上去很烦恼。“我不确定是什么出了错,”他说。朗文写作活用〔accommodation〕They weren't sure if they could provide food and accommodations for the whole group.他们不确定能否提供全组人的食宿。韦氏高阶〔adduce〕None of the evidence adduced in court was conclusive.在法庭上引证的证据都不确凿。剑桥高阶〔adequate〕I'm not sure I feel adequate to taking on the extra responsibility.我不确定是否能够担起额外的责任。外研社新世纪〔advisability〕I doubt the advisability of remortgaging your house in the current financial climate.我不确定你在当前金融形势下再次抵押房子是不是可取的。外研社新世纪〔anxious〕Uneasy and apprehensive about an uncertain event or matter; worried.焦虑的,担心的:对不确定事件或事情感到不安的及忧虑的;担心的美国传统〔appreciation〕I'm not sure you have an appreciation of the complexity of the situation.我不确定你是否理解了当前形势的复杂性。韦氏高阶〔around〕I'm not sure where it is, but it must be around somewhere.我不确定它具体在哪儿,但它一定就在附近。韦氏高阶〔around〕I'm not sure where it is, but it must be somewhere around here. = It must be around here somewhere.我不确定它具体在哪儿,但它一定就在附近。韦氏高阶〔billion〕An indefinitely large number.不确定的大数字美国传统〔black box〕A device or theoretical construct with known or specified performance characteristics but unknown or unspecified constituents and means of operation.黑箱:一种仪器或理论学说,有已知或特定的性能特征但未知或不确定指出的构成成分或操作方法美国传统〔break〕I was afraid I would break under the strain of constant uncertainty.在持续的不确定性的压力下,我恐怕自己会垮掉。韦氏高阶〔by no means〕It is by no means certain that we'll finish the project by June.我们能否在6月份前完成这项工程还很不确定。剑桥高阶〔cause〕The policy changes have caused great uncertainty for the workforce.这些政策的改变给劳动人口带来了极大的不确定性。朗文当代〔check〕I'm not sure when you should arrive. I'll have to check that with my wife.我不确定你应该什么时间到。我得去问一下我妻子。韦氏高阶〔climate〕The economic climate remains uncertain.经济形势依然不确定。柯林斯高阶〔condition〕A provision making the effect of a legal instrument contingent on the occurrence of an uncertain future event.先行条件:一条只有在将来一个不确定的事件发生后才具有法律效力的条款美国传统〔confusing〕The uncertainty created by this situation must be confusing for you.这种局面所造成的不确定性肯定让你感到困惑。柯林斯高阶〔confusion〕There is still some confusion as to the time of the meeting.开会时间现在还不确定。韦氏高阶〔connection〕I'm not sure I see the connection.我不确定是否弄清了这种关联性。韦氏高阶〔contingency〕Contingency is, quite simply, the fact that things could be otherwise than they are.简单来说, 不确定性是指事物可能会与现状不同。外研社新世纪〔cox〕I'm not sure who will be coxing the boat in this race.我不确定谁会在这次划艇比赛中掌舵。韦氏高阶〔cutback〕There are going to be cutbacks and we are not sure that the project will survive.经费将会被削减, 我们不确定这个项目是否能保留。外研社新世纪〔door〕I'm not sure his death can be laid at medicine's door alone.我不确信他的死亡单单是药物所致。外研社新世纪〔door〕I'm notsure his death can be laid at medicine's door alone.我不确信他的死亡单单是药物所致。柯林斯高阶〔doubt〕The future of the stadium is in doubt because of a lack of money.由于缺少资金,该体育馆能否建成还不确定。剑桥高阶〔doubt〕To be undecided or skeptical.不确定:不能肯定或怀疑美国传统〔end〕I'm not sure she believes me. She probably just thinks I've gone off the deep end.我不确定她是不是相信我。她可能只是觉得我神志不清了。柯林斯高阶〔equivocal〕Of a doubtful or uncertain nature.不确定的:性质上有疑问或不确定的美国传统〔file〕I'm not sure what name this letter should be filed under.我不确定这封信该归档在哪一栏下。韦氏高阶〔fit〕I wasn't sure if she would fit in with my friends.我不确定她是否能与我的朋友融洽相处。朗文当代〔foe〕She was unsure as yet whether he was friend or foe.她还不确定他究竟是敌是友。牛津搭配〔fog〕The uncertainty is confusing managers, fogging debate.这种不确定性让经理们感到困惑, 也使争论失去了方向。外研社新世纪〔further〕The situation was further complicated by uncertainty about the future由于未来的不确定性, 情况变得更加复杂了。外研社新世纪〔generalize〕To render indefinite or unspecific.使概括:使不确定或不具体美国传统〔guess〕She was keeping everyone guessing about the latest love in her life.大家一直都不确定她最新的爱人是谁。外研社新世纪〔hold up〕I'm not sure if the argument holds up.我不确定这个论点能否成立。外研社新世纪〔incertitude〕Uncertainty.不确定性美国传统〔inference〕I wasn't certain what she was getting at, but I was surprised at the inference.我不确定她的用意是什么, 但我对这个结论感到吃惊。外研社新世纪〔know〕He's not sure what time he'll arrive—he is going to let us know.他不确定他几点到到时他会告诉我们。韦氏高阶〔know〕How did he meet your mother?—I don't know.他是怎么见到你妈妈的?——我也不确定。外研社新世纪〔legible〕Uncertainty was clearly legible on his face.他脸上不确定的神情显而易见。外研社新世纪〔margin〕We have substantial reserves, which provide a good margin for uncertainties.我们有充足的储备,足以应付不确定的因素。牛津搭配〔matter〕The truth of the matter is that we don't know exactly how the disease is spread.实际情况是,我们不确定这种疾病是怎么传播的。朗文当代〔meditate〕On the day her son began school, she meditated on the uncertainties of his future.儿子开始上学的那一天,她就在考虑他未来的种种不确定因素了。柯林斯高阶〔minute〕Just a minute, Mr. Chairman, I don't think that is true.且慢,主席先生,我认为那是不确实的。英汉大词典〔moment〕A brief, indefinite interval of time.瞬间:一个短暂的、不确定的时间间隔美国传统〔moot point〕Whether he was serious is a moot point.他是否是认真的还不确定。外研社新世纪〔moral hazard〕A risk to an insurance company resulting from uncertainty about the honesty of the insured.道德风险:保险公司因投保人诚实的不确定性存在的可能遭受损失的风险美国传统〔no man's land〕An area of uncertainty or ambiguity.不确定的或含意模糊的领域美国传统〔note〕His voice took on a new note of uncertainty.他的声音又带上了一丝不确定性。外研社新世纪〔numbers game〕A lottery in which bets are made on an unpredictable number, such as a daily stock quotation.彩票赌博:对每日股票报价等不确知的数字押赌注的彩票游戏美国传统〔openness〕It is an open question how long that commitment can last.这一承诺能维持多久还不确定。柯林斯高阶〔operative word〕If I go, I will bring a salad. “If,” however, is the operative word, since I am not sure that I can go.如果我去,我会带份沙拉回来。不过,“如果”是这句话的关键词,因为我并不确定我是否能去。韦氏高阶〔pass〕Nancy wasn't sure if Dirk was making a pass at her.南希不确定德克是不是在勾引她。柯林斯高阶〔peradventure〕Chance or uncertainty; doubt.机会或不确定;怀疑美国传统〔possible〕Of uncertain likelihood.不确定的,有可能的:关于不明确的可能性的美国传统〔practicality〕But in the midst of so much uncertainty, Mark showed an admirable practicality.尽管存在诸多不确定性, 马克还是表现出了令人钦佩的理智。外研社新世纪〔precision〕Any lack of precision in the contract could give rise to a dispute.合同中任何不确切的表述都可能引起争端。牛津搭配〔proceed〕We're not sure whether we still want to proceed with the sale.我们不确定是否还要继续减价促销。牛津高阶〔qualm〕These nouns denote a feeling of uncertainty about the fitness or correctness of an action.这些名词意味着对于行为的合适程度或正确程度的不确定而产生的感觉。美国传统〔questionable〕The company is facing a questionable future.公司正面对一个不确定的未来。韦氏高阶〔random〕It introduced an element of randomness into the situation.这就为形势增加了一种不确定因素。牛津高阶〔rate〕I don't know exactly what he did in industry. But at any rate he got a knighthood for it.我并不确知他在实业界作出过何种贡献,反正他是因此得到了爵位。英汉大词典〔react〕I wasn't sure how you would react.我不确定你会怎样作出反应。麦克米伦高阶〔remarry〕I'm not sure if I'll ever remarry.我不确定自己是否会再婚。韦氏高阶〔respond〕She wasn't sure how he was likely to respond.她不确定他会有怎样的回应。牛津搭配〔result〕The study produced inconclusive results.这项研究得出了不确定的结论。牛津搭配〔rightly〕I didn't rightly know what he meant.我不确定他是什么意思。外研社新世纪〔speculation〕Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.推测:根据不确定的证据的推理;推测或假定美国传统〔stand〕The evidence as it stands (=as it is now) cannot be conclusive.现在的证据还不确凿。朗文当代〔suck it and see〕I'm not sure whether this paint is the right colour for the bedroom - we'll just have to suck it and see.我不确定这种油漆的颜色是否适合卧室——我们试试看吧。剑桥高阶〔swear to〕I think he's in Rome but I wouldn't swear to it.我认为他在罗马, 但我不确定。外研社新世纪〔time〕It was a time of terrible uncertainty.那是一切都很不确定的一段时间。柯林斯高阶〔um〕Used to express doubt or uncertainty or to fill a pause when hesitating in speaking.用来表示怀疑或不确定或说话犹豫时插入一个暂停美国传统〔uncertainty〕Considerable uncertainty remains about this approach.这种方法依然存在相当大的不确定性。牛津搭配〔uncertainty〕The condition of being uncertain; doubt.不确定:不确定的状态;怀疑美国传统〔uncertainty〕They are facing some uncertainty about their jobs.他们的工作还存在一些不确定因素。牛津搭配〔uncertain〕It's uncertain whether they will accept the plan.还不确定他们是否会接受这一方案。外研社新世纪〔uncertain〕The cause of the fire is uncertain.起火原因现在还不确知。韦氏高阶〔uncertain〕The time of departure is still uncertain.起飞时间仍然不确定。韦氏高阶〔uncertain〕We are still uncertain of the truth.我们对真相尚不确定。韦氏高阶〔unfaithful〕Not justly representing or reflecting the original; inaccurate.不如实的,不确切的:不公平地表现或反映原作的;不准确的美国传统〔unfocused〕The book is slightly unfocused, as if the author is unsure whether she is writing a romance or a forensic investigation.这本书有些目标不清,仿佛作者不确定是在写一部浪漫作品还是法医调查小说。剑桥高阶〔unsettled〕I believe that if you have an unsettled situation you should try to resolve it quickly.我认为, 如果遇到了不确定的情况, 应该尽量迅速解决。外研社新世纪〔unspecified〕The meeting will take place at an unspecified date in the future.会议将于将来某个不确定的日期召开。朗文当代〔unsure〕He was unsure whether she had reserved a room or not.他不确定她是否已预订了房间。韦氏高阶〔untrue〕The story was probably untrue.这传说可能不确英汉大词典〔venture〕An undertaking that is dangerous, daring, or of uncertain outcome.冒险事业:危险的、大胆的或结局不确定的事业美国传统〔who〕She isn't sure who she talked to.她不确定跟自己说话的是谁。韦氏高阶〔wing it〕We weren't sure what we were doing. We were just winging it.我们也不确定到底在做什么。我们只是即兴而为。韦氏高阶It's simply not true to say that we can do the same amount of work with fewer staff.说我们可以用更少的员工做同量的工作是不确实的。剑桥国际The patent was granted in (either) 1962 or 1963 -- I can't quite remember which.这项专利权是在1962 年或者1963 年授予的----我记不确切了。剑桥国际




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