

单词 blacklist
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORBID〕Members of the Communist Party were blacklisted and had great difficulty finding work. 共产党员被列入了黑名单,要找到工作非常困难。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕When she tried to get a loan she found she had been blacklisted. 她想贷款时发现自己被列入了黑名单。朗文写作活用〔black book〕A book containing names of people and organizations to blacklist.黑书,黑名单:含有列入黑名单的人名或组织名的小册子美国传统〔blacklisting〕A government official disclosed that they were on a secret blacklist.一名政府官员透露他们已被列入一份秘密黑名单。柯林斯高阶〔blacklisting〕He has been blacklisted since being convicted of possessing marijuana in 1969.他自从1969年因持有大麻而被定罪后就被列入了黑名单。柯林斯高阶〔blacklisting〕Most credit agencies run a 15-year blacklist effectively barring bankrupts from receiving credit.大多数信贷机构都有一份为期15年的黑名单,以有效阻止破产者得到贷款。柯林斯高阶〔blacklist〕A government official disclosed that they were on a secret blacklist.一位政府官员透露说他们已经被列入一份秘密黑名单。外研社新世纪〔blacklist〕Any client who doesn't pay on time goes on our blacklist.凡不按时付款的顾客都会列入我们的黑名单。麦克米伦高阶〔blacklist〕Friends of the Earth have produced a blacklist of environmentally damaging products.“地球之友”列出了一份破坏环境的产品的黑名单。朗文当代〔blacklist〕He has been blacklisted since being convicted of possessing marijuana in 1969.他自从1969年因持有大麻被定罪后就被列入了黑名单。外研社新世纪〔blacklist〕He's on the FBI's blacklist.他上了美国联邦调查局的黑名单。韦氏高阶〔blacklist〕In the 1950s, many Hollywood film actors were blacklisted for suspected involvement with the Communist Party.*20世纪50年代,许多好莱坞电影演员都因政治信仰问题被列入了黑名单。韦氏高阶〔blacklist〕Many actors were blacklisted for having left-wing sympathies.许多演员因同情左派而被列入黑名单。麦克米伦高阶〔blacklist〕Many of the teachers had been placed on a blacklist.这些教师中有很多已经被列入了黑名单。外研社新世纪〔blacklist〕Many people in the industry were blacklisted for their communist sympathies.行业里有许多人因为同情共产党而被列入了黑名单。朗文当代〔blacklist〕Most credit agencies run a 15-year blacklist effectively barring bankrupts from receiving credit.大多数信贷机构都有一份为期15年的黑名单, 以有效阻止破产者得到贷款。外研社新世纪〔blacklist〕She was blacklisted by all the major Hollywood studios because of her political views.由于她的政见,所有好莱坞大制片公司都拒绝用她。牛津高阶〔blacklist〕She was on the company's blacklist.她被列上了这家公司的黑名单。牛津搭配〔blacklist〕The rental company has created a blacklist of bad drivers.租车公司列了个最差司机黑名单。韦氏高阶〔blacklist〕They were blacklisted because of their extreme right-wing views.他们因极右观点而被列入黑名单。21世纪英汉〔blacklist〕They were blacklisted because of their extreme views.他们因极端观点而被列入了黑名单。剑桥高阶〔post〕Her name is posted on the blacklist at all departure points for Ireland, both sea and air.她的名字被公布在前往爱尔兰的所有出发点的黑名单上, 包括水运和航运。外研社新世纪In the 1950s she was put on a government blacklist because she had once visited the Soviet Union.因她曾访问过苏联所以在二十世纪五十年代被政府列入了黑名单。剑桥国际No one will give him credit—he's been blacklisted by the banks.没人给他贷款 ── 他一直被银行列在黑名单中。牛津商务They were blacklisted because of their extreme right-wing views.由于他们的极右观点而被列入了黑名单。剑桥国际




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