

单词 wander from
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔constrain〕He was constraining his mind not to wander from the task.他克制着不让思想在工作时开小差。英汉大词典〔drift〕To wander from a set course or point of attention; stray.偏离:离开一定的路线或注意点;游离美国传统〔marauding〕Marauding soldiers wandered from town to town.士兵们挨个镇子进行抢掠。韦氏高阶〔to〕They wandered from place to place.他们四处游荡。外研社新世纪〔vagrant〕Wandering from place to place and lacking any means of support.流浪的:从一个地方漂泊到另一个地方的,并且缺少任何方面的支持的美国传统〔vagrant〕One who wanders from place to place without a permanent home or a means of livelihood.流浪者:从一地到另一地不断漂泊的人,没有固定的家或固定的生活方式的人美国传统〔wander from〕She was surprised that her son wandered from home.她儿子离家出走使她吃惊。21世纪英汉〔wander from〕We can't wander from the paths of truth.我们不能偏离真理轨道。21世纪英汉〔wander〕During the storm the ship wandered from its course.船在风暴中偏离了航道。英汉大词典〔wander〕My thoughts wandered from the exam questions to my interview the next day.我的心思从试题转到了第二天的面试上。牛津搭配〔wander〕Pauline started to wander from the point.保利娜开始偏题了。朗文当代〔wander〕They had wandered from the path into the woods.他们离开小路消失在树林里。牛津高阶〔wander〕We are wandering from our original plan.我们现在偏离了最初的计划。韦氏高阶〔wander〕You might wander from the subject if you don't pay close attention.如果你不认真的话,会离题的。21世纪英汉During the storm the ship wandered from its course. 船在风暴中偏离了航道。译典通He wandered from the subject. 他说离了主题。译典通He was a strange, shambling figure who wandered from place to place trying to sell books he wrote himself.他是个奇怪的、走路摇摇摆摆的人,周游各地试图推销自己写的书。剑桥国际




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