

单词 unstable
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BALANCE〕That scaffolding looks unstable - get all the building workers off the site immediately. 那脚手架看上去不太牢固,所有的建筑工人要立即离开工地。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Regimes governed by violence are always unstable. 靠暴力统治的政权总是不稳固的。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕The country is very unstable and the government is constantly in danger of being overthrown. 该国很不稳定,政府随时有被推翻的危险。朗文写作活用〔MENTALLY ILL〕He is emotionally unstable, and his aggressive attitude often culminates in violence. 他情绪不稳定,那种好斗的态度常常导致暴力行为。朗文写作活用〔MENTALLY ILL〕Working with Clare every day, I began to realize how unstable she was. 每天和克莱尔在一起工作,我开始了解到她的情绪有多么不稳定。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕Her uncle was mentally unstable and unfit to raise a child. 她的叔叔精神不稳定,不宜抚养孩子。朗文写作活用〔astatic〕Unsteady; unstable.不平稳的;不稳定的美国传统〔bear witness (to sth)〕As last week's riots bear witness, the political situation is very unstable.上周的暴乱证明了政治局势非常不稳定。剑桥高阶〔crank〕Liable to capsize; unstable.易于翻转的;不稳定的美国传统〔crisis〕An unstable condition, as in political, social, or economic affairs, involving an impending abrupt or decisive change.危机:政治、社会或经济等方面的包含即将来临的突然变化或决定性变化的不稳定状态美国传统〔cumulus〕A dense, white, fluffy, flat-based cloud with a multiple rounded top and a well-defined outline, usually formed by the ascent of thermally unstable air masses.积云:一种浓密、平底状的白色云块,有一个多重圆形的顶部和界线分明的轮廓,通常是由不稳定的热气团上升形成的美国传统〔cyanic acid〕A poisonous, unstable, highly volatile organic acid, HOCN, used to prepare cyanates.氰酸:一种有毒的、不稳定的、极易挥发的有机酸,HOCN,用来制取氢酸盐或氢酸酯美国传统〔delicately〕She was physically delicate and psychologically unstable.她身体孱弱,心理上也不够稳定。柯林斯高阶〔dodgy〕Unsound, unstable, and unreliable.不可靠的:不合理的,不稳定的和不可靠的美国传统〔flighty〕Given to capricious or unstable behavior.古怪的:用以指变化无常的或不稳定的行为美国传统〔foreshadow〕The storms and rains of that year foreshadowed a long period of unstable weather conditions.那年的风暴和雨水预示着长期不稳定的气象条件。麦克米伦高阶〔fragmentation〕Europe had become infinitely more unstable and fragmented.欧洲已经变得相当不稳定,也越来越分化。柯林斯高阶〔fragmented〕Europe had become infinitely more unstable and fragmented.欧洲已经变得相当不稳定, 也越来越分化。外研社新世纪〔fulminic acid〕An unstable acid, HONC, that forms highly explosive salts.雷酸:一种可形成强爆炸性盐的不稳定酸,HONC美国传统〔gamma decay〕The decay of an unstable elementary particle by photon emission.通过光子射出的不稳定基本粒子的衰变美国传统〔global〕The global economy has become increasingly unstable.全球的经济越来越不稳定。麦克米伦高阶〔hypochlorous acid〕A weak, unstable acid, HOCl, occurring only in solution and used as a bleach, an oxidizer, a deodorant, and a disinfectant.次氯酸:一种微弱,不固定酸,化学式为HOCL,溶解才形成,用作漂白剂,氧化剂,除臭剂,消毒剂美国传统〔indamine〕Any of a group of organic bases forming unstable bluish or greenish salts and used in making dyes.吲达胺,苯撑蓝:能够形成不稳定的带蓝色或绿色的盐的有机盐基,用于制染料美国传统〔money〕No one's going to put money into the company while the market is so unstable.市场这么不稳定,没人会把钱投到这家公司的。朗文当代〔moodily〕David's mother was unstable and moody.戴维的妈妈情绪不稳定,心情也不好。柯林斯高阶〔moody〕David's mother was unstable and moody.戴维的母亲情绪不稳定, 喜怒无常。外研社新世纪〔nature〕Capitalist society is by its very nature unstable.从本质而言,资本主义社会是不稳定的。朗文当代〔power play〕Their politics consisted of unstable power-plays between rival groups.他们的政治活动包括竞争团体间反复多变的打压行动。外研社新世纪〔power play〕Their politics consisted of unstable power-plays between rival groups.他们的政治活动包括竞争团体间反复多变的打压行动。柯林斯高阶〔radioactivity〕Spontaneous emission of radiation, either directly from unstable atomic nuclei or as a consequence of a nuclear reaction.自动放射:自动地发出辐射,直接源于不稳定的原子核或是作为核反应的结果美国传统〔reflection〕A high crime rate is a reflection of an unstable society.犯罪率高是社会不稳定的反映。英汉大词典〔sodium hypochlorite〕An unstable salt, NaOCl, usually stored in solution and used as a fungicide and an oxidizing bleach.次氯化钠:一种不稳定的盐,NaOCL,通常以溶液形式储存,用作杀真菌剂和氧化漂白剂美国传统〔strange particle〕An unstable elementary particle created in high-energy particle collisions having a short life and a strangeness quantum number other than zero.奇异粒子:不稳定的基本粒子,因高能粒子相撞而产生,具有很短的存在期和不同于零的奇异量子数美国传统〔strife-torn〕It remains a highly unstable and strife-torn country.它仍旧是一个非常不安定、因纷争而分裂的国家。外研社新世纪〔strife〕It remains a highly unstable and strife-torn country.这仍是一个动荡不安、冲突不断的国家。柯林斯高阶〔symptomatic〕The child's behavior is symptomatic of an unstable home life.这孩子的行为表明他的家庭生活不稳定。韦氏高阶〔tension〕Political tensions in the region make it unstable.这一地区的政治紧张局势造成了动荡不安。韦氏高阶〔thiocyanic acid〕An unstable colorless liquid, HSCN, used in the form of esters as an insecticide.硫氰酸:一种作为杀虫剂以酯的形式存在的不稳定的无色液体HSCN美国传统〔unstable〕After the fall of Pitt in 1801 there was a decade of unstable government.1801年皮特倒台后, 政府经历了10年的动荡。外研社新世纪〔unstable〕After the fall of Pitt in 1801 there was a decade of unstable government.1801年皮特倒台后,政府经历了10年的动荡。柯林斯高阶〔unstable〕Both clay and sandstone are unstable rock formations.黏土和砂岩都是不牢固的岩石构造。外研社新世纪〔unstable〕Both clay and sandstone are unstable rock formations.黏土和砂岩都是不牢固的岩石构造。柯林斯高阶〔unstable〕Coleridge was a highly unstable person.柯尔律治是个非常情绪化的人。外研社新世纪〔unstable〕Coleridge was also a highly unstable person.科尔里奇还是个情绪非常不稳定的人。柯林斯高阶〔unstable〕He was emotionally unstable.他情绪不稳定。柯林斯高阶〔unstable〕He was emotionally unstable.他的情绪易波动。英汉大词典〔unstable〕It is a poor and politically unstable society.这是一个贫穷落后且政局不稳的社会。剑桥高阶〔unstable〕My father wasn't a bad man, but he was emotionally unstable.我父亲人不坏,只是情绪反复无常。麦克米伦高阶〔unstable〕Prison order is rendered unstable by young inmates serving short sentences.刑期短的少年犯造成监狱秩序混乱。牛津搭配〔unstable〕She is emotionally/mentally unstable.她情绪/精神不稳定。韦氏高阶〔unstable〕That chair looks unstable to me.那把椅子在我看来有点儿不结实。剑桥高阶〔unstable〕The building trade is notoriously unstable.建筑行业是出了名地变幻莫测。牛津搭配〔unstable〕The political situation is still very unstable.政局依然非常动荡。朗文当代〔unstable〕The political situation remains highly unstable.政局仍然十分动荡。牛津高阶〔unstable〕The situation is unstable and potentially dangerous.情况不稳定, 可能有危险。外研社新世纪〔unstable〕The situation is unstable and potentially dangerous.情况不稳定,可能有危险。柯林斯高阶〔unstable〕The tower proved to be unstable in a high wind.那塔楼后来证明是经不起强风的。英汉大词典〔unsteady〕Not firm, solid, or securely in place; unstable.不稳的:不坚实,不牢固或不稳固地处于某一位置的;不稳的美国传统〔vertiginous〕Inclined to change quickly; unstable.易变化的;不稳定的美国传统〔wavy〕Wavering; unstable.动摇的;不稳定的美国传统〔weird out〕His unstable behaviour was weirding me out.他那不稳定的行为表现让我感到害怕。外研社新世纪〔xanthic acid〕Any of various unstable acids of the form ROC(S)SH, in which R is usually an alkyl radical.黄原酸:一种ROC(S)SH形式中的不稳定酸,其中的R常为一种烷基基因美国传统As last week's riots bear witness, the political situation is very unstable.像上周的暴乱证明的那样,政局非常不稳定。剑桥国际He was emotionally unstable. 他情绪易波动。译典通I don't think you ought to let anybody sit in that chair--it looks a bit unstable to me.我认为你不该让任何人坐在那张椅子上----我觉得它看上去有点不牢靠。剑桥国际I would describe her as emotionally unstable.我认为她情感上反复无常。剑桥国际It is a poor and politically unstable society in which warlords wield more power than the government.这是一个贫穷, 政治不稳定的社会。在这里, 军阀比政府拥有更大的权力。剑桥国际Military regimes are inherently unstable.军事政权天生是不稳固的。剑桥国际The future of the world's second largest auctioneer looks increasingly unstable this week.世界上第二大拍卖行的前景本周看上去越来越动荡不定。剑桥国际The price of gasoline is unstable. 汽油价不稳定。译典通The situation in the capital is so unstable that most commentators are extremely pessimistic.首都的局势如此不稳定,大部分评论员都极度悲观。剑桥国际The table is unstable because one leg is shorter than the others. 这桌子一条腿比其它的腿短,所以不平稳。译典通There is a great fear that the country will break up into a series of unstable cantons, each with its own warlord.非常可怕的是,国家会分裂成一个个不稳定的地区,每处都有军阀。剑桥国际




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