

单词 which one
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alternative〕Usage Problem One of a number of things from which one must be chosen.【用法疑难】 选项:一组供选择的事物中必须选出的一项的美国传统〔annuity〕An investment on which one receives fixed payments for a lifetime or for a specified number of years.年金保险投资:为终生或特定几年中每年获得固定收入而进行的保险投资美国传统〔appointment〕The office or position to which one has been appointed.指派职位:某人被委任的职位或位置美国传统〔assignment〕A position or post of duty to which one is assigned.某人被分派的任务或职物美国传统〔baggage〕The trunks, bags, parcels, and suitcases in which one carries one's belongings while traveling; luggage.行李:某人旅行时携带物品的大皮箱、手提包、小包裹和衣箱等;行李美国传统〔behavior〕The manner in which one behaves.行为:指人行动的方式美国传统〔best〕Which one did you like best?你最喜欢哪一个?外研社新世纪〔between〕She was torn between loyalty to her father and love for her husband (= she could not decide which one to support).对父亲的感情和对丈夫的爱不能两全,这让她左右为难。剑桥高阶〔blind side〕The side away from which one is directing one's attention.未加防备的一面美国传统〔commensal〕An organism participating in a symbiotic relationship in which one species derives some benefit while the other is unaffected.共生生物:具有共生关系的组织,在这种关系中一个种类得到某种利益,而其他种类不受影响美国传统〔conversion〕A change in which one adopts a new religion, faith, or belief.皈依:某人相信一种新的宗教、信仰或信念的转变美国传统〔decide〕It doesn't matter to me which one we have - you decide.我不在乎给我们哪个——你来决定吧。剑桥高阶〔denominator〕Mathematics The expression written below the line in a common fraction that indicates the number of parts into which one whole is divided.【数学】 名称:在公分式的分数线下的表达式,它指明了一个整个被划分的部分的数目美国传统〔employment〕An activity to which one devotes time.(某人)从事的活动:某人所投入时间的活动美国传统〔employment〕The work in which one is engaged; occupation.某人所从事的工作;职业美国传统〔exotropia〕A form of strabismus in which one or both of the eyes deviate outward.外斜视:一只眼睛或是双眼均向外的一种斜视美国传统〔expression〕The manner in which one expresses oneself, especially in speaking, depicting, or performing.自我表现:自己表现自己的方式,尤其用语言、描绘或表演美国传统〔fallback〕Something to which one can resort or retreat.退路:某人可以凭借或隐退的某物美国传统〔favourite〕Which one of the band is your favourite?乐队中的哪一位是你最喜欢的?外研社新世纪〔footsie〕The act of flirting in which one secretly touches the feet or legs of another with one's own, as under a table.秘密的调情动作:调情动作,其中一方在桌下偷偷地用脚或腿摩擦对方的腿或脚美国传统〔half nelson〕A wrestling hold in which one arm is passed under the opponent's arm from behind to the back of the neck.侧面肩下握颈:摔跤的一种握法,单臂从对方臂下穿过去,用手钩住对方脖子的后部美国传统〔hare and hounds〕A game in which one group of players leaves a trail of paper scraps for a pursuing group to follow.兔子与猎犬:一种一组游戏者在前面撒纸屑跑而另一组在后追逐的儿童游戏美国传统〔hobbyhorse〕A topic with which one is obsessed; a fixation.反复爱讲的话题;固结,依恋美国传统〔home〕The physical structure within which one lives, such as a house or an apartment.家室,住所:人居住于内的物质结构,比如一所房子或一间公寓美国传统〔hydramine〕A dihydric alcohol in which one hydroxyl has been replaced with an amino group.脱氢酒精:一种脱氢酒精,其中的一个羟基被一个氨基所代替美国传统〔leapfrog〕A game in which one player kneels or bends over while the next in line leaps over him or her.跳背游戏:一种游戏,一个游戏者跪下或弯腰,队列中紧挨着的人从他或她身上跃过美国传统〔liability〕Something for which one is liable; an obligation, a responsibility, or a debt.责任:一个人应对其负责的事物;责任、义务或债务美国传统〔obligation〕The service or favor for which one is indebted to another.恩惠:一个人对另一人感激的帮助或恩惠美国传统〔ouster〕Law The act of forcing one out of possession or occupancy of material property to which one is entitled; illegal or wrongful dispossession.【法律】 剥夺:强迫有权占有或所有物质财富者放弃其占有或所有的行为;非法或不道德的剥夺美国传统〔pathway〕A sequence of enzymatic or other reactions by which one biological material is converted to another.酶促反应:一连串催化反应或其他反应,通过它一种生物物质被转化成另一种生物物质美国传统〔play around with sth〕Why don't you play around with the different fonts on the computer and see which one you want to use? 你为什么不在电脑上试试各种不同的字体,看看你想用哪一种?剑桥高阶〔quotation〕Get a couple of quotations from different companies before you decide which one to use.先分别叫不同的公司给你报价,然后再决定用哪一家。朗文当代〔sector〕A division of a defensive position for which one military unit is responsible.防御区:防御点内由一个军事单位负责的部分美国传统〔serodiscordant〕Being a couple in which one partner has tested positive for HIV and the other has not.血清不一致的:一方检测结果为人体免疫缺乏(艾滋病)病毒阳性反应者而另一方为阴性者的性伴侣的美国传统〔showing〕Show me which one you like and I'll buy it for you.指给我看你喜欢哪个,我给你买。柯林斯高阶〔single bond〕A covalent bond in which one electron pair is shared by two atoms.单键:两个原子共用一个电子对的电子价美国传统〔squat〕Sports A lift or a weightlifting exercise in which one squats and stands while holding a weighted barbell supported by the back of the shoulders.【体育运动】 蹲举式举重:一种抬升或举重运动,举重者用肩膀的后部扛着杠铃蹲下和站起美国传统〔subduction〕A geologic process in which one edge of one crustal plate is forced below the edge of another.潜没:指一个地板块受力下降到另一板块之下的过程美国传统〔suit〕Try out the various rackets to find out which one suits you best.试试各种不同的球拍,看看哪只最适合你。牛津搭配〔swing〕A seat suspended from above, as by ropes, on which one can ride back and forth for recreation.秋千:用绳子吊着的椅子,人可以坐在上面前后摆动作为消遣美国传统〔takeoff〕The point or place from which one takes off.出发点:离开的那个地点或地方美国传统〔vision〕The manner in which one sees or conceives of something.幻想,梦幻:由想象产生的思维、想象某物的方式美国传统〔walk〕A place, such as a sidewalk or promenade, on which one may walk.走道:人可以在上面行走的地方,如人行道或散步场所美国传统〔which〕They're all so pretty – I don't know which one to choose.它们都很漂亮,我不知道该选哪一个。麦克米伦高阶〔will〕The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action; volition.决心,意志:人慎重地选择或决定采取一系列行动的精神能力;意志力美国传统All the books looked so interesting, I didn't know which one to choose.所有的书看上去都那么有趣,我不知选哪一本好。剑桥国际Before choosing a dentist, we took the expedient (= the useful action) of asking friends which one they recommended.在选择牙医之前,我们采取了一个便利的办法----问问朋友他们推荐哪一位。剑桥国际He said queer things at which one often could not help but laugh, but he said them without intentionally offering them as witticisms. 他讲些奇妙的事情让人禁不住笑,可他并没刻意地将它们当俏皮话来说。译典通She lives in that house by the bus station (= you know which one I mean).她住在公共汽车站附近的那所房子里。剑桥国际You looked equally nice in both dresses--I wouldn't know which one to advise you to buy.你穿这两件衣服都一样漂亮,我不知道该建议你买哪一件。剑桥国际




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