

单词 unmask
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔green alga〕Any of the numerous algae of the division Chlorophyta, such as spirogyra and sea lettuce, that have chlorophyll unmasked by other pigments.绿藻:绿藻属的任一种藻类,如螺旋藻和海莴苣,其都含有不为其他色素所遮掩的叶绿素美国传统〔hero〕A man hailed as a hero for fifty years has been unmasked as a traitor.五十年来一直被誉为英雄的人被揭发为叛徒。朗文当代〔unmask〕At the end of the play the villain is unmasked.反角的身份在剧终时曝光了。剑桥高阶〔unmask〕Elliott unmasked and confronted the master spy and traitor Kim Philby.埃利奥特揭露了头号间谍叛徒金•菲尔比, 并与他当面对质。外研社新世纪〔unmask〕He managed to pass top secret documents to East Berlin for many years before he was unmasked in 1974.在1974年被揭穿身份的数年里,他设法成功地把一些绝密文件交给了东柏林。柯林斯高阶〔unmask〕He was unmasked as a spy in 1987.他的间谍身份于1987年被揭露。麦克米伦高阶〔unmask〕He was unmasked as a spy.他的间谍身份被揭露出来。韦氏高阶〔unmask〕He was one of the most high-ranking spies ever unmasked by the CIA.他是中央情报局揭露出的最高级别的间谍之一。朗文当代〔unmask〕Mr Burkett has unmasked several hundred impostors.伯克特先生已经揭穿了数百个冒名顶替者。柯林斯高阶〔unmask〕My ineptitude had finally been unmasked.我的无能最终被暴露无遗。外研社新世纪〔unmask〕The guests unmasked at midnight.客人们在午夜除下了面具。21世纪英汉〔unmask〕The traitor was at last unmasked.叛徒终于被揭露出来。21世纪英汉The alleged conspirators were unmasked and summarily shot.那些谋反嫌疑犯被揭露了出来, 当即予以处决。剑桥国际The investigation led to the unmasking of his fraud.调查导致了他的欺诈行为的暴露。剑桥国际The thief was unmasked. 该贼的真面目被揭露了。译典通You spend the whole film believing that she's the innocent victim and when she's finally unmasked it's quite a shock.你看整部电影一直认为她是无辜的受害者, 最后当她露出真面目时令你大吃一惊。剑桥国际




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