

单词 unholy
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alliance〕The article condemns what some say is an unholy alliance between government and media.这篇文章谴责某些人所言是政府和媒体之间的邪恶联盟。韦氏高阶〔caterwaul〕She hasn't changed her unholy falsetto caterwaul.她还是没有改变那令人厌憎的号叫式假声唱法。外研社新世纪〔trinity〕Modern culture now appears to revolve around the unholy trinity of sport, shopping, and sex.当代文化现在似乎是以体育、购物和性这三样世俗活动为中心。剑桥高阶〔unholy〕An unholy row broke out between two of the men drinking in the bar.酒吧里有两名喝酒的男子大吵了一架。朗文当代〔unholy〕He described their actions as unholy.他形容他们的行为是不纯洁的。剑桥高阶〔unholy〕He screamed unholy things at me.他冲我高声咒骂。外研社新世纪〔unholy〕He screamed unholy things at me.他冲我高声咒骂。柯林斯高阶〔unholy〕He was taking an unholy delight in humiliating Sarah.他正在幸灾乐祸地羞辱着萨拉。朗文当代〔unholy〕How did we get ourselves into this unholy mess? 我们是怎样卷入这乱七八糟的事情中去的?麦克米伦高阶〔unholy〕If the government does fall it will be because of this unholy alliance between the far right and the left.如果政府真的倒台了,那一定是因为极右翼势力和左翼势力的诡异联盟。柯林斯高阶〔unholy〕Our finances were an unholy mess.我们的财务状况简直一团糟。韦氏高阶〔unholy〕Religious fanatics have formed an unholy alliance with right wing groups.宗教狂热分子已经和右翼集团结成了邪恶的联盟。剑桥高阶〔unholy〕She protested that it wasn't traditional jazz at all, but an unholy row.她抗议说那根本不是传统爵士乐,而是令人憎恶的噪音。柯林斯高阶〔unholy〕She protested that it wasn't traditional jazz, but an unholy row.她抗议说那根本不是传统爵士乐, 而是令人憎恶的噪音。外研社新世纪〔unholy〕She wondered how she had got into this unholy mess.她不知道自己如何弄得如此狼狈不堪。牛津高阶〔unholy〕The economy is still an unholy mess.经济依然是一团糟。柯林斯高阶〔unholy〕The economy is still an unholy mess.经济状况依然是一团糟。外研社新世纪〔unholy〕The military will have to be persuaded to end its unholy alliance with the terrorists.必须劝说军方结束与恐怖组织的不正常的结盟。外研社新世纪〔unholy〕They have spent an unholy amount of money on the project.他们已在这个项目上耗费了一大笔资金。韦氏高阶〔unholy〕Westerners charged that the party was run by an unholy coalition between North and South.西部人指责说该党被北方和南方不同寻常的联盟所操控。柯林斯高阶〔unholy〕Your bed is an unholy mess.你的床又脏又乱,简直一团糟。英汉大词典British culture now appears to revolve around the unholy trinity of sport, shopping and sex.英国文化现在看来是以体育、购物和性这并不神圣的三位一体为中心。剑桥国际I don't know what they were arguing about but there was an unholy noise coming from the bedroom.我不知道他们在吵什么, 但从他们的卧室里传出大得骇人的吵闹声。剑桥国际My neighbours are making an unholy racket. 我的邻居们吵闹得厉害。译典通Religious fanatics have formed an unholy alliance with right wing groups.宗教狂热分子已经和右翼集团形成了罪恶的联盟。剑桥国际She has to get up at some unholy hour to get her train.她必须在早得骇人的时刻起来赶火车。剑桥国际The proposed restructuring of the company has provoked an unholy row among senior directors.人们提议的对公司的重新改组在高级主管中间引起了一场可怕的争论。剑桥国际There was a smell emanating from the fridge--an unholy combination of over-ripe cheese and unwrapped fish.冰箱里散发出一种味道----是过熟的干酪和没包装的鱼发出的混合味道。剑桥国际




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