

单词 valence electron
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔free radical〕An organic compound in which some of the valence electrons are unpaired, occurring as a normal byproduct of oxidation reactions in metabolism.自由基化合物:其中有一些价电子未配对的一种有机化合物,作为新陈代谢中氧化反应的正常副产物而存在美国传统〔metallic bond〕The chemical bond characteristic of metals, in which mobile valence electrons are shared among atoms in a usually stable crystalline structure.金属键:金属所特有的化学键,金属键中的游离价电子被分配在处于通常稳定的金属晶体结构的原子中美国传统〔octet〕A set of eight valence electrons in an atom or ion, forming a stable configuration.八重态:在一个原子或离子中,形成稳定组态的一组八个化合价电子美国传统〔valence shell〕The outermost shell of an atom consisting of the valence electrons.价电子层:由价电子组成的原子的最外壳层美国传统




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