

单词 transparent
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Canada balsam〕A viscous, yellowish, transparent resin obtained from the balsam fir and used as a cement for glass lenses and for mounting specimens on microscopic slides.加拿大香脂:从香脂冷杉中获取的一种有粘性的、淡黄色的透明树脂,用作玻璃透镜的胶合剂或将标本粘贴在显微薄片上美国传统〔Iceland spar〕A doubly refracting transparent calcite used in optical instruments.冰洲石:一种双折射透明方解石,用于光学仪器美国传统〔Lucite〕A trademark used for a transparent thermoplastic acrylic resin employed in paints, enamels, and primers.卢塞特树脂:一种透明热塑料丙烯酸树脂的一个商标,这种树脂用于油漆、搪瓷、雷管中美国传统〔Pliofilm〕A trademark used for a pliant, transparent rubber compound employed in making waterproof fabrics and packaging materials.普利薄膜:一种柔软透明的橡胶化合物的商标,可用这种化合物来制造防水织物和包装材料美国传统〔Polaroid〕A trademark used for a specially treated, transparent plastic capable of polarizing light passing through it, used in glare-reducing optical devices.宝丽来:一种经过特殊处理的透明塑料的商标,该塑料能使通过它的光发生偏振,用于减少强光的光学设备中美国传统〔Raman effect〕The alteration in frequency and random alteration in phase of light passing through a transparent medium.拉曼效应:光在透过透明媒质时发生的频率变化和漫反射美国传统〔SEE〕The box has a transparent plastic lid so you can see what's inside. 那盒子有一个透明的塑料盖,可以看到里面的东西。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕The boy's arms and hands were so thin they seemed almost transparent. 那男孩的胳膊和手非常瘦小,简直就像透明的一样。朗文写作活用〔adularia〕A variety of transparent or translucent orthoclase.冰长石:正长石透明或半透明的变体美国传统〔allegory〕The poem's comic allegory was transparent.该诗的喜剧讽喻法是显而易见的。柯林斯高阶〔allegory〕The poem's comic allegory was transparent.该诗的滑稽式讽喻是显而易见的。外研社新世纪〔amethyst〕A purple or violet form of transparent quartz used as a gemstone.紫水晶:紫色或紫丁香色的透明石英,用作宝石美国传统〔aquamarine〕A transparent blue-green variety of beryl, used as a gemstone.海蓝宝石,水蓝宝石:一种透明青绿色绿玉,用作装饰性宝石美国传统〔aquarelle〕A drawing done in transparent watercolors.透明水彩画:用透明水彩颜料作的画美国传统〔astrodome〕A transparent dome on the top of an aircraft, through which celestial observations are made for navigation.天文观测舱,领航舱:飞机顶部的一个透明圆顶形结构,航行时可通过它作天文观测美国传统〔blister〕A rounded, bulging, usually transparent structure, such as one used for observation on certain aircraft or for display and protection of packaged products.固定枪托:一种圆形拱起,常为透明的结构,如某些飞机上用于观察或展示和保护包裹物品美国传统〔bubble car〕A small, usually three-wheeled automobile with a transparent bubble top.防弹汽车:有透明防弹罩的微型三轮汽车美国传统〔bubble top〕A transparent glass or plastic dome, such as one constructed over a swimming pool or courtyard.透明罩:透明的玻璃或塑料圆顶,如建在游泳池上方或院子的上方美国传统〔bubble top〕A transparent, often bulletproof enclosure forming the top of an automobile.汽车顶上透明的防弹的圆罩美国传统〔bubble〕A usually transparent glass or plastic dome.透明玻璃(塑料)圆顶美国传统〔canopy〕The transparent enclosure over the cockpit of an aircraft.驾驶舱盖,座舱盖:飞机驾驶室顶部的透明覆盖物美国传统〔capsule〕The plastic capsule was entirely transparent.这个圆塑料盒是全透明的。外研社新世纪〔cellophane noodle〕A thin, transparent noodle.赛璐玢面条:一种细而透明的面条美国传统〔cellophane〕A thin, flexible, transparent cellulose material made from wood pulp and used as a moistureproof wrapping.玻璃纸(胶膜):由树浆所制的一种柔韧且透明的薄纤维材料,作防潮包装用美国传统〔cellulose acetate〕A cellulose resin used in lacquers, photographic film, transparent sheeting, and cigarette filters.醋酸纤维素:一种应用于漆料、照相胶卷、透明薄膜和香烟过滤嘴的纤维树脂美国传统〔chalcedony〕A translucent to transparent milky or grayish quartz with distinctive microscopic crystals arranged in slender fibers in parallel bands.玉髓:一种半透明至透明的奶白色或浅灰色石英,具有平行且排列成纤细纤维状的特殊微观晶体美国传统〔clearwing〕Any of various diurnal moths of the family Sesiidae, having scaleless, transparent wings and a wasplike appearance.透翅蛾:一种透翅蛾科的朝生暮死的蛾子,有无鳞片、透明的翅和黄蜂般外观美国传统〔cloudy〕Not transparent, as certain liquids.朦胧的:不透明的,如某些液体美国传统〔cornea〕The transparent, convex, anterior portion of the outer fibrous coat of the eyeball that covers the iris and the pupil and is continuous with the sclera.角膜:眼球似纤维的外膜的前部透明凸出部分,它覆盖虹膜和瞳孔并与巩膜连接美国传统〔crystal〕A mineral, especially a transparent form of quartz, having a crystalline structure, often characterized by external planar faces.水晶:一种具有晶体结构的矿石,尤指石英的一种透明形态,通常其晶面在同一平面上美国传统〔cuticle〕Zoology The noncellular, hardened or membranous protective covering of many invertebrates, such as the transparent membrane that covers annelids.【动物学】 护膜:许多非脊椎动物的非细胞的、硬化或膜状的保护性覆盖层,如覆盖节肢动物的透明膜状物美国传统〔cuvette〕A small, transparent, often tubular laboratory vessel.试管:一种透明的、通常为管状的实验用小容器美国传统〔demantoid〕A transparent, green variety of garnet used as a gem.翠榴石:一种透明的、绿色的、用作宝石的石榴石美国传统〔ectoplasm〕An immaterial or ethereal substance, especially the transparent corporeal presence of a spirit or ghost.幽灵物质:非物质或轻飘的物质,尤指鬼魂或精灵的透明身躯美国传统〔emerald〕A brilliant green to grass-green transparent variety of beryl, used as a gemstone.祖母绿:绿柱玉从亮绿到草绿的透明种类,指一种宝石美国传统〔fairy shrimp〕Any of various transparent freshwater crustaceans of the order Anostraca that lack a carapace and characteristically swim upside-down.丰年虫:透明的淡水鳃足类的任何一种,无甲壳并且倒置游动美国传统〔fenestrated〕Part of the dress may be fenestrated or transparent.那种女服的某些部位可以是网眼的或透明的。英汉大词典〔fenestra〕Zoology A transparent spot or marking, as on the wing of a moth or butterfly.【动物学】 透明斑:如蛾子或蝴蝶翅上的一种透明的斑点或斑纹美国传统〔film〕A thin, flexible, transparent sheet, as of plastic, used in wrapping or packaging.薄膜:如塑料的薄的、柔软的并且透明的用于裹或包装的薄膜美国传统〔fishbowl〕A transparent bowl in which live fish are kept.鱼缸:养鱼的透明的缸美国传统〔gauze〕A thin, transparent fabric with a loose open weave, used for curtains and clothing.纱罗织物:一种薄而透明的织物,由宽松的编织法而编成,用于窗帘或服饰美国传统〔gelatin〕A thin, transparent membrane used over a theatrical light to color it.彩色透明滤光板:舞台灯光照明用的薄而透明的滤光板美国传统〔glassine〕A nearly transparent, resilient glazed paper resistant to the passage of air and grease.玻璃纸:一种近乎透明的,有弹性的光滑料纸,不透气和抗油脂美国传统〔glaze〕A transparent coating applied to the surface of a painting to modify the color tones.透明色料:涂在油画表层用来调色的透明颜料美国传统〔glaze〕A coating of colored, opaque, or transparent material applied to ceramics before firing.釉料:烧制陶器前附在陶器表面上的一层着色的、不透明或透明的材料美国传统〔heterocyst〕A large, thick-walled, transparent cell that occurs at intervals along the filaments of certain cyanobacteria.异型细胞:间歇地沿某些藻真菌的花丝出现的大型、细胞壁厚的透明细胞美国传统〔hiddenite〕A transparent emerald-green variety of spodumene, used as a gemstone.翠绿锂浑石:一种透明的黄色到绿色的锂辉石,是一种宝石美国传统〔hornbook〕An early primer consisting of a single page protected by a transparent sheet of horn, formerly used in teaching children to read.角帖书:一种早期初级读物,即为一张盖有透明角片作为保护的书页,以前供儿童认字用美国传统〔hyacinth〕A reddish or cinnamon-colored variety of transparent zircon, used as a gemstone.红锆石:一种红色或带褐色的透明锆石,可用作宝石美国传统〔hyaline〕Something that is translucent or transparent.透明或半透明的物质美国传统〔hyaloid〕Glassy or transparent in appearance; hyaline.玻璃样的,透明的:看起来象玻璃的或透明的;玻璃般的美国传统〔hydrophane〕An opal that is almost opaque when dry but transparent when wet.水蛋白石:一种蛋白石,干燥时几乎不透明,但湿时透明美国传统〔illusion〕A fine transparent cloth, used for dresses or trimmings.绢网,薄纱:用于衣服或装饰的透明的高质量的布美国传统〔imaginative〕The architects have made imaginative use of glass and transparent plastic.建筑师们别出心裁地使用了玻璃和透明塑料。剑桥高阶〔insubstantial〕Her limbs were insubstantial, almost transparent.她的四肢非常纤弱, 几乎是透明的。外研社新世纪〔insubstantial〕Her limbs were insubstantial, almost transparent.她的四肢非常纤细,几乎是透明的。柯林斯高阶〔interleave with〕The picture book was interleaved with transparent paper.这本画册页间夹有透明衬纸21世纪英汉〔isinglass〕A transparent, almost pure gelatin prepared from the air bladder of the sturgeon and certain other fishes and used as an adhesive and a clarifying agent.鱼胶;牛皮胶:一种从鲟鱼或其它鱼类的鳔中提取的透明,几乎纯净的明胶,用作粘合剂或净化剂美国传统〔isinglass〕Mica in thin, transparent sheets.薄白云母片:薄且透明的白云母片美国传统〔jelly〕Frogs' eggs are covered in a sort of transparent jelly.青蛙卵上覆盖着一种透明的胶状物。剑桥高阶〔lantern〕An often portable case with transparent or translucent sides for holding and protecting a light.提灯:一种可经常携带的装置,带有透明或半透明的侧面以装入和保护灯美国传统〔leptocephalus〕One of the small, flat, transparent larvae of eels and certain other fishes, characterized by a long, narrow head.叶鳗:鳗鲡和其他某些鱼短小、扁平且透明的幼仔,其特征是头狭长美国传统〔lie〕The testimony was a pack of transparent lies.这一证词是一派显而易见的谎言。英汉大词典〔membrane〕The cornea is the transparent membrane that covers the front of the eye.角膜是覆盖在眼球前部的透明膜。剑桥高阶〔number〕He's rather transparent. I have his number.他为人透明,我是非常了解他的。英汉大词典〔oilpaper〕Paper that is soaked in oil to make it transparent and water-resistant.油纸:用油浸过从而透明且防水的纸美国传统〔opaque〕Impenetrable by light; neither transparent nor translucent.不透光的:不能被光线穿透的;既不透明也不是半透明的美国传统〔optical fiber〕A flexible optically transparent fiber, usually made of glass or plastic, through which light can be transmitted by successive internal reflections.光学纤维:一种有弹性的而且视觉透明的纤维,通常由玻璃或塑料制成,通过内部连续的反射可以传递光线美国传统〔orb〕One of a series of concentric transparent spheres thought by ancient and medieval astronomers to revolve about Earth and carry the celestial bodies.透明天球层:古代和中世纪天文学家想象的、围绕地球并承载着天体的一系列透明天球之一美国传统〔organdy〕A stiff transparent fabric of cotton or silk, used for trim, curtains, and light apparel.蝉翼纱:一种硬挺的、由棉或丝制成的、透明的纺织品,用来加边、做窗帘或做灯罩美国传统〔overlay〕A transparent sheet containing graphic matter, such as labels or colored areas, placed on illustrative matter to be incorporated into it.透明塑料膜:含有一些绘画痕迹(如标签、色块)的透明膜,置于解说性的印刷品上以将其印于膜上美国传统〔peekaboo〕Made of a sheer or transparent fabric.用透明薄织物制的美国传统〔radome〕A domelike shell transparent to radio-frequency radiation, used to house a radar antenna.雷达天线罩:有顶构造,可以让无线电频率辐射穿过,用于隐蔽雷达天线美国传统〔rhabdom〕A transparent rod in the center of each ommatidium in the compound eye of an arthropod.感杆束:在节足动物复眼中的每个小眼中心处的透明棒体美国传统〔rock crystal〕Colorless, transparent quartz, used in optical instruments and as a semiprecious gemstone.水晶:用于制造光学仪器及用作价格一般的宝石的无色透明石英美国传统〔sandwich〕A layer of transparent material is sandwiched between the pieces of glass.一层透明材料夹在玻璃中间。朗文当代〔schlieren〕Regions of a transparent medium, as of a flowing gas, that are visible because their densities are different from that of the bulk of the medium.纹影法:透明的媒介区域,如可以看见流动的气体,因为它们的密度不同于媒介主体的密度美国传统〔scrim〕A transparent fabric used as a drop in the theater to create special effects of lights or atmosphere.纱幕,薄纱:在电影院里为了创造出特殊的灯光效果或气氛用于作活动垂幕的透明织物美国传统〔see-through〕Transparent.透明的美国传统〔semitransparent〕Partially transparent.半透明的:部分透明的美国传统〔sleet〕Precipitation consisting of generally transparent frozen or partially frozen raindrops.冻雨:以冻结或部分冻结的通常透明的雨滴构成的降水美国传统〔slide〕An image on a transparent base for projection on a screen.幻灯片:透明的底片上的形象,用于在屏幕上投影美国传统〔sneezeguard〕A transparent panel or canopy mounted above a salad bar or food counter as a sanitary barrier.食物遮盖板:透明的遮盖板或是顶篷,装设在自助色拉台或是食物台上方以利卫生考虑美国传统〔spar〕A nonmetallic, readily cleavable, translucent or transparent light-colored mineral with a shiny luster, such as feldspar.晶石:一种随时可分裂的淡色非金属矿石,呈透明或半透明状,有闪亮的光泽,例如长石美国传统〔speculum〕A transparent spot in the wings of some butterflies or moths.透明斑:某些蝴蝶或蛾子翅膀上的透明斑点美国传统〔sphere〕Any of a series of concentric, transparent, revolving globes that together were once thought to contain the moon, sun, planets, and stars.一系列同心旋转的透明球体之一,合起来曾被认为包括月亮、太阳、行星及恒星美国传统〔strip ... away〕He carefully stripped away the transparent paper and took out a valuable stamp.他小心地剥去透明纸,拿出了一张名贵的邮票。21世纪英汉〔tanzanite〕A transparent variety of zoisite, used as a gem.坦桑黝帘石:一种透明的黝帘石,被用作一种宝石美国传统〔tiffany〕A thin, transparent gauze of silk or cotton muslin.丝纱罗:一种用丝或棉花织成的薄而透明的纱布美国传统〔toenail〕The thin, horny, transparent plate covering the upper surface of the end of a toe.趾甲:一个覆盖一个脚趾末端的上部表面透明的角质薄片美国传统〔trace〕To copy by following lines seen through a sheet of transparent paper.描摹:通过描绘透过透明纸张的线条进行复制美国传统〔tracing〕A reproduction made by superimposing a transparent sheet and copying the lines of the original on it.描摹、映写:用一张透明纸张覆盖并在其上描画原来的线条而制成的复制品美国传统〔transparency〕A transparent object, especially a photographic slide that is viewed by light shining through it from behind or by projection. 透明物:一个透明物体,尤指那种通过用光从后背照射或投影的方式来观看的幻灯照片美国传统〔transparently〕He thought he could fool people with transparent deceptions.他以为他能用那些可以一眼看穿的鬼把戏愚弄人。柯林斯高阶〔transparently〕I looked at his thin face with its almost transparent skin.我看着他清瘦的脸,脸上肌肤几近透明。柯林斯高阶〔transparently〕The company has to make its accounts and operations as transparent as possible.公司必须使其账目与运作尽可能地清晰透明。柯林斯高阶〔transparently〕We are now striving hard to establish a transparent parliamentary democracy… 我们现在正努力建立明晰的议会民主制。柯林斯高阶〔transparent〕Citizens are asking for a more transparent democratic government.市民要求有一个更为透明的民主政府。麦克米伦高阶〔transparent〕Diamond is the only material transparent to infrared.钻石是只有红外线才能穿透的材料。英汉大词典〔transparent〕Glass is transparent.玻璃是透明的。英汉大词典〔transparent〕Grow the bulbs in a transparent plastic box, so the children can see the roots growing.把球茎种在透明的塑料盒里,这样孩子们就能看到根的生长。剑桥高阶〔transparent〕He could see the transparent bias.他能看出这一目了然的偏见。英汉大词典〔transparent〕He made transparent excuses to avoid the topic of politics.他明显使用借口来避免谈论政治话题。英汉大词典〔transparent〕He thought he could fool people with transparent deceptions.他曾以为他能用那些拙劣的骗人把戏愚弄人。外研社新世纪〔transparent〕Her eyelids were blue and almost transparent.她的眼睑呈蓝色,几乎是透明的。牛津搭配〔transparent〕Her silk dress is almost transparent.她的绸衣(薄得)几乎是透明的。英汉大词典〔transparent〕I think we should try to make the instructions more transparent.我觉得我们应该尽可能使指令更清楚易懂些。剑桥高阶〔transparent〕It was transparent that she was irritated.显然她是生气了。英汉大词典〔transparent〕She preferred light, transparent underwear.她爱穿轻薄透明的内衣。英汉大词典〔transparent〕The insect's wings are almost transparent.这昆虫的翅膀几乎是透明的。牛津高阶〔transparent〕The way the system works will be transparent to the user.用户会很容易掌握这个系统的工作方式。朗文当代〔transparent〕Their motives were transparent.他们的动机显而易见。韦氏高阶〔transparent〕They are so thin that they are quite transparent.它们薄得透明。牛津搭配〔transparent〕We are committed to being totally transparent about our charges.我们致力于让收费完全透明。剑桥高阶〔transparent〕We are now striving hard to establish a transparent parliamentary democracy.我们现在正在努力建立公开透明的议会民主。外研社新世纪〔varnish〕A paint containing a solvent and an oxidizing or evaporating binder, used to coat a surface with a hard, glossy, transparent film.清漆,罩光漆:一种颜料,含有溶解剂和氧化或脱水的粘合剂,用于把表面涂成坚硬的,有光泽的透明的膜美国传统〔window envelope〕An envelope with a transparent panel that reveals the address on the enclosure.开窗信封:一种带有显示附件上地址的透明纸窗的信封美国传统〔window〕The transparent panel on a window envelope.在开窗信封上的透明纸窗美国传统〔windshield〕A framed pane of usually curved glass or other transparent shielding located in front of the occupants of a vehicle to protect them from the wind.挡风玻璃:通常弯曲的一种带框的玻璃或其他透明屏蔽物,置于汽车车主位置之前以防风美国传统Candle wax becomes transparent when it is liquefied.蜡烛油液化后变得透明。剑桥国际Candle wax is opaque when it is solid, but it becomes transparent when it melts.烛蜡在固体状态时是不透明的,而当它熔化后就变得透明了。剑桥国际He is a man of transparent sincerity. 他是一个坦率诚恳的人。译典通Her mother disapproves of her wearing transparent underwear. 她母亲不赞成她穿透明的内衣。译典通I like her transparent style of writing. 我喜欢她明晰的文体。译典通I'm preparing some overheads (= transparent sheets) for my presentation at the sales conference next week.我正为下星期的销售会议上的发言准备些投影片。剑桥国际It was transparent that her pride was hurt. 很显然,她的自尊心受到了伤害。译典通Set honey is firm and cloudy, and runny honey is a thick transparent liquid.蜂蜡是几乎不透明的固体,而蜂蜜则是透明的粘稠液体。剑桥国际The architects have made imaginative use of glass and transparent plastic.建筑师们有创意地使用了玻璃和透明塑料。剑桥国际The children copied the map using tracing paper (= thin transparent paper which you use for copying a picture by drawing over its lines through the paper).孩子们用描图纸复制了这份地图。剑桥国际The company's strategy needs to be clear and transparent to shareholders.公司的策略应让股东清楚易懂。牛津商务The cornea is the transparent membrane that covers the front of the eye.角膜是覆盖在眼球前部的透明的膜。剑桥国际The plants are in a transparent plastic box, so the children can see the roots growing.植物在一个透明的塑料盒里,所以孩子们能够看到根的生长。剑桥国际The plastic capsule was transparent all the way round. 那个塑胶小盒通体透明。译典通We saw the filo being made, rolled out, then pulled gently, getting thinner and thinner until almost transparent.我们看着制点心的生面皮被做出来,展开,轻轻地抻薄,越来越薄,直至几乎透明。剑桥国际




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