

单词 you'll see
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRUNK〕You'll see her sitting at the bar all day. She's a real lush. 你会看到她整天坐在酒吧里。她是个名副其实的酒鬼。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕When you first come into the building, you'll see the elevators just across the lobby. 一进大楼,你就能看到穿过大厅就是电梯。朗文写作活用〔FORWARD〕Keep on in this direction for about 100 metres, and you'll see the bank on your left. 继续朝这个方向走约100米,就能看到银行在你左边。朗文写作活用〔IMPROVE〕You'll see that there's been a remarkable improvement in recent weeks. 你将看到近几个星期以来已有了显著的改进。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Try it for yourself, and you'll see what I mean. 你自己试试就会明白我的意思。朗文写作活用〔We'll see〕Things will get better, you'll see.事情会好起来的,你看着吧。韦氏高阶〔after〕You'll see my house just before the bank and after the school.你会看到我家就在银行的前面学校的后面。韦氏高阶〔ahead〕Turn left at the traffic lights, and you'll see the hospital straight ahead.在交通灯那儿左转,正前方就是医院,你一眼就能看见。剑桥高阶〔angle〕Look at it from my angle and you'll see why I'm so sad.站在我的角度看看, 你就会明白我为什么这样伤心了。外研社新世纪〔approach〕As you approach the town, you'll see the college on the left.快到市镇时就可以看见左边的学院。牛津高阶〔attendance〕If you look at our attendance record, you'll see that it is exceptional.如果你看一下我们的出席记录,你就会发现这是个例外情况。麦克米伦高阶〔breadline〕You'll see breadlines outside many New York churches at lunchtime.午饭时间可以看到许多纽约教堂外面都排着等候施舍食物的队伍。剑桥高阶〔cable up〕If your area has been cabled up, you'll see the benefits.如果你住的地区已经与有线电视系统联网,你就会看到它的好处。21世纪英汉〔day〕One day, it'll happen. You'll see.有朝一日,它会发生。你会看到的。韦氏高阶〔feature〕Reading over his past speeches, you'll see that housing, public health and education feature strongly.看看他过去的演说词,你会发现住房、公共卫生和教育占有重要地位。牛津搭配〔follow your nose〕Turn left, then just follow your nose and you'll see the shop on your left.左转,然后一直往前走,你会看见商店就在左边。剑桥高阶〔humor〕Someday, you'll see the humor in this.有一天,你会发现这事的幽默之处。韦氏高阶〔it'll (all) end in tears〕She only met him in May and they were married by July. It'll end in tears, you'll see.她五月才认识他,然后他们七月就结婚了。这不会有好结果的,你等着瞧吧。剑桥高阶〔left〕As you go in the door, you'll see it on your left.它就在一进门的左边。牛津搭配〔look beyond〕Look beyond the hill and you'll see a village in the distance.朝小山眺望,你会看到远处有一个村庄。21世纪英汉〔look〕If you look, you'll see what was a lake.如果你望去, 你就会看到一个从前是湖的地方。外研社新世纪〔look〕Look straight ahead and you'll see the post office.往前看,你就会看到邮局。21世纪英汉〔market〕If you're in the market for a new radio, you'll see that the latest models are very different.如果你打算买一台新收音机,你会发现最新型号的收音机变化非常大。柯林斯高阶〔market〕If you're in the market for a new radio, you'll see the new models are very different.如果你想买一台新收音机, 你会发现新型号的变化非常大。外研社新世纪〔on〕You'll see the school on your left.你会看到这所学校在你的左边。朗文当代〔past〕Turn right a mile past the graveyard and you'll see the church.过了墓地走1英里以后右拐,你就会看见教堂了。麦克米伦高阶〔plop〕Down the road you'll see an orchard. Plop down there if you like.沿路往前有个果园。如果你高兴,可以在那里歇歇脚。英汉大词典〔road〕You'll see the library a bit further up the road .这条路再往前一点就是图书馆。朗文当代〔see〕If you read his report, you'll see that he recommends a cautious approach.如果你读一读他的报告,你就会发现他推荐了一种谨慎的方法。麦克米伦高阶〔see〕It will be wonderful, you'll see.它会非常棒的,你就等着瞧吧。麦克米伦高阶〔see〕The thrill wears off after a few years of marriage. You'll see.婚后几年这种兴奋感就会逐渐消逝。你等着瞧吧。柯林斯高阶〔see〕The thrill wears off after a few years of marriage. You'll see.婚后几年这种兴奋感就会逐渐消逝。你等着瞧吧。外研社新世纪〔see〕Things will work out, you'll see (=you will find out that I am right) .会有办法的,将来你就知道了。朗文当代〔see〕We'll have a great time, you'll see.你瞧着吧,我们会很开心的。牛津高阶〔stay〕Stay with me for a few more minutes and you'll see the point of the story.再听我讲几分钟,你就会明白事情的关键。英汉大词典〔suck〕He's a fellow who's sucking. You'll see I'm right in a couple of days.他是个讨厌的家伙,过一两天你就知道了。21世纪英汉〔take〕If you take my advice , you'll see a doctor.如果你听我的建议,你就去看医生。朗文当代〔through〕Go through this gate, and you'll see the house on your left.你穿过这道大门,就看到左面的房子了。牛津高阶〔turn up〕Don't worry about it - something will turn up, you'll see.别担心——车到山前必有路。剑桥高阶〔work〕Things will work out, you'll see.情况会好起来的,看着吧。朗文当代You'll see breadlines outside many New York churches at lunchtime.午饭时间许多纽约教堂外面都会看到等候领施舍食物的队伍。剑桥国际Don't worry about anything--it'll all work out (for the best) (= everything will be satisfactory), you'll see.什么都不要担心----一切都会令人满意的,你会看到的。剑桥国际Get to the shops and you'll see a bit further on there's a bridge.到了商店,你可看到更远处有一座桥。剑桥国际Go to the end of this street and you'll see the shop on your right.走到街道尽头,你会在右边看到这家商店。剑桥国际If you look carefully, you'll see the car appear to the left of the picture.如果你仔细看,会看到车出现在图像的左边。剑桥国际If you look on the duty roster, you'll see when you're working.你看看值班名单,就会知道你什么时候工作。剑桥国际If you look out of the window on the left of the bus, you'll see that we're now approaching the Tower of London.如果你从公共汽车左边的车窗望出去,你就可以看到我们正在朝伦敦塔开去。剑桥国际In your recipe book you'll see that soups come under‘starters’.在你们的烹饪书中,汤类是归入‘第一道菜’之下的。剑桥国际Those two hate each other-- just wait till they get together, then you'll see the sparks fly (= angry fighting).他俩互相憎恨----等他们在一起时,你就会看到他们激烈争吵。剑桥国际Turn left, then just follow your nose and you'll see the shop on your left.向左转,然后一直往前走,你就会看到那家店在你的左边。剑桥国际




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