

单词 下班回家后
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔back〕When I get home from work I like to just sit/lean back on the couch and relax.下班回家后我就喜欢坐/靠在长沙发上休息。韦氏高阶〔deal with〕I'll deal with you when I get home from the office!我下班回家后再来收拾你。21世纪英汉〔irritable〕I came home from work feeling tired and irritable.下班回家后,我觉得又疲惫又烦躁。韦氏高阶〔nap〕He likes to nap for an hour when he gets home from work.他喜欢下班回家后小睡一个小时。剑桥高阶〔tired〕I was so tired when I got home from work last night that I had a quick nap.我昨晚下班回家后很累,就小睡了一会儿。剑桥高阶He likes to nap for an hour when he gets home from work.他喜欢下班回家后小憩一小时。剑桥国际Mike really asks too much of Caroline--he expects her to cook him dinner when she arrives home from work.麦克对卡罗琳的要求太过分了----他想让她在下班回家后还要做饭给他吃。剑桥国际When Mark gets home from work, he likes to put on his carpet slippers (=soft shoes worn inside) and sit down to read the newspaper.马克下班回家后,喜欢穿上他的软拖鞋坐下读报。剑桥国际




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