

单词 zealand
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Antipodean〕This New Zealand winery produces some of the best antipodean wines.这家新西兰酿酒厂出产一些最好的澳新葡萄酒。柯林斯高阶〔Antipodes〕Australia and New Zealand. Usually used informally.澳大利亚和新西兰:指澳大利亚和新西兰,通常为非正式用法美国传统〔Anzac〕A soldier from New Zealand or Australia.澳新军团士兵:新西兰或澳大利亚士兵美国传统〔Australasia〕The islands of the southern Pacific Ocean, including Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea.澳大拉西亚:太平洋南部岛屿,包括澳大利亚、新西兰及新几内亚美国传统〔Hauraki Gulf〕An inlet of the southern Pacific Ocean on the northern coast of North Island, New Zealand.豪拉基湾:新西兰北岛北部海岸太平洋南部一海湾美国传统〔Hawke Bay〕A large inlet of the southern Pacific Ocean on the east-central coast of North Island, New Zealand.霍克湾:位于新西兰北岛中东部海岸太平洋南部的一个大海湾美国传统〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The kakapo is a little known species of parrot that lives in New Zealand. 鸮鹦鹉是一种生长在新西兰的鲜为人知的物种。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕My parents emigrated from Britain to New Zealand just before I was born. 就在我出生之前,父母从英国移民到了新西兰。朗文写作活用〔Maori〕A member of a people of New Zealand, of Polynesian-Melanesian descent.毛利人:新西兰一个民族的成员,是波利尼西亚—美拉尼西亚人的后裔美国传统〔Maori〕Before a rugby match, the New Zealand team performs a Maori war dance.橄榄球比赛前,新西兰队表演了一种毛利人的战争舞蹈。剑桥高阶〔Maori〕In New Zealand, the Maori people maintain a strong cultural tradition.在新西兰,毛利人保持着深厚的文化传统。柯林斯高阶〔Maori〕The Maori arrived in New Zealand from Polynesia over 1,000 years before the Europeans.毛利人从波利尼西亚迁至新西兰,比欧洲人早1000多年。剑桥高阶〔Mother Country〕Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, had no colonial conflict with the mother country.澳大利亚、新西兰和加拿大跟它们的宗主国不曾有殖民冲突。柯林斯高阶〔Māori〕In New Zealand, the Māori people maintain a strong cultural tradition.在新西兰, 毛利人保留着浓厚的文化传统。外研社新世纪〔Māori〕There were about 200,000 Māoris in New Zealand.新西兰大约有20万毛利人。外研社新世纪〔North Cape〕The northernmost point of North Island, New Zealand, projecting into the southern Pacific Ocean.北角:新西兰北岛的最北点,伸入南太平洋美国传统〔North Island〕An island of New Zealand separated from South Island by Cook Strait. It is the smaller but more populous of the country's two principal islands.北岛:新西兰的岛,被库克海峡与南岛隔开。在这个国家的两个主要岛屿中它比较小但人口较为稠密美国传统〔Notogaea〕A zoogeographic region including Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of the southwest Pacific Ocean.南界的:包括澳大利亚、新西兰地区以及西南太平洋岛屿的生物地理界的美国传统〔Tasman Sea〕An arm of the southern Pacific Ocean between southwest Australia and western New Zealand.塔斯曼海:南太平洋的一个狭长海湾,位于澳大利亚西南和新西兰西部之间美国传统〔alive〕She's alive and well and living in New Zealand.她活得好好的,现住在新西兰。剑桥高阶〔amateurish〕New Zealand cricket was an amateurish set-up in those days.新西兰板球运动在当时只是一种业余建制。外研社新世纪〔be out of the question〕A trip to New Zealand is out of the question this year.今年去新西兰旅行是不可能的了。剑桥高阶〔cannibal〕The New Zealand sea lion has been exposed as a cannibal.胡氏海狮被曝是吃同类的动物。外研社新世纪〔chart〕Cook charted the coast of New Zealand in 1768.库克于 1768 年绘制了新西兰的海岸图。牛津高阶〔city〕Wellington is the capital city (= centre of government) of New Zealand.惠灵顿是新西兰首都。剑桥高阶〔clash〕Australia's rugby union team for the return clash with New Zealand is weakened by injury.将再次和新西兰队交手的澳大利亚业余英式橄榄球队由于球员受伤实力削弱了。外研社新世纪〔clash〕Australia's rugby union team for the return clash with New Zealand is weakened by injury.将再次和新西兰队交手的澳大利亚业余英式橄榄球队由于球员受伤实力削弱了。柯林斯高阶〔colony〕Australia and New Zealand are former British colonies.澳大利亚和新西兰从前是英国的殖民地。剑桥高阶〔come〕Much of our butter comes from New Zealand.我们的黄油大多产自新西兰。牛津高阶〔consistency〕I have reviewed this Bill for consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.我检查了这个法案与《1990年新西兰人权法案》的一致性。外研社新世纪〔demolish〕They demolished New Zealand 44–6 in the final.他们在决赛中以 44:6 大败新西兰队。牛津高阶〔digger〕Informal A soldier from New Zealand or Australia in World War I.【非正式用语】 澳大利亚士兵,新西兰的士兵:第一次世界大战期间来自澳大利亚或新西兰的士兵美国传统〔down under〕For summer skiing down under, there is no better place than New Zealand.就澳新地区而言,夏季滑雪的最佳去处是新西兰。柯林斯高阶〔down under〕To or in Australia or New Zealand.开拓地:去或在澳大利亚或新西兰美国传统〔emigrate〕We're thinking of emigrating to New Zealand.我们正考虑移民到新西兰。麦克米伦高阶〔far-flung〕Police sifted for clues in countries as far-flung as America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.警察远赴美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰等国去筛查线索。外研社新世纪〔following〕Australian rugby league enjoys a huge following in New Zealand.在新西兰, 澳大利亚橄榄球联盟有大批拥趸。外研社新世纪〔following〕Australian rugby league enjoys a huge following in New Zealand.澳大利亚橄榄球联盟在新西兰有众多支持者。柯林斯高阶〔fortieth〕New Zealand were bowled out in the forty-seventh over and India were dismissed for 133 in the fortieth.新西兰队在第47轮投球时被投杀, 而印度队在第40轮时以133分出局。外研社新世纪〔freezability〕Meat from New Zealand is frozen and brought to England in special ships.从新西兰运来的肉被冷冻保藏,用特殊的船运往英国。21世纪英汉〔from〕These apples come [are] from New Zealand.这些苹果是纽西兰产的。文馨英汉〔grudge〕England beat New Zealand in a grudge match(= a match where there is strong dislike between the teams).英格兰队在一场势不两立的比赛中打败了新西兰队。牛津高阶〔help〕I wonder if you could help me - I'd like some information about flights to New Zealand.不知你能否帮我个忙——我想知道些飞往新西兰的相关航班信息。剑桥高阶〔history〕History teaches us that New Zealand teams are almost unbeatable on their own turf.以往的记录告诉我们,新西兰队在主场比赛中几乎是不可战胜的。牛津搭配〔home〕I was actually born in New Zealand, but I've lived in Hong Kong for so long that it feels like home now.我实际上出生在新西兰,但我在香港住了这么久,现在感觉就像我的故乡一样了。剑桥高阶〔infringement〕One infringement cost New Zealand the game.一次犯规使新西兰队丢掉了这场比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔inside〕New Zealand were ahead inside five minutes.新西兰队领先了不到 5 分钟。柯林斯高阶〔installation〕New Zealand has no nuclear installations.新西兰没有核设施。麦克米伦高阶〔in〕My parents live in New Zealand now.我父母现住在新西兰。朗文当代〔it〕It was in New Zealand that Elizabeth first met Mr Cronje.伊丽莎白初识克龙涅先生是在新西兰。朗文当代〔jet〕I'm jetting off to New Zealand next week.我下周要乘飞机到新西兰。剑桥高阶〔lay〕I'd lay money on New Zealand to win the race.我打赌新西兰队会赢得这场赛跑。麦克米伦高阶〔leader〕The leader after the first lap was a girl from New Zealand.第一圈跑完时领先的是一名来自新西兰的女运动员。外研社新世纪〔lead〕New Zealand went into an early lead.新西兰早早取得领先。外研社新世纪〔moa〕Any of various flightless ostrichlike birds of the family Dinornithidae, native to New Zealand and extinct for over a century.恐鸟:产自新西兰,已灭绝一个多世纪的任何恐鸟科的无翅的,似鸵鸟的鸟美国传统〔mother country〕Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, had no colonial conflict with the mother country.澳大利亚、新西兰和加拿大与它们的宗主国没有殖民冲突。外研社新世纪〔offshore〕We have been delighted with the interest in the tender process, both from New Zealand and offshore parties.对于新西兰国内和境外各方对此次招标表现出的兴趣, 我们感到非常高兴。外研社新世纪〔opener〕They are hoping to win tomorrow's opener against New Zealand.他们希望明天与新西兰队的首场比赛能够获胜。朗文当代〔outback〕Out to or in remote, rural country, especially in Australia or New Zealand.在内地,向内地:走向或在偏僻的农村地区,尤指澳大利亚或新西兰的地区美国传统〔outback〕The remote, rural part of a country, especially of Australia or New Zealand.内地:一国之内僻远的农村地区,尤指澳大利亚和新西兰的地区美国传统〔out〕He went out to New Zealand.他远赴新西兰。朗文当代〔out〕New Zealand were all out for 246 (= the team finished with a score of 246).新西兰队全部出局,得分246分。剑桥高阶〔pale〕The squad had become a pale imitation of the team that defeated New Zealand.该队已经成了击败新西兰的那支球队的拙劣模仿者。麦克米伦高阶〔patch up〕France patched things up with New Zealand.法国和新西兰重修旧好。柯林斯高阶〔patch up〕France patched things up with New Zealand.法国和新西兰重归于好。外研社新世纪〔peck〕New Zealand is at the top of the pecking order of rugby nations.新西兰在橄榄球国家中首屈一指。牛津高阶〔pile on〕The Wallabies were outplayed in the first half as New Zealand piled on the points.随着新西兰队不断得分, 袋鼠队在上半场就败下阵来。外研社新世纪〔point〕New Zealand have beaten Scotland by 21 points to 18.新西兰队以21比18战胜了苏格兰队。外研社新世纪〔presentable〕Sometimes when I performed in New Zealand, I was doing a very presentable job.有时,在新西兰演出的时候,我表现得很出彩。柯林斯高阶〔profess〕He professes great admiration for the New Zealand players.他公开承认很欣赏新西兰球员。麦克米伦高阶〔property〕They decided to rent out the property while they were in New Zealand.他们决定在去新西兰期间把房屋租出去。牛津搭配〔put〕I originally thought he was Australian, but he soon put me straight (= corrected me) and explained he was from New Zealand.我原以为他是澳大利亚人,不过很快他就纠正了我,解释说他是新西兰人。剑桥高阶〔rally〕Carlos Sainz of Spain has won the New Zealand Motor Rally.西班牙人卡洛斯·赛恩斯在新西兰摩托车公路大赛中夺冠。柯林斯高阶〔rally〕Carlos Sainz of Spain has won the New Zealand Motor Rally.西班牙人卡洛斯•赛恩斯在新西兰摩托车公路大赛中夺冠。外研社新世纪〔rescue〕New Zealand fire and rescue services carried out several extensive searches for survivors.新西兰消防与救援中心进行过几次大规模的生还者搜索。牛津搭配〔rivalry〕There has always been intense rivalry between New Zealand and Australia.新西兰和澳大利亚之间的竞争总是很激烈。朗文当代〔running〕New Zealand could now be out of the running.新西兰现在可能没有希望取胜了。外研社新世纪〔second-string〕Wilson was a second string for New Zealand in last week's match.在上周的比赛中,威尔逊是新西兰队的替补队员。牛津高阶〔set-stock〕Under New Zealand conditions, ewes and lambs are usually set-stocked from lambing until weaning.鉴于新西兰的情况,对母羊与羊羔从产羔到断奶这段时期通常实行定牧。英汉大词典〔settle〕Many Scots settled in New Zealand.许多苏格兰人移居于新西兰。英汉大词典〔shoot〕The movie was shot in New Zealand.这部影片是在新西兰拍摄的。朗文当代〔stop〕New Zealand police vowed yesterday to pull out all the stops to find the killer.新西兰警方昨天发誓要竭尽全力抓到杀人凶手。柯林斯高阶〔through〕We're playing in New Zealand, Australia and Japan through November.整个 11 月,我们都在新西兰、澳大利亚和日本巡回演出。柯林斯高阶〔tour〕The New Zealand team will be touring (in) Europe this winter.今年冬天新西兰队将去欧洲参加一系列巡回赛。剑桥高阶〔travel〕Information on travel in New Zealand is available at the hotel.新西兰的旅行信息可以在宾馆获取。外研社新世纪〔travel〕Information on travel in New Zealand is available at the hotel… 新西兰的旅行信息可以在宾馆获取。柯林斯高阶〔trek〕She's going trekking in New Zealand.她要去新西兰徒步旅行。麦克米伦高阶〔try〕He scored three tries against New Zealand.在对新西兰队的比赛中,他 3 次带球触地得分。牛津搭配〔uncertain〕She's uncertain whether to go to New Zealand or not.她对是否去新西兰犹豫不决。剑桥高阶〔vessel〕New Zealand has banned vessels carrying nuclear weapons.新西兰已经禁止运载核武器的船只入境。麦克米伦高阶〔weak〕New Zealand was weak in defense.新西兰队防守薄弱。朗文当代〔week-long〕They open week-long talks in New Zealand on Tuesday, aimed at reaching a settlement.他们星期二在新西兰开启了一周长的谈判,目标是要达成协议。剑桥高阶〔winter〕We went to New Zealand last winter.我们去年冬天去了新西兰。牛津高阶〔wonderland〕In 1949, the family emigrated to New Zealand, which seemed a wonderland in comparison with post-war England.这个家庭于1949年移居新西兰,与战后的英格兰相比,这里像是一个仙境。剑桥高阶〔write off〕He wrote off to the New Zealand Government for information.他给新西兰政府去函索要信息。外研社新世纪〔write off〕He wrote off to the New Zealand Government for these pamphlets about life in New Zealand.他给新西兰政府去函,索取介绍新西兰生活的宣传册。柯林斯高阶A trip to New Zealand is out of the question this year.今年去趟新西兰是不可能的。剑桥国际After spending four months recovering from a knee injury, he was back in an England jersey (= in the English team) for the match against New Zealand.他四个月后膝伤痊愈,回到了英格兰队参加对新西兰队的比赛。剑桥国际Australia and New Zealand are former British colonies.澳大利亚和新西兰以前是英国的殖民地。剑桥国际Before a rugby match, the New Zealand team perform a Maori war dance.在橄榄球赛前,新西兰队表演了一种毛利人的战争舞蹈。剑桥国际He managed the New Zealand outpost of a large American bank.他管理新西兰偏僻村镇上的一家美国大银行。牛津商务He talked tenderly of his wife and daughter who were living in New Zealand.他无限怜爱地谈起他住在新西兰的妻女。剑桥国际His performance should have persuaded the selectors (= people who choose a sports team) that he should be included in the side to tour New Zealand.他的表现应该能说服挑选组队的人让他入选去新西兰巡回比赛。剑桥国际I originally thought he was Australian, but he soon put me straight (= corrected me) and explained he was from New Zealand.我原先以为他是澳大利亚人,但他马上纠正了我,解释说他是从新西兰来的。剑桥国际I was actually born in New Zealand, but I've lived in England for so long that it feels like home now.其实我生于新西兰,但我在英格兰住了很长时间,感觉像故乡一般。剑桥国际I wonder if you could help me -- I'd like some information about flights to New Zealand.不知你能否帮我个忙----我想知道有关飞往新西兰航班的消息。剑桥国际I'm jetting off to New Zealand next week to see Harold and Jennifer.我下星期坐喷气式飞机去新西兰看哈罗德和珍妮弗。剑桥国际I've written him a letter of introduction to my aunt in New Zealand, so he'll have somewhere to stay in an emergency.我已替他给我在新西兰的姑妈写了一封介绍信,这样他在紧急情况下有个地方住。剑桥国际In the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, an Asian is usually someone from China, Japan or countries near them.东亚人剑桥国际Kiri Te Kanawa is a famous singer from New Zealand.基丽·特·卡娜瓦是来自新西兰的著名歌唱家。剑桥国际New Zealand has already shown that it can produce some of the finest white wines in the world.新西兰已经表明它能够生产一些世界上最上乘的白葡萄酒。剑桥国际New Zealand has scrapped deposit insurance altogether.新西兰已完全废除了存款保险制度。牛津商务New Zealand were all out for 246 (= The team finished with a score of 246).新西兰队因得246分而遭到淘汰。剑桥国际Our eldest/oldest son lives in Australia and the youngest in New Zealand.我们的大儿子住在澳大利亚,最小的儿子在新西兰。剑桥国际She's uncertain whether to go to New Zealand or not. 她不肯定是否去新西兰。剑桥国际Sheep farming (= the activity of raising and selling sheep) is a major business in Australia and New Zealand.牧羊业是澳大利亚和新西兰的主要行业。剑桥国际The Maoris arrived in New Zealand from Polynesia over 1 000 years before the Europeans.毛利人从波利尼西亚迁至新西兰,比欧洲人早1000多年。剑桥国际The New Zealand forwards are brilliant scrummagers.新西兰队的前锋们是争球好手。剑桥国际The New Zealand rugby team, the All Blacks, perform the haka before they play a match.新西兰橄榄球队全黑人队在他们比赛前跳哈卡舞。剑桥国际The New Zealand team will be touring (= playing sports games in different places) (in) Europe this winter. [T; I + prep] 今年冬天新西兰队将到欧洲巡回比赛。剑桥国际The TV series ‘An Angel at my Table’was based on the autobiographies of the New Zealand author Janet Frame.电视连续剧《桌边的天使》是根据新西兰作家珍妮特·弗雷姆的自传拍摄的。剑桥国际The family emigrated to New Zealand in 1949, which seemed a wonderland in comparison with post-war England.这个家庭于1949年移民到新西兰,那里与战后的英格兰比起来像是一个仙境。剑桥国际We have been appointed sole distributor for these products in Australia and New Zealand.我们已获指定为这些产品在澳大利亚和新西兰的独家经销商。牛津商务Wellington is the capital city (=centre of government) of New Zealand.惠灵顿是新西兰的首都。剑桥国际




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