

单词 不严重
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOTH〕Both drivers were injured, but not seriously. 两个司机都受了伤,但并不严重朗文写作活用〔CUT〕It's just a scratch - nothing serious. 只是擦破一点皮——不严重朗文写作活用〔TWO〕Both drivers were injured, but not seriously. 两名驾车者都受了伤,但并不严重朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕The level of radiation was considered ‘insignificant’ and not a danger to health. 这个辐射水平被认为是“不严重的”,不会危害健康。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕Polly was relieved to learn that her mother's illness was not a serious one. 波莉得知母亲的病不严重,感到宽慰。朗文写作活用〔acid reflux〕Mild cases of heartburn and acid reflux can be treated by simple lifestyle changes.心口灼热和酸水倒流这些症状在不严重的时候都可以通过改变生活方式缓解。剑桥高阶〔anything〕I was cut a little in the fight, but it wasn't anything.我在搏斗时破了一点皮,但不严重英汉大词典〔bruise〕She had a few cuts and bruises but nothing serious.她有几处伤口和瘀痕,但不严重剑桥高阶〔brush〕He'd had a few brushes with the law but nothing serious.他有几次差点犯法,但幸亏不严重麦克米伦高阶〔consequence〕The majority of these losses are of little consequence.这些损失大部分并不严重牛津搭配〔dull〕The pain was dull but persistent.痛感不严重但一直未消。朗文当代〔godsend〕Pharmacists are a godsend when you don't feel sick enough to call the doctor.生病了但不严重、无需求医的时候,药店能帮上大忙。柯林斯高阶〔happily〕Happily, his injuries were not serious.幸好,他的伤势并不严重朗文当代〔happily〕Happily, his neck injuries were not serious.很幸运,他脖子上的伤并不严重柯林斯高阶〔harmlessly〕The incident began harmlessly enough but soon escalated into a riot.这个事件刚开始并不严重,但不久就升级为一场暴乱了。韦氏高阶〔humanly〕Humanly speaking, the recession was not severe.根据人类有过的经历,这次衰退并不严重美国传统〔injury〕His injuries were not serious.他的伤势并不严重外研社新世纪〔itself〕There is a slight infection in the lung which in itself is not serious.肺部有轻微的感染,这本身并不严重朗文当代〔keep your hair on〕Keep your hair on! Your car isn't badly damaged! 别生气!你的车受损不严重剑桥高阶〔lighten〕To become less oppressive, troublesome, or severe.变得缓和、不麻烦或不严重美国传统〔major〕Never mind—it's not major.别担心,这不严重牛津高阶〔mild〕They had a mild disagreement.他们当时的分歧并不严重韦氏高阶〔mind〕Never mind your mistake: it wasn't serious.别在意你的错误:那并不严重韦氏高阶〔minor〕Western officials say the problem is minor, and should be quickly overcome.西方官员称这个问题并不严重, 应该很快就能解决。外研社新世纪〔minor〕Western officials say the problem is minor, and should be quickly overcome.西方官员称这个问题并不严重,应该很快就会解决。柯林斯高阶〔nonetheless〕The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we shall need to tackle them soon.问题不严重。不过我们还是需要尽快处理。牛津高阶〔none〕Fortunately none of her injuries was serious.幸运的是, 她的几处伤都不严重外研社新世纪〔scare〕It wasn't a serious heart attack, but it gave him a terrible scare.这次心脏病发作并不严重,却把他吓坏了。牛津搭配〔serious〕It's not a serious problem – we should be able to fix it without too much trouble.这个问题不严重,我们解决起来应该不会太麻烦。麦克米伦高阶〔startle〕A sudden mild shock; a start.吃惊:突然而不严重的惊呀;吃惊美国传统〔strap ... up〕What about his wound,has it been strapped up?他的伤严重不严重,已包扎好了吗?21世纪英汉〔triviality〕The prison sentence seemed harsh, considering the triviality of the offence.考虑到该违法行为并不严重,判决入狱似乎量刑偏重。剑桥高阶〔trivialize〕He is trivializing the situation.他故意说事态并不严重韦氏高阶She had a few cuts and bruises but nothing serious.她有一些伤口和瘀痕,但不严重剑桥国际Verrucas can be painful, but they aren't serious.瘊子可能会疼痛,但不严重剑桥国际




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